Puerto Vallarta, Mexico — Superman, Spiderman, Batman – they are whom many consider heroes. But it’s firefighters and lifeguards who come to our rescue and save the lives of our loved ones by battling fires and risking their lives every day. All in all, they are the real-life heroes.
Proceeds, which totaled over $120,000 pesos, from the PV Heroes 2011 Calendar will be earmarked for special training this June here in Puerto Vallarta coordinated by world-class trainers José Palacios Aguilar from the University of Coruna Spain and Brandon Avalos Diego from the Lifeguard Corps of Argentina.
The two-week advanced training session will allow for ISO 9000 certification to bring our firefighters and lifeguards to the next level in continuing education. In addition to this training, funds are also set aside to send four officers to an advanced training seminar in San Luis Potosi sponsored by the Association of Mexican Fire Chiefs. Finally, plans are also being finalized to bring in instructors from Monterrey to conduct Hazardous Materials Training.
”The most important part of my job is ensuring the safety and security of the people I represent, and that means helping provide our first responders with the tools and training they need to protect us,” said Hiram Fernández Abundis, Puerto Vallarta Fire Department Chief. “This world-class training will help ensure Puerto Vallarta and surrounding town firefighters are prepared, no matter what type of emergency occurs.”
Sponsors of the inaugural calendar included Andale Restaurant & Bar, Andales on the Bay, Apache’s Martini Bar & Bistro, Coffee Cup, Nacho Daddy Restaurant and Bar, PVRPV,Timothy Real Estate,Tropicasa Realty and Victor's Bar & Grill.
Committee members included Gary Green, Tim Longpré, Margaret Souder, Bert Ramirez, Cindy DuChateau-Ramirez, Julie Guerrero, Miguel Velazquez, Alma Salgado and James Myers. Special thanks to Josef Kandoll W Photography, John McCloud, John Stewart, Mayor Salvador González Reséndiz, Jorge Alejandro García Rojas, Patronato de Bomberos de Puerto Vallarta, US Consular Agent Kelly Trainor and the 90 men and women that proudly serve the Puerto Vallarta Fire Department.
For additional information, visit BomberosCalendar.com.