News Around the Americas 
US Senate to Extend Deadline for Border IDs
 The US Senate voted Wednesday to delay for 17 months a requirement that Americans re-entering the US after cruises or short visits to Canada and Mexico show passports or high-tech identification cards. more »»»
Seeking to Control Borders, Bush Turns to Big Military Contractors
Eric Lipton
 The quick fix may involve sending in the National Guard. But to really patch up the broken border, President Bush is preparing to turn to a familiar administration partner: the nation's giant military contractors. more »»»
US Senate Votes for Mexico Border Fence
Antonio Rodriguez
 Senators took a swipe at illegal immigration, ordering construction of a fence along hundreds of kilometers of the US-Mexico border, even as Hispanic activists pressed for immediate immigration reform. more »»»
US Senate Vote Gives Immigration Bill Steam
Suzanne Gamboa
 The Senate voted Wednesday to exclude illegal immigrants convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors from a chance at remaining in the United States under what critics say is an amnesty program. more »»»
Immigrants Set to Rally in Washington, Press Congress for Reform
Antonio Rodriguez
 Thousands are set to rally in the US capital Wednesday to press Congress for immigration reform, just days after President George W. Bush ordered National Guard soldiers to help seal the border with Mexico. more »»»
Canadians Fear Fallout from Mexico Rules
Doug Struck
 Every 4.7 seconds, on average, a cargo truck rumbles across the border from Canada to the United States. More than 6,000 passenger cars cross to the United States every hour. Inspectors on both sides wave through nearly 70 million visitors a year. more »»»
Bush Bans Arms Sales to Chávez
Ewen MacAskill & Duncan Campbell
 The US finally reacted to goading by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, by slapping a full arms ban on the country last night, claiming it had failed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. more »»»
Border States more Bitter than Sweet on Troop Plan
Mary Milliken
 President George W. Bush's plan to put troops on the U.S.-Mexico border to stem illegal migrants met mixed reactions in stressed border states - from support in Arizona to skepticism in California and New Mexico to outrage among Hispanic activists. more »»»
Castro Denies Forbes Report on His Wealth
Vanessa Arrington
 Cuban President Fidel Castro denounced a Forbes magazine report naming him one of the world's wealthiest rulers, putting in a special television appearance to rebut the story he called "rubbish." more »»»
Bush Orders Up to 6,000 National Guard Troops to US-Mexico Border
 President George W. Bush ordered up to 6,000 National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border, citing an "urgent" need to stem the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into the United States. more »»»
Death Toll Passes 70 in Brazil's Wave of Violence
Stan Lehman
 An unprecedented wave of attacks by a notorious drug gang in South America's largest city, São Paulo, entered into its fourth day on Monday, with reports of at least 20 more killings that raised the death toll to more than 70. more »»»
Absentee Ballots Going Out to Mexicans Living Abroad
Norma de la Vega
 The July 2 presidential election is the first in which Mexicans living abroad will be able to vote. Nearly 41,000 Mexicans registered from 80 countries, though most are in the United States. more »»»
Bush to Deploy Guard at Border
Peter Baker
 President Bush tried to ease the worries of his Mexican counterpart yesterday as he prepared for a nationally televised address tonight unveiling a plan to send thousands of National Guard troops to help seal the nation's southern border against illegal immigrants. more »»»
Bush Sees US National Guard as Stopgap on Mexico Border
Susan Cornwell
 The White House said on Sunday it was considering sending National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border only in a supportive role as a stopgap measure, but the idea got a mixed reception on Capitol Hill. more »»»
US Pentagon Considers Sending Troops to Border
Will Dunham
 The Pentagon has begun drawing up plans to send troops and equipment to the United States border with Mexico, where hundreds of thousands of migrants enter the country illegally each year, a defense official said on Friday. more »»»
Vintage US Cars Keep Chugging in Cuba but Face Threat
Nelson Acosta
 "All aboard for Capitolio, via Linea!" cries a jitney cab driver looking to fill his shiny black 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster. Eight passengers pack into the car fitted with an extra row of seats, arms hanging out of open windows. The motor roars to life, and the vehicle chugs off in a cloud of black fumes. more »»»
U.S. May Expand Fences on Mexico Border
Jacques Billeaud
 Much of this dusty city along the border is separated from Mexico by a fence consisting of 12-foot vertical metal bars, spaced inches apart to prevent illegal immigrants from squeezing through. more »»»
Data on US Phone Calls Monitored
Barton Gellman & Arshad Mohammed
 The Bush administration has secretly been collecting the domestic telephone records of millions of U.S. households and businesses, assembling gargantuan databases and attempting to sift through them for clues about terrorist threats, according to sources. more »»»
Arizona Posse to Round Up Illegal Immigrants
Amanda Lee Myers
 A 250-member posse that will operate similarly to the anti-smuggler task force will patrol Maricopa County for illegal immigrants who pay smugglers to cross through Arizona, the busiest illegal entry point along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border. more »»»
Behavior Guide Aims at Demise of "the Ugly American"
Bernd Debusmann
 Alarmed by the relentless rise of anti-Americanism around the world, a business-backed group is trying to change the behavior that spawned an enduring stereotype of Americans abroad - loud, arrogant, ill-dressed, ill-mannered and lacking respect for other cultures. more »»»
Mexico Wins Election to New 47-Member UN Rights Council
Wilbert Torre
 Mexico on Tuesday won a seat on the United Nations´ new, 47-member Human Rights Council, making it one of eight Latin American countries represented in the body. more »»»
U.S. Alerting Mexico to Minuteman Patrols
 The U.S. Border Patrol is tipping off Mexican authorities on the positions of members of the Minuteman civilian patrols. U.S. officials have agreed to the notification process to reassure the Mexican government that the illegal immigrants' rights are being observed. more »»»
Bush Presidency Floundering
ABC News
 Things are looking worse and worse for President Bush who said after he was re-elected in 2004 that he had political capital and intended to spend it. According to a new Gallup/USA Today poll, that capital is dwindling. His disapproval rating is 65 percent, just a point away from President Nixon's days before his resignation in 1974. more »»»
Bolivia Nationalization Further Sidelines US
Saul Hudson
 By nationalizing Bolivia's energy industry, President Evo Morales lived up to a pledge to be Washington's nightmare and highlighted waning U.S. influence in Latin America. more »»»
Americans Hold Differing Views on Immigration
Angus Reid
 Many adults in the United States think undocumented workers can have a positive effect on their country, according to a poll by SurveyUSA. 71 per cent of respondents believe illegal immigrants are hard working, and only 26 per cent say they contribute nothing to American society. more »»»
Bush Urges Immigrants to Learn English
 President George W. Bush urged immigrants to the United States to master English in order to "better understand our national character and participate fully in American life." more »»»
Illegal Immigrants Have Kids Smuggled In
Olga R. Rodriguez
 Alejandro is one of a rising number of children trying to sneak into the United States without their parents. Some hide in cars or try to pass themselves off as U.S. citizens, while others ride inner tubes across the Rio Grande or trek through the harsh Arizona desert. more »»»
U.S. Defends Rights Record Before U.N. Panel in Geneva
Tom Wright
 American officials appeared before an international legal panel on Friday to argue that in its fight against terrorism, the US had not violated its treaty obligations to prevent the torture of prisoners. more »»»
Network of 'Hugo's Friends' Links Politics from Mexico to Brazil
Duncan Campbell
 The "Chávez effect", which started when Hugo Chávez was elected as Venezuelan president in 1998, has made waves across the continent, with the "pink tide" now lapping as far as Mexico to the north and Brazil to the south. more »»»
Mexican Officials Say Drug Bill Misinterpreted by U.S.
Danna Harman
 Mexican President Vicente Fox said he wants lawmakers to clarify language in a controversial bill that would drop criminal penalties for small amounts of drugs, but his office this week denied that he did so under U.S. pressure. more »»»
Conservatives Drive Bush's Approval Down
Ron Fournier
 Angry conservatives are driving the approval ratings of President Bush and the GOP-led Congress to dismal new lows, according to an AP-Ipsos poll that underscores why Republicans fear an Election Day massacre. more »»»
UN Grills US on Torture Ban
Associated Press
 The U.N. was grilling the United States on its compliance with the global ban on torture Friday for the first time since Washington declared war on terrorists, focusing on allegations of secret CIA prisons and flights transferring suspects for possible torture in other countries. more »»»
US Media Outlets Weigh Importance of Mexican Drug Legalization Story
 It's hard to come across this headline and not be a little taken aback: "Mexico To Legalize Cocaine, Heroin Use." That's right – according to yesterday's stories, "Mexican President Vicente Fox will sign into law a measure that decriminalizes the possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs for personal use." more »»»
Hill Impasse Spurs States to Tackle Illegal Immigration
T.R. Reid
 State legislatures around the US are considering hundreds of proposals dealing with illegal immigration, reflecting the exasperation of many local officials with Congress's failure to contend with the millions of undocumented workers who have entered the nation in recent years. more »»»
Step 1 in Bolivian Takeover: Audit of Foreign Companies
Juan Forero
 Bolivian authorities said Wednesday that they planned to scour the financial records of foreign energy companies and they threatened explicitly for the first time to seize company assets if new contracts giving the state greater control could not be negotiated. more »»»
Arizona Calls for Crackdown on Immigrants
David Schwartz
 Lawmakers in Arizona, a fast-growing border state that is the biggest U.S. entry point for illegal immigrants, called for a crackdown on undocumented workers this week, as millions nationwide protested to demand new rights and respect for foreign residents. more »»»
Administration is Singing More than One Tune on Spanish Version of Anthem
Peter Baker
 President Bush declared last week that the national anthem should be sung in English not Spanish, but he evidently never told his own government or campaign organizations. more »»»
Latin American Leaders to Meet Urgently on Bolivan Gas Nationalisation
 Bolivia's new president Evo Morales is due to hold an emergency meeting on Thursday with the leaders of Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela following his sudden decision to nationalize his country's vast natural gas industry. more »»»
Migrants, Border Patrol Fear Deadliest Summer Yet for Border Crossers
Julie Watson
 As temperatures rise, the U.S. Border Patrol and aid groups are gearing up for what they fear could be one of the deadliest summers for migrants sneaking into the United States. more »»»
36 US House Reps Want Bush Impeachment Probe
Matthew Cardinale
 36 US House Representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush's impeachment, Atlanta Progressive News has learned. more »»»
Immigrants Demonstrate Peaceful Power
Anna Gorman, Marjorie Miller & Mitchell Landsberg
 Feeling power in their numbers, hundreds of thousands of people marched peacefully, even joyously, through the streets of Los Angeles on Monday as part of a nationwide demonstration of economic and political clout by immigrants - legal and illegal. more »»»
Leftist Leaders Reject US Trade Plan
Associated Press
 Bolivia's new left-leaning president signed a pact with Cuba and Venezuela on Saturday that rejects U.S.-backed free trade and promises a socialist version of regional commerce and cooperation. more »»»
U.S. Prepares for 'Day Without Immigrants'
Jon Sarche
 Thousands of illegal immigrants and their allies across the country plan a show of force Monday to illustrate how much immigrants matter in the U.S. economy. Some will skip work, others will protest at lunch breaks, school walkouts or at rallies after work. There are planned church services, candlelight vigils, picnics and human chains. more »»»
Raid Rumors Fuel Fear Among Immigrants
Laura Wides-Munoz
 Thousands of illegal immigrants stayed home this week amid rumors of immigration roundups that federal officials say were unfounded, leaving some industries scrambling for workers. more »»»
Canada's Plans to Soften its Marijuana Laws Go Up in Smoke
 Canada will not decriminalize marijuana use, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said, ending a half decade of legislative efforts to soften penalties for pot smokers. more »»»
Bush Enters Anthem Fight on Language
Jim Rutenberg
 President Bush has never been shy about speaking Spanish in public, and he is known to love all kinds of music: country, folk and even Tex-Mex style rock. But one thing you will not find on his iPod: "Nuestro Himno," the new Spanish version of the national anthem that was released as part of the growing immigrants' rights movement. more »»»
S.D. Officials Worried about Spillover Effect
Tony Manolatos, Anna Cearley & Pauline Repard
 San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders and other local officials were astounded to hear that Mexico is close to legalizing an array of drugs – from marijuana to heroin – for personal use. more »»»
Native Americans Left Out of Anti-Meth Bill
Michael Coleman
 A new federal grant program to fight methamphetamine abuse inadvertently excluded Native American communities from the list of eligible applicants. Sen. Jeff Bingaman is working to fix the mistake. more »»»
Immigrant Boycott Aims to "Close" US Cities
Dan Whitcomb
 Pro-immigration activists say a nationwide boycott and marches planned for May 1 will flood Americas's streets with millions of Latinos to demand amnesty for illegal immigrants and shake the ground under Congress as it tackles reform. more »»»
U.S. Lobbyists Lash Out at Mexican Boycott
Alan Clendenning
 U.S. lobbyists lashed out Wednesday at the Mexican "Nothing Gringo" campaign timed for May 1 to coincide with the "Day Without Immigrants" boycott in the United States. The American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico said organizers are risking a backlash and foolishly targeting some of their best allies. more »»»
US Senate Diverts some Iraq War Money to Tighten Borders and Port Security
Andrew Taylor
 The US Senate voted Wednesday to divert some of the money President Bush requested for the war in Iraq to instead increase security on the nation's borders and provide the Coast Guard with new boats and helicopters. more »»»
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