|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico 
««« Click HERE for Recent Republic News Mexico Plans to 'Conquer New Markets' with Tequila
 Mexico plans to conquer new markets for its national drink, tequila, with projections showing that China will be the liquor's No. 2 importer in five years. Mexico exported 70,000 bottles of tequila to China in 2013, after producers of the liquor visited the Asian country.
Mexico Mortgage Brokerage Marks 10 Years of Success
David Schwendeman
 Over the past 10 years, Mexico's leading residential mortgage broker, MEXLend, has closed more loans in more territories than any competitor, past or present. Today, they continue to represent EVERY lending product available in Mexico - for foreigners and nationals.
20 Percent of Mexico’s Mayors Cannot Read or Write
Oscar Rodríguez
 Barbara Botello, president of the National Confederation of Municipalities of Mexico, confirmed that 20% of the country’s mayors cannot read or write and have no experience preparing them for their elected position. She noted that most of them are found in very small towns.
The Blind Find Game in Mexico City Soccer League
Rebecca Blackwell
 As nations from around the globe battle in the World Cup, a more unusual soccer championship has just been decided on a hard court in Mexico's capital. For 18 years, the 'Soccer League for the Blind and Visually Impaired' has traveled to Mexico City to play the popular sport.
Riviera Nayarit Mexico Hosts IX Pacific Alliance Summit
Riviera Nayarit CVB
 Riviera Nayarit is set to welcome the IX Pacific Alliance Summit to be held among the countries of Colombia, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, and Mexico on June 19-20. The meeting will unite dignitaries and leaders from these countries, as well as the international media.
EL TRI World Cup Fever! Watch it! Catch it!
Grace Ramirez
 If Futbol (Soccer) is not your favorite sport to watch, then it very likely soon will be if you are going to be in Mexico during the festivities that surround one of the most televised sporting events in the world: The FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil. The games continue through July 13.
'Jet Ski Border Jumpers' Cruise into US from Mexico
Mary Murray
 Border patrol agents have a hard enough time keeping undocumented immigrants and smugglers from crossing the bridge into Mission Texas through a 96-acre park that lies on the border with Mexico, without having to worry about 'jet ski jumpers' coming across the water below.
International Realtor Convention & Expo in Washington
John K. Glaab
 More than 8,000 Realtors from around the globe assembled recently in Washington DC. They came to attend and participate in the Realtor Party Convention and Trade Expo, formerly known as the Mid Year Meetings. This event is always held in Washington in May.
The 7 Easiest Places To Retire Overseas on a Budget
Suzan Haskins & Dan Prescher
 There are hundreds of wonderful places to retire overseas on a budget, but some are easier to settle in than others. The editors of International Living recently listed their top picks for the best low-cost overseas retirement destinations, and three Mexican towns topped the list!
Naked Cyclists Demand 'Rights for Bikes' in Mexico
 An estimated one thousand naked cyclists took to the streets of Mexico City and hundreds more in Caracas to protest the car culture and demand cyclist rights. The main complaints are a lack of 'rights for bikes' in the chaotic street environments of both cities.
Pemex To Revamp Gas Stations to Ready for Competition
 State owned oil giant Petroleos Mexicanos said it will modernize its 10,900 service stations nationwide as it prepares for competitors to enter the market starting in 2018. Pemex's goal is to offer the highest quality fuel as well as top service to demanding customers.
FATCA Compliance Leaving US Expats in Mexico Stranded
Jeff Berwick
 Due to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act compliance issues for banks worldwide, notices have begun to be sent by Banamex USA, a bank operating in Mexico and used by many American expats in Mexico, to US citizens notifying them that their accounts will be closed within 30 days.
With No Amazon, Wal-Mart Dominates Mexico E-Commerce
Patricia Rey Mallen
 Wal-Mart has found a golden opportunity in Mexico: in only a year, the chain has managed to crack e-commerce, a way of doing business that scarcely existed in the country before: 92% of Mexican online retail purchases are to either Wal-Mart or its subsidiary, Superama.
Tequila: Which Came First, the Drink or the Town?
 The key to Mexico's charm is the food, music, and you guessed it - Tequila. As North America's first distilled drink, and its first commercially-produced alcohol, tequila's history is long and rich. But the question is, which came first? The town or the popular drink?
Youths Facing Deportation From US to be Given Lawyers
Kirk Semple
 The Obama administration said that it is starting a program to provide lawyers for children facing deportation as it scrambles to deal with the soaring number of unaccompanied Central American minors illegally crossing the border into the United States from Mexico.
Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Vacation in Mexico
 After saying 'I do' in a lavish wedding on May 24 in Florence, Italy, and then enjoying a honeymoon in Ireland and Prague, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have continued their post-wedding celebration with a vacation in Punta de Mita, Mexico.
Clowns and Acrobats Protest D.F. Circus Animal Ban
Mark Stevenson
 More than 1,000 acrobats, clowns, and other circus folk marched through downtown Mexico City Tuesday to protest a new ban on animals in circuses. There can be no lions or tigers or bears — not even dogs or horses — in circus rings under a new law passed in the captital city.
4th LGBT International Business Expo in Puerto Vallarta
 The fourth International LGBT Business Expo, presented by LGBT Confex, starts at the Marriott CasaMagna Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa today and runs through June 14. The 3-day expo is for businesses interested in targeting an estimated 6% of the Latin America travel market share.
Report: Mexico Ranks #10 in Global 'Wellness Tourism'
Nelson Alcantara
 Wellness tourism generated $438.6 billion in expenditures, created 11.7 million direct jobs, and contributed an economic impact of $1.3 trillion to the world economy in 2012. Mexico currently ranks #10 in the world for domestic and international wellness tourism expenditures.
Mexico Prepares to Participate in 2014 World Cup
Allan Wall
 The World Cup is held every four years, and every four years hope springs anew in Mexico that the Mexican national team might win. Mexican television runs hours of coverage of the World Cup. It's a big, ongoing story. Mexico has never won a World Cup. But this time could be different!
Peña Nieto May Be Open to Change in Marijuana Laws
Dave Graham
 Political pressure has grown in Mexico to take a more liberal stance on marijuana since Washington and Colorado legalized its possession and sale for recreational use in 2012. On Sunday, Mexico's President hinted that he may be open to changing his country's drug laws.
Pope Francis Accepts Invitation to Visit Mexico
 President Enrique Peña Nieto last Saturday announced that Pope Francis has accepted an invitation to visit Mexico. The President made the announcement after his private meeting with the pontiff in the Apostolic Palace. The dates for the visit are not yet known.

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