|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico 
««« Click HERE for Recent Republic News Mexico's Farmers Rediscover an Ancient Superfood
Anna Bruce
 Amaranth is a plant whose highly nutritious seeds were harvested by Mexico's indigenous people for millennia - until Spanish conquistadors outlawed it due to use in religious rituals. Now known as a superfood, check out the recipe for amaranth cereal bars, called 'Alegria.'
China Wins Bid, Will Build Mexican High-Speed Rail
 A Chinese-led consortium won the contract for a multi-billion dollar high-speed passenger rail link between Mexico City and the central city of Queretaro. The group was the only bidder for the 130-mile line, despite earlier interest from competitors in Canada and Germany.
New Study Shows Mexico Highest in Life Satisfaction
Amanda Macias
 While the wealthy living in advanced economies are happiest with their lives, those living in emerging economies have nearly the same level of satisfaction, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. Mexicans scored the highest in the survey at 79% life satisfaction.
Mexico Has Top 5 Business-Friendly Climate in LatAm
Paul Welitzkin
 According to a study by World Bank Group, Mexico has joined Colombia in the top 5 on the ease of doing business in Latin America, along with Peru, Chile, and Puerto Rico. The study analyzes regulations such as trading across borders, paying taxes, and resolving insolvency.
Diego Luna Films New Movie in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
 Actor-director-producer Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon, The Color Purple) and Maya Rudolph (Bridesmaids) will star in Diego Luna's English-language 'Mr. Pig,' a road movie set in Mexico, which has just gone into production in Puerto Vallarta and other municipalities in the state of Jalisco.
Hurricane Vance Nudges Toward Mexico's Pacific Coast
Ricardo Acero
 The Mexican states of Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Jalisco should be on alert for impacts from Hurricane Vance on Tuesday. Although expected to weaken before landfall, Vance may still bring high winds, flooding rain, mudslides, pounding surf, and rip currents.
US, Mexico Could Help CentAm Realize Economic Growth
Dave Graham
 In an effort to stem the flow of immigrants traveling through Mexico to the get to the United States, Central American leaders have proposed a plan for their neighbors to the north to help them improve energy supply and infrastructure in the impoverished and violent region.
Mexico Signs Multi-National Accord Against Tax Evasion
 Mexico is one of 51 nations which signed an accord charging them all with the automatic exchange of tax information. The pact will end banking secrecy by committing nations to exchange information on a range of assets including offshore accounts and beneficial ownership.
Ancient Tunnel in Mexico Could Lead to Royal Tombs
Mark Prigg
 Archaeologists say a sacred tunnel discovered in the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan is filled with 50,000 ritual objects and may lead to royal tombs. The artifacts inside the tunnel, located some 30 miles from Mexico City, include stone sculptures, jewelry, and shells.
Forced Cremation Threatens Day of the Dead Traditions
Associated Press
 Mexico City is rapidly running out of gravesites. Many residents are forced to exhume the remains of their loved ones once the burial rights expire, to make room for new bodies. Critics say this threatens the long and rich traditions of burying and celebrating the dead.
Oxxo's Store Debit Cards are New Option for Mexicans
Wall Street Journal
 Mexican convenience store Oxxo reports that their new 'Saldazo' bank card is a huge success, opening a financial option for the many Mexicans who don't use banks. Over one million of the cards were issued in the past 10 months, for a rate of about 100,000 cards a month.
Many Mexicans Suffer Without Access to Palliative Care
Human Rights Watch
 Thousands of Mexicans with terminal illnesses suffer from severe pain and other symptoms because they cannot access adequate end-of-life care. Mexico's health law grants people with terminal illness a right to palliative care, but the service is not available in many states.
24 Countries to Compete in 47th Edition of 'Baja 1000'
 The 2014 Baja 1000 off-road race through Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, will showcase competitors from more than 20 countries. The competition features modified cars, trucks, ATVs, and motorcycles racing across 1250 miles of rugged desert and coastal landscapes.
'Un-Honda-Like' Problems Plague New Plant in Mexico
Neal E. Boudette
 Honda's journey into Mexico has left it with a bout of indigestion. The automaker's new $800 million plant in Celaya has been struggling to meet demand amid problems caused by a green labor force, language barriers, and a rail system prone to delays and occasional thefts.
Lions Rescued from Mexico Taken to Colorado Sanctuary
PR News Wire
 Recently, 11 animals, including African lions and other large carnivores, were transferred from Mexico to a 720 acre refuge located in Colorado known as 'The Wild Animal Sanctuary,' a facility for exotic animals that have been confiscated from illegal or abusive situations.
Nestle's New 'Cero Agua' Dairy Factory in Jalisco
 Nestle has opened its most water efficient factory in the world in Mexico, in a move that the company plans to replicate in other factories globally. Through new processes that deliver significant efficiencies, the company will move towards being a zero-water factory.
Mexico Joins Efforts to Combat African Ebola Outbreak
 Mexico is joining the international effort to combat the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus by making a financial contribution towards equipping the contingent of doctors and healthcare workers Cuba has sent to West Africa to fight the spread of the disease.
Japan's Importers to Refuse Bluefin Tuna From Mexico?
The Japan Times
 At the meeting of the 'Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission' scheduled to take place in Calif. today, participating countries are set to discuss Tokyo’s proposal to cut catch limits of juvenile bluefin tuna - weighing less than 66 pounds - in the eastern Pacific by half.
Daylight Savings Time Ends in Mexico October 26th
Banderas News Team
 There's just a couple of days left before we get that opportunity for an extra hour's sleep in the morning. That's right, daylight saving time 2014 officially ends for most of Mexico at 2 am on Sunday, October 26th - this weekend! Be sure to set your clock back 1 hour Saturday night.
Dorilocos: The New Snack Craze on Mexico's Streets
Nick Miroff
 Perhaps it was only a matter of time before someone gazed upon a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos, a product boasting no fewer than 27 ingredients, and thought: these need more. And that appears to be how 'Dorilocos,' the red-hot snack food craze, began sweeping Mexico’s streets.

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