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Business News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Business News Mexican Consumers Ask for "Full Beauty Services"
 Increased concern about personal appearance is driving strong growth in the Mexican professional beauty channel, revealed a recent study by Diagonal Reports. Salon and spa managers in Mexico stress that consumers not only want to “look beautiful,” but also “to look good - that is, healthy.”
Homex Cranks Out Homes For Young Mexican Couples
Kevin Harlin
 Demand for new homes keeps growing. And low-income families are finding lower-cost prime-rate mortgages. Yes, it's a good time to be in the construction business, but you'll have to look south of the Rio Grande to find this builders' Shangri-La.
Mexican President Outlines Foreign Trade Plans
Presidency of the Republic
 During a speech at the Eighth Assembly of the Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade, President Felipe Calderón said that Mexico has gained preferential access to a billion consumers in 44 countries throughout the world.
Mexican Congress Gets Calderon Bill to Boost Tax Collections
Patrick Harrington & Carlos M. Rodriguez
 Mexico's Congress will begin consideration today of tax legislation proposed by President Felipe Calderon to boost revenue collection and reduce the government's dependence on oil.
Mexicans Used Bogus Company to Import $38 Million in Cocaine, RCMP Says
Sidhartha Banerjee
 Five Mexicans who had visitor status in Canada allegedly smuggled millions of dollars worth of cocaine into the country packed neatly in tubs of frozen mango puree, the RCMP says.
'Go Global' is Great Advice
Alan Caplan
 Canada is still one of the highest taxed jurisdictions in the world and tax planning is a necessary adjunct to investment planning. So today, going global isn't just good advice, it's great advice.
Mexican Bank Plans Big Expansion
Associated Press
 Mexico's second-largest banking group, Grupo Financiero Banamex, a unit of Citigroup Inc., plans to hire about 1,600 people and open about 230 bank branches and consumer finance offices this year, a top company executive said this week.
Micro-Lending Effort in Mexico Helps Poor Families Stay Home
Lourdes Medrano
 Desperate for rent money, Yadira Marquez recently tried to push her husband north of the border illegally in search of higher-paying work. But instead of bidding farewell to the father of her three children, Marquez came across a program that extends small loans to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for a regular bank loan.
Police Arrest Five Men Tied to Fake Credit Card Ring from Mexico
Andres R. Martinez
 Texas police arrested five Mexican citizens this week believed to be part of a fairly sophisticated counterfeiting ring from Veracruz using fake credit cards with real account numbers to make thousands of dollars of purchases all over the Rio Grande Valley.
Peruvian Agency Sues Mexican Telecom
Associated Press
 A Peruvian government agency said Friday it has filed a lawsuit against a Mexican telephone company for allegedly damaging part of a large pre-Incan cemetery while laying fiber-optic cable.
Mexico's Hotel Real Estate Booms
 Foreign investment in the hotel real estate has achieve a 10 time multiple since 2000, as reported in a joint research initiative between Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels and Mexico’s National Trust for Tourism Development.
BBVA: Mexico Outlook
BBVA Bancomer
 The Mexican economy has entered a slowdown that will lead it this year to post a growth rate below its potential. Given the cyclical synchronization of the Mexican economy, the downturn is the result of lower external demand in the United States.
Website Links Lenders With Small Businesses
Simona Siad
 The Kiva website contains hundreds of profiles of entrepreneurs from developing nations – their credit history, personal story, pictures and plan for action. In only two years, nearly 70,000 people have used Kiva to lend money to 11,000 entrepreneurs in transactions totalling $7 million.
Chinese Cars First in Mexico, Then U.S?
 We’ve been hearing stories that Chinese automakers are ready to sell in the US for years, so here goes: A Chinese automaker will begin exporting pickups and sport/utility vehicles to Mexico this year, the first step in an attempt to enter the U.S. market.
A Mexican Revolution
Mary Anastasia O'Grady
 Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim recently moved up to second place from third on the list of the world's wealthiest individuals, and is likely to one day advance to first place. Yet no matter how good his numbers look, there will always be an asterisk next to the Slim name in the record books. I call it the Barry Bonds problem.
The Changing Face of Mexico's Foreign Debt
Frontera NorteSur
 The central Bank of Mexico (Banxico) has issued a report that gives a "yellow light" to the growing trend of unpaid consumer debt. In a report last week, Pascual O'Dogherty, chief analyst for the bank, revealed that the percentage of overdue credit card accounts rose from 3.1 percent in 2005 to 4.6 percent in the first trimester of 2007.
Mexico Expands its Commitment to Sustainable Tourism
Erick Laseca
 Mexico pledges once again its commitment to sustainable tourism by introducing new market-driven, economic opportunities that support conservation and community development.
Ruling Hits 2 Media Giants
Marla Dickerson & Carlos Martinez
 Mexico's Supreme Court on Thursday struck down key provisions of a controversial media law crafted in large part by the nation's two dominant TV broadcasters. The court's action could help pry open Mexico's broadcasting market, one of the least competitive in Latin America.
Cuba Embargo Needs To Go Up In Smoke
Cigar Aficionado
 He just couldn't stop himself. El Gob, a.k.a. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, really likes his Cuban cigars. And he likes them enough that he's willing to risk a $250,000 fine and 10-year prison term to smoke one.
Mexico Markets Fall on Global Interest Rate Fears
 Mexican stocks, bonds and the peso fell sharply on Thursday as global inflation worries fueled concerns over a worldwide rise in interest rates.
Despite Differences, Mexico Comfortable as G5 Emerging Power
Diego Cevallos
 The Mexican government says it feels comfortable forming part of the five countries identified by the world's richest nations as the "emerging powers." However, it has marked differences and even conflicts with China and Brazil, two other members of the so-called Group of Five.
Mexico's Calderon to Consider Court's Media Ruling
 In a rare legal setback for Mexico's dominant business interests, the judges ruled on Tuesday that broadcasters cannot automatically use frequency that is freed by improved technology to launch telecommunications services.
Investors Reassured as Arizona Regulators Act
Gabriela Rico
 At a time when Mexico is aggressively courting American real estate investors, news of an apparent scam in Puerto Peñasco has officials scrambling to assure investors it's safe to buy property in Mexico.
Mexican Lawmakers Expect Tax Proposals in June
Jason Lange
 Mexican President Felipe Calderon is likely to unveil a long-awaited tax reform proposal by the end of this month that might include measures to let states collect more taxes, senior lawmakers said on Monday.
In Mexico, Many Ask: Why Stay?
Jim Landers
 We were talking about Mexicans who migrate to the United States and whether creating jobs at little factories like Mario's would keep the men at home. "If you know anybody who would like to help us with that, let us know!" Mario Rendón said.
Mexican Emigration Versus Economic Development
Allan Wall
 Each year Mexicans in the United States send billions of dollars in remittances back to Mexico. Remittances have become (after petroleum) the second highest legal source of income for Mexico. But are these billions of dollars really helping Mexico?
Corporate Giants Aim to Tap Bottom of the Pyramid
Business Report & Independent Online
 The world's biggest corporations are scrambling to tap a market they have largely ignored for decades - the world's 4 billion poor people.
Mexico's Calderon Seeks More European Investment
Andrea Sosa Cabrios
 Mexico wants to show Europe its potential as a land for investment and to diversify its political and commercial relations 'with areas of interest different from the United States,' Mexican President Felipe Calderon said before embarking on a week-long visit to Europe.
US Presidential Hopeful Alexander Wants $10 Minimum Wage
Peace and Freedom Party
 The Democratic control Congress recently passed a minimum wage increase tied to a Bush-Iraq War spending bill for $120 billion; within the next two years America’s lowest paid wage earners will receive a $2.10 pay increase. Presidential hopeful Stewart A. Alexander says, “It’s not enough.”
Viva Mexico!
Mike Hegedus
 What does a billion dollars look like? Two hundred people in suits and ties and pants suits at the Ventana De Mexico in Tucson Arizona - developers, investors and bankers all coming together for three days for Baja and Sea of Cortes investment summit.
Fox Sells Mexican 'Titanic' Studio
Diane Lindquist
 20th Century Fox has sold the Baja California movie studio that was the filming location for such global blockbusters as “Titanic” and “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.”
Mexico Ruling Could Shake TV
John Lyons
 Mexico's Supreme Court overturned a key provision of a law designed to preserve the dominance of the nation's two television giants, Grupo Televisa SAB and TV Azteca SAB, marking a new willingness by Mexico's government to check the power of corporate dynasties.
Mexican TV Network to Expand in China
Ioan Grillo
 Mexico's Televisa network, known around the world for its soap operas, said Thursday it plans to expand in China, following the lead of taco chains and other Mexican businesses looking for a slice of the Asian nation's market.
Edwards Calls for Probe of Oil Industry
May Wong
 US Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards on Thursday called for a federal investigation into possible antitrust violations by the oil industry and criticized oil companies for raising gas prices.

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