««« Click HERE for Recent Movies '300' Takes Top Spot at Box Office With $70 Million
 The ancient battle of Thermopylae was the stuff of 2007's first certified blockbuster as the bloody action tale "300" debuted with ticket sales of $70 million over its opening weekend, according to studio estimates Sunday.
Three Amigos and a Mexican Wave
Saibal Chatterjee
 On Academy Awards night, Mexico, a country that produces no more than 50-odd films a year, had as many nominations as Britain – 16. Surprising? Not for those that have been tracking the recent trajectory of the careers of three Mexican émigrés – Alfonso Cuaron; Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu; and Guillermo del Toro.
"Bucharest" Wins at Mexico Film Fest
John Hecht
 The Romanian comedy "12:08 East of Bucharest" and the homegrown documentary "Born Without" took top honors at the fourth edition of the Mexico City International Contemporary Film Festival, one of the country's top movie showcases.
Mexican Filmmaking Gains Acclaim in Hollywood
Laurence Iliff
 Even before the first statue was presented at Sunday night's Academy Awards, Mexicans had a lump of pride in their throats as three movies directed by their countrymen enjoyed a record 16 nominations, including seven for best-picture nominee "Babel." The three amigos, as the directors have been dubbed, are hotter than habaneros from the Yucatan peninsula.
Filmmaker Shows Jesus 'Relics'
Christine Kearney
 "Titanic" director James Cameron presented Monday what he said was evidence the tomb of Jesus had been uncovered, but some scholars dismissed it as a publicity stunt. The Oscar-winning filmmaker and a team of scholars showed two stone ossuaries, or bone boxes, that he said might have once contained the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Violent Thriller "Departed" Blows Away Oscars Competition
Rob Woollard
 With his sixth nomination, Martin Scorsese finally has an Oscar for best director. And with it came a best picture win Sunday for one of his signature crime dramas, The Departed. The film was the night's leader, taking four trophies.
“Racist” Apocalypto Opens In Latin America
Allan Wall
 “Apocalypto” is, above all, an action movie. Although historical fiction in an exotic locale, it still follows the basic canons of an action movie, and the jungle chase scene is a cinematic tour de force.
A Film Star in Kampala, Conjuring Amin’s Ghost
Jeffrey Gettleman
 On Saturday, none other than Forest Whitaker, a leading contender for best actor, parted a crowd of paparazzi in front of a chic hotel here in Uganda’s capital, and then strutted down a stretch of genuine red carpet for the official opening of “The Last King of Scotland.”
'Bordertown' Shown at Berlin Film Fest
Geir Moulson
 Jennifer Lopez brought "Bordertown," in which she plays a reporter trying to solve multiple killings of women in a Mexican border city, to the Berlin film festival and said the role had been a life-changing experience.
Human Rights Honor for Jennifer Lopez
Associated Press
 Jennifer Lopez has been honored by Amnesty International for producing and starring in "Bordertown," a new film examining the murders of women in a Mexican border city.
Mexico's Murdered Women Find a Voice in 'Bordertown'
Reed Johnson
 When they began shooting "Bordertown," the new Jennifer Lopez film about the hundreds of murdered women of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, director Gregory Nava and executive producer Barbara Martinez Jitner expected that their movie would stir up strong reactions.
Mexican Directors Share Successes
Mike Nugent
 Perhaps this year's biggest cinema story, and my favorite, is the three Mexican directors — Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Guillermo del Toro — who have been dubbed the "three amigos."
Jennifer Lopez to Get Human Rights Award
Associated Press
 Jennifer Lopez will receive an award for her work as producer and star of a film examining the murders of hundreds of women in a Mexican border town, Amnesty International officials said Friday.
Mexican Actors Luna, Garcia Promote Documentary Film Festival
Associated Press
 Mexican actors Diego Luna and Gael Garcia appeared together Monday in Mexico City to promote a traveling documentary festival that will tour the nation from Feb. 2 to March 29, local media reported.
'Apocalypto' Opens in Mexico
Michael O'Boyle
 Fox expects Mel Gibson's Mayan adventure 'Apocalypto' to hit No. 1 when it opens in Mexico this weekend. It has stirred up some local controversy, with Mexican academics and indigenous rights activists criticizing the film's historical accuracy and saying Gibson's portrayal of the Mayans is an overly barbaric stereotype.
Mexico's Sweet Film Success Inspires Sundance
Mary Milliken
 Even before they heard their countrymen had garnered a dozen or so Academy Award nominations on Tuesday, the Mexican contingent at this year's Sundance Film Festival was brimming with confidence.
Former Vice President "Thrilled" by Oscar Nominations
Beth Fouhy
 An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's film on the perils of global warming, scored two Oscar nominations today - for best documentary feature and best original song.
Mexico Enjoys Record Year for Oscar Nominations
Anahi Rama
 Mexican filmakers have burst onto the Hollywood scene like never before, winning more than a dozen Oscar nominations on Tuesday for movies like "Babel" and "Pan's Labyrinth."
Arriaga´s Latest Film Vies for Award at Sundance
El Universal
 Author and screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga says that his novel "El Búfalo de la Noche" ("The Night Buffalo"), is more often understood by younger people, and he expects the same for its film adaptation.
Gibson Hits Back at Press Attacks in Mexico
 Mel Gibson fought to contain his anger when he faced a barrage of criticism over his movie Apocalypto at its Mexico City premiere on Monday.
Midstream Switch Gives 'Romantico' a Deeper Message
Mary F. Pols
 For anyone who has had their spirits lifted by the music of a wandering mariachi band, without having given much thought to the players (and let's be honest, if you've had a margarita in the Mission, this probably describes you), 'Romantico' should prove enlightening.
Hitler Comedy Number One at German Box Office
 A comedy about Hitler by a Jewish filmmaker rocketed to the top of the German box office charts in its first week in the cinemas, the country's biggest movie theater chain has said.
Maya Culpa? 'Apocalypto' Reaches Latin America
Mark Stevenson
 Mayan Indians were having mixed reactions to Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" prior to Monday's screening of the movie in Mexico City after viewing bootleg copies of the bloody, pre-Columbian epic set in a Mexican jungle.
Breathtaking Bandidas
Bruce Kirkland
 Considering all the crap that Hollywood spews, it is surprising that the romp Bandidas never got full distribution and had to wait for this week's straight-to-DVD release.
Dark Fantasies of a Mexican Auteur
Bruce Newman
 Del Toro's current film is about a life-changing encounter between a magical - but menacing - faun and a little girl, so he expected "El Labertino del Fauno" to be titled "The Faun's Labyrinth" when it opens here Friday. But it isn't.
Boxing has Image Problem, Says "Rocky" Stallone
Catherine Bremer
 Boxing today is suffering from an image problem, "Rocky" star Sylvester Stallone said on Thursday, as he visited Mexico to promote the fictional fighter's return to the ring in a new film sequel.
Garcia Bernal Embraces Mexican Roots
Associated Press
 "Babel" actor Gael Garcia Bernal embraces his Mexican identity, saying it has a liberating effect on his expanding career. "I feel completely free to be whatever," he told the Los Angeles Times.
Searching for Indie America
Jeffrey Gangemi
 In early 2005, husband-and-wife filmmaking team Hanson Hosein and Heather Hughes spent 52 days driving 13,000 miles through 32 states with a video camera. Their mission: to document how mom-and-pop independents were faring, faced with fierce competition from big-box retailers.
Apocalypto Star: Mel's a 'Great Guy'
Nina Burleigh
 Rudy Youngblood, 25, worked pretty hard for his big-screen debut - outrunning a jaguar, jumping off a 15-foot waterfall and mastering the Mayan language – and doing it all with Mel Gibson directing.
Blurring the Line in the Bleak Sands of Iwo Jima
A. O. Scott
 There are certain assumptions that American audiences, perhaps without realizing it, are likely to bring to a movie about World War II. The combat picture has been a Hollywood staple for so long that it can sometimes seem as if every possible story has already been told.
There's No Place Like Hell for the Holidays
John Horn
 As imagined by British novelist P.D. James in "The Children of Men," the very near future isn't a place you'd ever want to visit. Yet as bleak as James' vision might be, it can't compare to the horrors dreamed up by filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón in adapting her novel for the screen.
Praise for Gibson Film, Quandary for Oscar Voters
Sharon Waxman
 With some early reviews lauding the audacity and innovation of Mel Gibson’s bloody Mayan epic, “Apocalypto,” Hollywood’s tight-knit community of Oscar voters may find itself facing a difficult dilemma in the coming weeks: Will they consider the film for an Academy Award?
American Indians Hail 'Apocalypto' Cast
Associated Press
 Mel Gibson's effort to find an indigenous cast for his new movie "Apocalypto," which depicts the end of the Mayan civilization, is drawing praise from American Indian leaders.
Mexican Actor Gael Garcia Bernal Backs Gay-Union Law
 Gael Garcia Bernal, actor Diego Luna and director Alfonso Cuaron were among 51 people who published a half-page open letter in local newspapers supporting the law passed this month by local lawmakers.
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