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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News September News - Morrelli & Melvin Yacht Design, Yacht Engineering
Morrelli & Melvin Design & Engineering
 Yacht designers, Morrelli & Melvin Design & Engineering, create a wide range of racing, cruising, and commercial yachts. Our engineering has been part of the winning 2010 and 1988 America's Cup yachts, Round the World and Transatlantic records, numerous World and Continental championships, and multiple industry awards.
Social Network for Boaters and Blue Water Cruisers Offers a Lifeline in a Maze of Forums and Blogs
 A new social network give boaters and blue water cruisers a way to share their adventures with family, friends, and a whole slew of dreamers in ways that are not currently being offered.
Vallarta is Alive with Color!
 The CVB of Puerto Vallarta is betting on the Internet for 2011. The city's official website is being redesigned and developed by Mijo! Brands, incorporating elements of interaction, multimedia and social media in an impressive display of design, cutting edge programming and vibrant colors.
Mexico: Broadband, Mobile Services Become Mainstays of Growth
Sean Buckley
 Driven by the growth of fixed VoIP, broadband Internet and mobile data, Pyramid Research forecasts that Mexico's telecom market will increase 4.4 percent from $22.9 billion in 2009 to $23.9 billion in 2010. By 2015, the market will expand at a CAGR of 7.9 percent to generate $24.9 billion.
Are You Utilizing Social Marketing in Your Business?
William Michael
 Social Marketing is the wave of the future and there is no better time than now to grow your business and your exposure and income. Vallarta Escapes is sponsoring a FREE one Hour Social Marketing presentation on September 23rd at the Centro Empresarial COPARMEX Vallarta.
Dove World, Terry Jones Site Pulled Down by Web Hosting Company
Matthew Shaer
 The homepage of the Dove World Outreach Center, home to the Rev. Terry Jones, was taken offline today. Web-hosting company Rackspace says Jones and Dove World violated its acceptable use policy.
Prehistoric Creatures Star in 'World's Largest Puppet Show'
Katherine Tulich
 Lead puppeteer Kara Klein is "dino-checking" her ankylosaurus. From a podium at the rear of the Honda Center in Anaheim, she is getting her 12-foot-tall, 34-foot-long dinosaur to move its head, tail and even gently nudge one of the technicians on the floor all by manipulating a small metal claw contraption dubbed the "voodoo rig."
What’s New Between the Social Networks?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 This article will not deal with the danger/security implicit or indirect of your operations in the social networks. It deals with what is done by the administrators of the social networks and their links between them.
@FelipeCalderon: A President Who Uses Twitter
Suzanne Stephens Waller
 The Presidency reports that the account used by President Felipe Calderón to participate in the Twitter social network has been changed to @FelipeCalderon as of today.
Alyn Waage Facing the Music in Canada
Tony Blais
 An Edmonton fraudster jailed in the U.S. for masterminding a multi-million-dollar Internet investment scam is now back home to face the music for a local big-money fraud.
Craigslist Shuts Down Adult Services Section
Fox News
 Craigslist has apparently closed the adult services section of its website, two weeks after 17 state attorneys general demanded it shut down the section.
NAACP, Left-Leaning Media Groups Form Tea Party Tracking Site
 A new website sponsored by the NAACP and left-leaning media operations is seeking videographers and bloggers who will search out "racism" and "extremism" among Tea Partiers.
Mexico's Drug War Goes Online
Thane Burnett
 As authorities revel this week over a victory in the ongoing anti-narcotics campaign — the highly publicized capture of alleged kingpin Edgar ‘La Barbie’ Villarreal — many Mexicans are turning to the ‘Narcotube’ for inside information.
Mexico to Go Digital By 2015
Agence France-Presse
 Mexico will change from analog to digital television by 2015 to promote competition and help convergence with telephone and Internet services, President Felipe Calderon said Thursday.
Report: Older Users Flocking to Facebook, Twitter
Doug Gross
 While younger people are the majority on social-media sites, the number of users over 50 is the fastest growing, a survey says.
US Congress May Sneak Through Internet ‘Kill Switch’ in Defense Bill
 A federal cybersecurity bill that critics say creates a presidential "kill switch" for the Internet could be added on to a defense spending bill and passed without much debate, technology news sources report.
Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites
Miguel Helft & Tanzina Vega
 The shoes that Julie Matlin recently saw on Zappos.com were kind of cute, or so she thought. But Ms. Matlin wasn’t ready to buy and left the site. Then the shoes started to follow her everywhere she went online.
Body Scanners in Courtroom, on Street, Continue to Raise Privacy Concerns
Yana Kunichoff
 Despite previous assurances by federal agencies that images from body scanners were not saved or recorded, fears of indiscriminate scanner use rise as the US Marshal Service admits that it stored more than 35,000 body scan images collected from a security checkpoint.
Google 'Call Phone' Feature in Gmail Lets You Make Calls Direct From Your Email
Daily Mail UK
 Users of Gmail in the US will now be able to make phone calls from their mail account for free for the rest of the year.
Video: How Technological Advancements Are Changing the World
 Fantastic video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman, remixed.
Mexico's Women Pulling Out of the Technological Gap
Emilio Godoy
 During a panel on "Empowerment of young women by means of the innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)", delegates of a number of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) shared their experiences this week.
Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
Andy Greenberg
 As the privacy controversy around full-body security scans begins to simmer, it’s worth noting that courthouses and airport security checkpoints aren’t the only places where backscatter x-ray vision is being deployed. The same technology, capable of seeing through clothes and walls, has also been rolling out on U.S. streets.
America's New Right to Track Your Every Move With GPS
Adam Cohen
 Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway - and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.
Hacker’s Arrest Offers Glimpse Into Crime in Russia
Andrew E. Kramer
 On the Internet, he was known as BadB, a disembodied criminal flitting from one server to another selling stolen credit card numbers despite being pursued by the United States Secret Service. A video on the website of the hacker known as BadB promotes credit card fraud. He was arrested this month in France.
Countries Want Anti-Counterfeit Trade Deal in Sept
Doug Palmer
 Negotiators from the United States, the European Union and nine other countries said on Friday they planned to finish work in September on a proposed pact to crack down on trade in counterfeit and pirated goods.
Lawsuit: Disney, Others Spied on Children’s Web Surfing Habits
Daniel Tencer
 A class-action lawsuit filed in a federal court last week alleges that Disney and other large corporations spied on visitors to their Web sites using "Flash cookies" installed on users' browsers.
Google CEO Schmidt: No Anonymity Is The Future Of Web
Ms. Smith
 Schmidt's message at the Techonomy Conference was that anonymity is a dangerous thing and governments will demand an end to it.
Google, Verizon Say No ‘Net Neutrality’ for Wireless
Agence France-Presse
 Google and US telecom titan Verizon proposed a legal framework to safeguard "net neutrality" but said the rules should not apply to wireless broadband Internet connections.
Stephen Hawking: Abandon the Earth
 Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has some advice for the people of Earth - it's time to get off. "I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space," Hawking said to Big Think, a global forum that includes interviews with experts.
GAO: Border Security Technology Program ‘Has Not Produced Expected Results’
Edwin Mora
 The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) technology program aimed at securing the border and reducing the number of undocumented immigrants is “in a constant state of flux” and “has not produced expected results,” according to a government audit.
Avoiding a Large Phone Bill When Traveling
David A. Kelly
 The proliferation of smartphones and the increased use of data have made it easier than ever to rack up huge communications bills while traveling overseas, even on a short trip.
1st.Co Internet Marketing Awarded Prestigious Domain for .CO Founders Program
1st.Co Internet Marketing
 1st.Co Internet Marketing was chosen by CO Internet S.A.S to receive and market 1st.Co, a spectacular, brand specific, tier one domain.
Internet Chat Program Gives Young Mexican Wrestler a Chance for Her Dreams!
 How many of you like to use chat programs only to find out many are totally out of control? Here is your opportunity to enjoy and join what we feel is the best chat program in the world offering text chat, voice chat, video chat, and a secured environment that you have always looked for in a chat program.
Learning a Language From an Expert, on the Web
Peter Wayner
 The Internet, with its unparalleled ability to connect people throughout the world, is changing the way that many people learn languages. There is no still way to avoid the hard slog through vocabulary lists and grammar rules, but the books, tapes and even CDs of yesteryear are being replaced by email, video chats and social networks.

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