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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News Microsoft's Foiling of Botnet Gets Mixed Response
 Security experts are split over the effectiveness of Microsoft's efforts to shut down a network of PCs that could send 1.5 billion spam messages a day.
EU: Change Google Street View
 EU data protection authorities have urged U.S. Internet search giant Google to shorten the period it stores images from its controversial Street View web service because of privacy concerns.
Global Treaty May Make Your ISP Spy on You
Paul Marks
 Documents from talks on a secret global copyright deal have leaked online, various sources are reporting. The documents discussed are said to confirm that internet service providers could be compelled to constantly sift through their customers' data looking for copyright transgressions.
So We Finally Get the Electronic Vote... What Next?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 Most articles that have been published in electronic voting and related subjects, describe how the electronic vote operates, the methodology that will be used, the electoral software, the physical tools and the way in which it will be presented to the media etc. etc. To this date there does not seem to be a question on what follows after or together with the electronic vote.
Claim Your Google Maps Listing... and More
 Have you claimed your listing in Google Maps and made sure the information it displays is accurate? If not, you need to do it now – even if you don’t have a website yet. This step is vital. Why? You reach millions of internet users, quickly and for free.
75,000 Computer Systems Hacked in One of Largest Cyber Attacks
Ellen Nakashima
 More than 75,000 computer systems at nearly 2,500 companies in the United States and around the world have been hacked in what appears to be one of the largest and most sophisticated attacks by cyber criminals discovered to date, according to a northern Virginia security firm.
Mexican Moguls to Face Off in Wireless Industry
Noel Randewich
 Two of Mexico's most powerful businessmen are set for a new round of head-to-head competition as the country's television and telephone industries converge following years of lackluster competition.
France Leapfrogs Past Australia in Big Brother Stakes
John Ozimek
 France yesterday put in its bid for an unlikely prize, becoming the first western country to make even Australia look liberal when it comes to state powers of internet censorship.
Wine Express Even Drinks It For You
Ed Schwartz
 I am amazed at the proliferation of wine websites. And, because I am considered a wine writer by some and a wine buyer by others, I get several emails a day. No samples, but a lot of words. I have mixed feeling about all this virtual stuff. But, one can teach an old dog new tricks.
US Creates Task Force to Crack Down on IP Crime
 The US Justice Department announced the formation of a task force to crack down on intellectual property crime.
How Much Does it Cost a Social Network for a Political Candidate in Mexico?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 Elections will come up soon and the first networks will be created in 2010 and later on for the presidential election in 2012. The question here is "how much" actually costs a computer social network for a Mexican presidential candidate.
Colorado Cops Get First ID Eye-Scanners
Dave Young
 Arapahoe County will become the first law enforcement agency in Colorado to begin identifying criminals, missing children and seniors using biometric analysis of the human iris.
Bolivia to Create Space Program, Launch Satellite
Associated Press
 Bolivia says it has created a space agency to build and launch the poor South American country's first satellite.
Migration: Lost in the Desert? There's an App for That
Enrique Gili
 Over the past two decades, Ricardo Dominguez has made a career for himself tweaking the sensibilities of government officials and developing software tools meant to disrupt the status quo. Presently, he leads a team at the University of California at San Diego that is designing a mobile application to assist migrants attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
Robots as Art
Associated Press
 In a concrete chamber beneath central London, a host of obscure-looking machines are whirring to life, electronic eyes are trembling and winking, and a set of colored circles are pulsing to the beat of a human heart.
Google to Enlist NSA for 'Cybersecurity'
Ellen Nakashima
 The world's largest Internet search company and the world's most powerful electronic surveillance organization are teaming up in the name of cybersecurity.
Internet Voting, Still in Beta
Guillermo Ramon Adames Suari
 Go explain to the average citizen that the government can collect your tax payments via secure electronic connections. But when it comes to dismiss a government official the electronic procedure is "still in Beta".
A Gringo Guide to Phones in Mexico
Mark de Leon
 Although many come to the Banderas Bay area with a foreign Cell phone, or VoIP, this article covers domestic services. Whether you're using the telephone services provided by Telmex, Telcel, Movistar, Iusacel or Nextel, here's what you should know when making phone calls inside or outside of Mexico.
A New Era in 'Earth-Friendly' Refrigeration Comes to Banderas Bay
Max Toledo
 A new era in 'earth-friendly' refrigeration comes to Banderas Bay with the launch of a new company, Refrigerante Naturales del Pacifico. Now you can cool your Puerto Vallarta area home or business with sustainable natural refrigerants, while saving up to 30% in energy costs.
Mexico Becomes a Leader in Science
The News
 Mexico has been named a member of the executive committee of the InterAcademy Panel on International Issues (IAP), one official said Tuesday.
Now In Space: The Internet
 In a high tech first - really, really high - astronauts in space finally have Internet access.
Televisa to Boost Broadband Speed in Internet Race
Cyntia Barrera Diaz
 Cablevision, the cable unit of media giant Televisa, will boost its broadband speed, following the lead of rival Telmex, owned by tycoon Carlos Slim, as competition in the telecom market heats up.
"Spellcasters": The Hunt for the "Buy-Button" in Your Brain
World Business Academy
 Guard your reptilian brain. Corporations and politicians are trying to tap into it to use the latest brain research and sales techniques to influence your buying and voting patterns.
The Age of the Killer Robot is No Longer a Sci-Fi Fantasy
Johann Hari
 In the dark, in the silence, in a blink, the age of the autonomous killer robot has arrived. It is happening. They are deployed. And – at their current rate of acceleration – they will become the dominant method of war for rich countries in the 21st century
How Will 4.2 Billion New Users Transform the Internet?
Robert J. Hansen
 Think about the cultural sea-change that has happened online since 1993, and then think about this: There are still about 4.2 billion users left to join.
Battlefield Google: Firewall China
 As we’re all well aware, Google threatened to stop providing service to China unless the government relaxed its censorship stance following a cyber attack that targeted the e-mail accounts of Chinese human rights activists and originated within China’s borders
Counterfeit Internet Drugs Pose Significant Risks and Discourage Vital Health Checks
Annette Whibley
 Men who buy fake internet drugs for erection problems can face significant risks from potentially hazardous contents and bypassing healthcare systems could leave associated problems like diabetes and high blood pressure undiagnosed.
Coke Scores With First Viral Video
Karlene Lukovitz
 Within a week of going live on YouTube, Coca-Cola's new "Happiness Machine" video - the brand's first global video produced exclusively for viral distribution, with no use in TV ads - has already racked up more than 645,000 views.
Geocaching Near Puerto Vallarta
 Geocaching is a high-tech version of the treasure hunt, using a hand held GPS to find hidden containers (caches) in interesting places all around the world. Of the almost 1 million caches hidden worldwide, around 20 are located between Tepic and a point south of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
How To Kill A Mouse
Aaron Broverman
 You’re hearing the pitter-patter of little feet, and last time you checked your girlfriend wasn’t expecting. This can only mean one thing: You’ve got a mouse; and where there’s one mouse there’s bound to be more.
Founders of Google Make Their Decision
Michael Liedtke
 Google Inc. co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have always said they put their principles before profit, even to the point of using their control of the company to take a stand.
FBI Nabs Cybercrime Suspects in Mexico
Scott Gordon
 A Texas couple accused of running an elaborate cybercrime that stole more than $15 million from telecommunication companies including AT&T and Verizon was arrested in Mexico, the FBI announced Friday.
U.N.’s World Health Organization Wants Tax on Internet
George Russell
 The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online.

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