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Patraeus Choice is Popular
Deb Riechmann
 America’s Afghan and international allies embraced the choice of Gen. David Petraeus to run the war in Afghanistan, hoping the architect of the Iraq surge will seamlessly pursue the strategy laid down by his predecessor and smooth over divisions that led to his dismissal.
Gore Named in Sex Scandal
Steven Dubois
 Portland police say they investigated allegations that former Vice President Al Gore had “unwanted sexual contact” with a massage therapist during an October 2006 visit, but they found insufficient evidence to support the woman’s claims
Oil Spill Drenches Obama’s Approval Rating
Jeremy Pelofsky & Tom Bergin
 The Gulf of Mexico oil spill piled pressure on Barack Obama on Thursday as the hurricane season closed in and voters angry at his crisis management hammered the president in a poll rating.
BP Oil Leak Setback: "Top Hat" Removed, Oil Flow Continues
McClatchy Newspapers
 Workers pulled the "top hat" device collecting crude oil from BP's gushing Deepwater Horizon well Wednesday morning in a major setback to efforts to contain the leak.
Mexican Drug Cartel Threatens to Harm U.S. Police Officers Who Bust Drug Shipments While Off-Duty
Sean Alfano
 Mexican cartels added a new twist to the drug war this week by threatening to kill U.S. cops who seize their goods. Nogales, Ariz., Police Chief Jeffrey Kirkham said his officers received threats a couple weeks ago after off-duty police busted a pot smuggling ring.
Jamaican Drug Lord in Custody
FOX News
 Christopher 'Coke' Dudus nabbed after month-long manhunt.
Latin America Celebrates
 Fans in Uruguay celebrate a World Cup win over Mexico while Mexican fans celebrate that they are still in the game.
Alleged Son of Legion's Priest-Founder Sues Order
Rachel Zoll
 A Mexican man said Monday he is the son of the founder of a once-influential Roman Catholic religious order, and accused his father of repeatedly molesting him. In a lawsuit, Jose Raul Gonzalez, 30, accused the late Rev. Marcial Maciel of abuse beginning at age 7.
Mexico Asks Court to Reject Ariz. Immigration Law
Paul Davenport
 Mexico is asking a federal court in Arizona to declare the state's new immigration law unconstitutional. Lawyers for Mexico on Tuesday submitted a legal brief in support of a lawsuit challenging the law.
Gulf Rig Owner Criticizes Obama's Drilling Halt
Robert Barr & Jane Wardell
 The owner of the offshore rig involved in the massive Gulf oil spill sharply criticized the U.S. government's six-month ban on deepwater drilling Tuesday.
Right Wins Big in Colombia
The Real News Network
 Forrest Hylton: Defense minister linked to 'False Positives' murders becomes president.
BP Gulf Spill Costs Hit $2 Billion, No End Yet
Associated Press
 BP has spent $2 billion in two months of fighting its Gulf of Mexico oil spill and compensating victims, with no end in sight to the disaster or the price tag.
World's Biggest Drugs 'Super Cartel' Smashed by US Authorities in Colombia
Andrew Hough
 The world’s biggest drugs and money laundering "super cartel" in Colombia has been smashed by the American government, officials said.
Obama's Weekly Address: Republicans Blocking Progress
The White House Blog
 The President calls on Republicans in Congress to put scoring political points aside, and instead to focus on solving the problems facing the nation.
California Primary Election Results - Riverside County Will Not Count 12,563 Votes
Stewart A. Alexander
 According to The Press Enterprise, “Activists, union and community officials in Riverside County said Wednesday, they’ll fight to have electioneers count 12,563 ballots left at a post office and deemed ineligible.”
Uh Oh: Arizona Guv Pissed Over Hillary’s Comments
Amanda Lee Myers
 Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Thursday she’s angry over comments by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that the Obama administration will sue the state over its new immigration law.
World Cup Final Score: Mexico 2, France 0
 France gambled and lost. Literally. Mexican substitute Javier Hernandez beat France's attempted offside trap and calmly converted a breakaway in the 64th minute to put Mexico ahead and 37-year-old veteran Cuauhtemoc Blanco converted a penalty in the 79th minute to give Mexico a 2-0 win over France in Polokwane.
US Knew Afghan Bonanza in '07
The Real News Network
 The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.
Security Worries Overshadow U.S.-Mexico Park Plan
John Burnett
 After more than 70 years, a project to create an international peace park between Texas and Mexico is slowly moving forward. Last month, Presidents Obama and Calderon signed a joint statement pledging both countries' interest in protecting cross-border wild lands. But worries over border security overshadow the project.
Obama: BP Agrees to Pay
 U.S. President Obama said that BP agreed to a $20 billion fund to cover damages from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Reuters' Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
66% of US Voters are Angry at the Media
Rasmussen Reports
 Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33% who are Very Angry.
In Oval Office Speech, Obama Calls for New Focus on Energy Policy
Helene Cooper & Jackie Calmes
 President Obama summoned Americans on Tuesday to a “national mission” to move away from reliance on oil and develop alternative sources of energy, casting the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as an imperative for Congress to act quickly to overcome “a lack of political courage and candor.”
Cuba Denounces US Criticism on Human Trafficking
Paul Haven
 Cuba reacted angrily Tuesday to its inclusion on a U.S. list of countries that could be sanctioned for failing to fight human and child trafficking, calling it a "shameful slander" and part of Washington's efforts to justify its trade embargo.
Why Does Cuba Fear Miami?
The Real News Network
 Cuba5 Pt2: City where terrorists walk free, the gov't pays journalists, and bad trials are good politics.
Central American Food Security Further Undermined by Climate Disasters
Edgardo Ayala
 Adverse climatic conditions and weather-related disasters are damaging crops in El Salvador and neighbouring countries in Central America, aggravating the food vulnerability that the region already faces.
What Could $1 Trillion in Mineral Wealth Mean for Afghanistan?
Tom A. Peter
 US and Afghan officials claim to have discovered more than $1 trillion in untapped copper, iron, and lithium deposits in Afghanistan, enough to significantly bolster the future development of the war ravaged country.
Media Took Gov't Cash During Trial of 'Cuban 5'
The Real News Network
 Ten years later, evidence that conviction of 'Cuban 5' influenced by journalists on State Dept payroll.
Pentagon 'Hunting Wikileaks Founder Over Iraq Video'
Telegraph UK
 The Pentagon is trying to establish the whereabouts of the founder of Wikileaks, the whistle-blowing website, as it tries to stop the publication of classified documents it says could damage US national security.
Oil Spill Estimates Go Higher and Higher
Noel Brinkerhoff
 Days after the Deepwater Horizon exploded and sunk, the first official estimate of the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico was 200 barrels a day. It then changed to 1,000 barrels, and then 5,000. Now, scientists are talking about 20,000 barrels a day, or 30,000, or 40,000, or even 50,000.
FBI Opens Civil Rights Probe into Border Shooting
Christopher Sherman & Olivia Torres
 The FBI has opened a civil rights probe against a Border Patrol agent who shot and killed a 15-year-old Mexican boy at the boundary with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, a U.S. official told The Associated Press.
El Paso "Cat and Mouse" Turns Fatal
Dennis Bernstein & Jesse Strauss
 Last Monday, the daily confrontation between U.S. border patrol and so-called “illegal aliens” swiftly turned deadly, ending with a 14-year-old junior high student, from Juarez, being shot through the eye and killed.
Louisiana Cops Probe Oil Spill Workers for Immigrant Gangsters
Brentin Mock
 A local sheriff has set up checkpoints and called federal agents to BP’s cleanup sites because he says “illegal aliens” are building “criminal enterprises” - just like they did after Katrina.
Obama Takes a Hard Line Against Leaks to Press
Scott Shane
 The recent indictment of Mr. Thomas A. Drake is the latest evidence that the Obama administration is proving more aggressive than the Bush administration in seeking to punish unauthorized leaks.
Afghanistan: The News Is Bad
Jim Lobe
 While U.S. officials insist they are making progress in reversing the momentum built up by the Taliban insurgency over the last several years, the latest news from Afghanistan suggests the opposite may be closer to the truth.
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