The First Annual Banderas Bay Red Cross Golf Tournament will be held on March 5, 2011 at Flamingos Golf Course in Nuevo Vallarta. We are pleased to invite 120 players (30 teams of 4 players) to participate in this prestigious tournament.

Tournament Information:
PARTICIPANTS: All amateur golfers, men and women, are welcome to participate in this fun tournament to raise funds for the Banderas Bay Red Cross.
DONATION: $2000 Pesos ($160 USD) per player.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: When the limit of 120 players (30 teams) is reached, or when the first blow of a player takes place.
7 am - Teams and players registration
9 am - Shotgun Start. Please be at your output table with your team at 8:45 am.
2:30 pm - Flamingos Golf, Awards, Toast, Lunch
GAME FORMAT: The tournament will be played in the "Scramble" or "A GO-GO" 4 ball format. All players hit their tee shot and choose the most advantageous to the team. The second shot for the four players will be done from the site chosen. This same process will continue until they get one ball in the hole and record the result on the team's scorecard.
RULES: The tournament will be played by the rules of the USGA, FMG, and local rules indicated in the scorecard. The Rules Committee will be responsible for enforcing the regulations. The committee decisions are final.
SCORE CARD: The designated captain of each team will be responsible for recording the team's score hole by hole. The tournament committee will be responsible for the sum of the scores. The scorecards must be delivered to the designated table immediately after finishing the game with the signatures of all the team players.
PACE OF PLAY: It is the responsibility of each player not to delay the field. The head of field marshal will give warnings to players of slow teams. If a team receives 3 warnings, they will be penalized with 2 punishment strokes.
TIES: The team whose combined blows of the last 9 holes (from 10 to 18) are the lowest will be the winner. If there is a tie, the first 9 blows will be added (from 1 to 9), there will be a tiebreaker hole by hole starting from 18 to 1.
SHOES: The requirement of the field is golf shoes with soft spikes and golf clothing.
TEES: Gentlemen white markings and women and children under 12 years of age from the red marks.
TROPHIES: There will be trophies for the first three places.
CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Prizes in species will be awarded to the winners of the first O 'yes of each assigned hole.
HOLE IN ONE: The first player to make a Hole-in-One on the designated hole will win a 2011 TOYOTA Avanza. The first player to make a Hole-in-One at the designated hole will win a 2010 FOUR WINNS 222 SL boat.
LONGEST and MOST ACCURATE DRIVE TOURNAMENT: There will be a prize in the designated hole for the longest drive that lands in the first cut of the fairway. There will a prize for ladies and one for gentlemen. In the same hole with the same shot there will be a prize for the drive closer to the centerline of the fairway, the shot can only count for one of the prizes. No player may take the two prizes (long and accurate.)
PARTICIPANTS: The tournament committee has the right to reject any applicant for registration without further liability to return the money from the register. In case of disqualification the registration amount will not be refunded. Additionally, the tournament committee has the right to make changes at any time during or before the tournament.
The rules committee will resolve any issue or dispute concerning the application of golf rules during the course of the tournament. All decisions are final. All recommendations, notes or conditions of the awards will be given during the registration process and will be placed somewhere visible from the clubhouse.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Will be responsible for all decisions affecting the organization of the tournament and the decisions according to Golf. All decisions will be irrefutable.
For more information, or to register your team for the First Annual Banderas Bay Red Cross Golf Tournament, contact Francisco Salazar at (322) 226-8190 ext. 124 or fsalazar(at)