Puerto Vallarta business owners banded together in late October 2010 to produce a series of videos showcasing the area's city, culture, environment and lifestyles.
The successful and far-reaching promotion culminates in March 2011 with welcoming everyone to Puerto Vallarta. There are interviews with long-time residents, people that have been vacationing in the city for over 30 years and everyone in between.
According to many international publications, websites, and blogs including US News and World Report, AARP, Orbitz, USA Today, and Trip Advisor, Puerto Vallarta is the best place to vacation, retire and start a new life.
Locals share their passionate opinions in the Simply Puerto Vallarta Finale. This includes their favorite reasons for living in or making Puerto Vallarta their vacation destination year after year. Many site the fabulous climate, the geographic location, the beautiful topography, but mostly they praise the warm and wonderful people of the city as their favorite aspect of Puerto Vallarta life.
This non-traditional PR effort showcases a strong and vibrant community. The ability for businesses to adapt during rough economic times and to put the media message in their own hands. Most are looking for innovative ways to promote themselves on the internet and they felt Simply Puerto Vallarta was a great way to share their city with the world.
Whether you are dreaming about a vacation, planning your retirement, starting a new chapter in your life or just looking to escape winter weather for several months, Puerto Vallarta and the Bay of Banderas offers many opportunities.
Video Producer's Note: Thank you for enjoying the series. Unfortunately this is the last video of its kind. New sponsors are needed. Interested in viewing more positive stories? Contact Laura via email, VallartaDiva(at)Gmail.com.

Simply Puerto Vallarta is a multi-media promotion campaign that highlights the richness and diversity of Mexico's premier coastal tourist town. Unlike traditional PR efforts, the video series was designed to put the media message back into the hands of those it most affects - area residents.

Click HERE for more Simply Puerto Vallarta videos.