News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Bush Says Interrogation Methods Aren't Torture
Sheryl Gay Stolberg
 President Bush, reacting to a Congressional uproar over the disclosure of secret Justice Department legal opinions permitting the harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects, defended the methods on Friday, declaring, "This government does not torture people."
Che was the St Francis of Politics: Priest
 Forty years after Ernesto Che Guevara’s death, Brazilian liberation theology pioneer Fray Betto called him a “St. Francis of Politics.”
Border Agents to be Issued Stronger Air Guns
Leslie Berestein
 Border Patrol agents in the agency's San Diego, Yuma and Tucson sectors will soon begin using a more powerful compressed-air gun to fire pepper or ink balls at illegal border crossers during violent confrontations.
Ottawa Open to Talks to Ease Migrant Crisis
Don Lajoie & Doug Schmidt
 The federal government is "taking seriously" the impact on Windsor of the recent influx of Mexican and Haitian refugee claimants and is open to discussions with Mayor Eddie Francis, cabinet ministers Diane Finley and Stockwell Day say in a joint letter to The Star.
$1 Billion Mexico Funding Deal Nears Completion
Gary Martin
 U.S. and Mexican officials are completing negotiations on a major aid package that would send helicopters and law enforcement equipment south of the border to fight narcotics trafficking, officials said Friday.
Survey: Conservatives' Anger With GOP May Be Devastating
Jim Kouri
 A poll of 1,015 conservative activists and donors shows that 77 percent are either seriously disappointed with Republican Congressional leaders or want them replaced.
US Ban Urged on Horses Exported for Slaughter
Cox News Service
 The Humane Society of the United States urged Congress this week to put an end to shipments of American horses to Mexican slaughterhouses, calling the sales "utterly inhumane."
Private Planes Entering US Face Scrutiny
Sean Holstege
 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security wants to start tracking the identities of foreigners scheduled to fly into the United States on private planes.
Toronto Mayor Warns City Can't Handle Refugee Influx
CBC News
 The recent influx of Mexicans into Canada may pose a problem for Toronto's already overcrowded shelter system. The city, says the mayor, just doesn't have the capacity to house any more refugee claimants.
Clinton Pushes for Powerful US Latino Vote
Agence France-Presse
 She doesn't try to speak Spanish but she still gets the cheers she seeks: Hillary Clinton is busily courting Hispanic Americans, whose political muscle could help put her in the White House.
Veteran: 'Fight Me for This Flag'
Reno Gazette-Journal
 A video of a veteran upset about a Mexican flag being flown above an American flag in Reno is popping up on Web sites and prompted a response Wednesday by police on displaying the American flag.
Blackwater Killed More Than Reported
Agence France-Presse
 Seventeen people were killed and 24 injured in the September 16 Baghdad shootout involving security teams from private firm Blackwater USA That death toll is significantly higher than the 10 originally reported in the incident which prompted intense criticism of Blackwater's operations protecting American diplomats and other officials in Iraq.
US Senate OKs $459 Billion Pentagon Budget
Andrew Taylor
 The Senate passed a huge $459 billion budget for the Pentagon Wednesday, after adding almost $4 billion to try to gain control over the U.S. border with Mexico.
Cartels Outrun, Outgun the Law at Ariz. Border
Sean Holstege
 Maj. George Harris watches from a front-row seat the increasingly sophisticated world of Mexican drug cartels as he skims his National Guard helicopter 200 feet above the southern Arizona desert.
Drug Czar Promotes Combined Efforts
Anna Cearley
 Citing figures that indicate a decrease in cocaine supplies in the United States, U.S. drug czar John Walters said yesterday that sustaining the trend requires more collaboration between U.S. agencies and their Mexican counterparts.
Cardinal Mahony Denies Being Warned about Priest
KNX Radio
 Cardinal Roger Mahony has denied that his counterpart in Mexico City warned him that a priest transferred to Los Angeles had been suspected of sexual abuse.
Most in US Poll Want War Funding Cut
Jon Cohen & Dan Balz
 Most Americans oppose fully funding President Bush's $190 billion request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a sizable majority support an expansion of a children's health insurance bill he has promised to veto, putting Bush and many congressional Republicans on the wrong side of public opinion on upcoming foreign and domestic policy battles.
Texas Cities Block Access to Border Land
Juan A. Lozano
 Mayors along the Texas-Mexico border have begun a quiet protest of the federal government's plans to build a fence along the border: They are refusing to give access to their land.
Ottawa Should Help With Refugee Problem: McGuinty
CTV.ca News
 Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is urging Ottawa to help deal with an influx of Mexican and Haitian refugees in the province.
US Is Top Arms Seller to Developing World
Thom Shanker
 The United States maintained its role as the leading supplier of weapons to the developing world in 2006, followed by Russia and Britain, according to a Congressional study released Monday. Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia were the top buyers.
Chertoff Defends Southwest Border Fence
Eileen Sullivan
 Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Monday defended the construction of a fence along the southwest border, saying it's actually better for the environment than what happens when people illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico line.
Passport Becomes Mandatory For Air Travel
Arleene Barrios
 Traveling by plane to Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean and Bermuda will now require U.S. Citizens to show a passport when reentering the United States. The only exception will be for those who left prior to Oct. 1 and will enter the U.S. after Oct. 1.
Americans Consider Global Warming an Urgent Threat
Yale University
 A growing number of Americans consider global warming an important threat that calls for drastic action, and 40% say that a presidential candidate’s position on the issue will strongly influence how they vote, according to a national survey conducted by Yale University, Gallup and the ClearVision Institute.
Vast US Military Base Near Border Relies on Mexican Labor
Agence France-Presse
 In Fort Bliss, Texas, the sprawling US Army base located at the edge of El Paso and skirting the border with Mexico is undergoing a major expansion that heavily relies on Mexicans for its construction.
Dengue Fever Surges in Latin America
Michael Melia
 Dengue fever is spreading across Latin America and the Caribbean in one of the worst outbreaks in decades, causing agonizing joint pain for hundreds of thousands of people and killing nearly 200 so far this year.
'Saint Death' Finding Home in America
Margaret Ramirez
 For decades Santa Muerte has been present in the tough neighborhoods of Mexico City, where prostitutes and drug traffickers worshiped her mostly in secret. But as Mexican immigrants journey north, devotion to Santa Muerte has grown immensely in America's largest urban areas.
In Mexico, US Defends Its 'Virtual' Border Fence
Associated Press
 Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Friday that the United States and Mexico were discussing joint programs to fight drug gangs and organized crime and defended a plan to install "virtual" fences along the border.
Anger Over Border Backups Erupts at U.S.-Mexico Conference
Associated Press
 Massive traffic jams at the U.S.-Mexico border have Mexican governors in the region demanding that Washington address U.S. security concerns without creating border bottlenecks.
Argentina: Gay World Cup Tries to Level the Playing Field
Marcela Valente
 For the first time in its 10-year championship, the gay football World Cup is being held in Latin America, with teams from more than 20 countries hosted by Argentina this week.
Death Penalty? What Death Penalty?
Erik Schelz
 Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson said Thursday he was unaware that a federal judge had ruled last week that lethal injection procedures in his home state were unconstitutional.
At Least 56 Arrests in Nevada Immigration Raids
Scott Sonner
 Federal agents raided 11 McDonald's restaurants in northern Nevada and made dozens of arrests Thursday as part of an investigation into illegal immigration.
US Probe Finds Security Holes at Canada, Mexico Borders
Agence France-Presse
 Congressional investigators looking at unmonitored US borders said Thursday they were able to freely cross into the United States from Canada carrying simulated radioactive material.
Pelosi Criticizes Border Fence
Associated Press
 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called a plan to build fencing along parts of the Mexico border a "terrible idea" that overlooks local communities.
Richardson Deflects Criticism of Campaign Gaffes
Steve Terrell
 One question at Wednesday’s Democratic presidential candidate debate at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire must have seemed like a bad flashback to Gov. Bill Richardson, bringing back bad memories of his much-criticized appearance on Meet the Press last May.
US Judge Knocks Down Part of Patriot Act
 An Oregon judge on Wednesday ruled that two provisions of the Patriot Act violated the U.S. Constitution's protection against unlawful searches and seizures.
US Democrats Can't Make Guarantee on Iraq Troops
Beth Fouhy
 The leading Democratic White House hopefuls conceded Wednesday night they cannot guarantee to pull all U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the end of the next presidential term in 2013.
Border Fails the Test of Undercover U.S. Investigators
CBC News
 Undercover American investigators who snuck duffel bags across the U.S.-Canada border have concluded that a smuggler could easily carry radioactive material or other contraband from one country to the other.
US Congress Debate Begins on North America Union
Jerome R. Corsi
 A House resolution urging President Bush not to go forward with the North American Union or the NAFTA Superhighway system is also a message to both the executive branch and the legislative branch, according to its sponsor Rep. Virgil Goode.
Border War Over Immigration Comes to Midwest
Carey Gillam
 A routine city hall appointment threatens to turn Kansas City into a new front in the U.S. debate over illegal immigration, even though the closest Mexico border crossing is hundreds of miles away.
Handcuffed Mexican Kids Steal US Border Agent Car
 Three Mexican minors detained in California on suspicion of smuggling drugs stole a U.S. Border Patrol car while still wearing handcuffs and drove it back across the border to Mexico.
Border Barter: This Bud's For You
Angela Brandt
 Just as cocaine originates only in South America, the potent marijuana known as “B.C. bud” is grown only in British Columbia. Demand for the two illicit drugs creates a steady crossover at the U.S.-Canadian border.
Napolitano, Mexico to Tackle Meth Problem
Howard Fischer
 A meeting this week of governors from both sides of the international border may provide some new methods of fighting the methamphetamine problem. Gov. Janet Napolitano said new laws in Mexico have altered drug trafficking. Now, she said, the governors have to figure out how to deal with that.
Chile Returns Fujimori to Peru to Face Charges
Simon Romero
 Peruvian police detained a former president, Alberto K. Fujimori, in Santiago, Chile, Saturday and flew him here, opening the way for him to be tried on human rights and corruption charges. The detention followed a ruling on Friday by the Supreme Court of Chile that he could be extradited.
US: Iran Smuggling Weapons to Iraq
Sameer N. Yacoub
 The U.S. military accused Iran on Sunday of smuggling surface-to-air missiles and other advanced weapons into Iraq for use against American troops. The new allegations came as Iraqi leaders condemned the latest U.S. detention of an Iranian in northern Iraq, saying the man was in their country on official business.
Cheney Tried to Provoke Iran-Israel War
Agence France-Presse
 US Vice President Richard Cheney has considered provoking an exchange of military strikes between Iran and Israel in order to give the United States a pretext to attack Iran, Newsweek magazine reported in its Monday issue.
IGFA Ends World Championship Tournaments
Pete Johnson
 After almost a decade since the creation of its two world championship tournaments, the International Game Fish Association will end its direct participation and management of the competitive events concluding with its 2008 events.
Costa Rica Dealt Wild Card in Trade Pact Rift
Marla Dickerson
 Government officials' letter urging dirty tricks to sway voters to back the Central American Free Trade Agreement in Costa Rica could backfire.
Illegals Flocking to Canada on Promise of Legalization
Elysa Batista
 Fast, easy freedom and legality. That’s the promise that has sent hundreds of illegal Mexican immigrants from Southwest Florida running for the Canadian border.
US, Mexican Attorneys General Focus on Meth
Associated Press
 State attorneys general from Mexico and the Western United States agreed Friday to work together against methamphetamine smuggling. Attorneys generals from the states of Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Dakota attended the two-day meeting where the methamphetamine trade dominated conversation.
Chileans Order Peru’s Ex-Chief Home for Trial
Simon Romero
 Chile’s Supreme Court on Friday approved the extradition of Peru’s former president, Alberto K. Fujimori, on charges of human rights abuses and corruption during his time in power in the 1990s.
Bush Claims He's an 'Asset' to GOP
Stephen Collinson
 President George W. Bush insisted on Thursday he will be a "strong asset" for Republicans battling for election in 2008, despite shaky opinion poll ratings born of a tumultuous presidency.
US Democrats Failing to Pass Anti-War Bill
Anne Flaherty
 Democrats are unable to pass legislation that would challenge President Bush on the Iraq war, despite public opinion polls that show the war remains deeply unpopular with voters.
Death Penalty-Cuba: Sentences Uphold De Facto Moratorium
Patricia Grogg
 Military tribunals that have tried serious cases of murder and kidnapping in the last few weeks in Cuba have opted for life sentences or 30-year prison terms instead of the death penalty, which has not been applied in this country in more than four years.
US Spy Chief: 9/11 "Could Have Been Prevented"
Jason Ryan & Theresa Cook
 Six years after the deadliest attack on U.S. soil, the head of U.S. spy operations admitted to lawmakers that "9/11 should have and could have been prevented." Director of National Intelligence, Michael McConnell, told members of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday that "it was an issue of connecting information that was available."
Mexicans Pour Into Canada From US
Sarah Sacheli & Roberta Pennington
 Every single day this month, Mexican nationals who have been living illegally in Florida - some for a dozen years or more - are turning up at the Windsor-Detroit border seeking refugee status.
Mexican Lesson Plans Crossing the Border
Esmeralda Bermudez
 Oregon is counting on a new tool to educate Spanish-speaking students across state schools: Mexico's curriculum. Already in place at three Oregon high schools, the programs aims to use textbooks, a detailed online Web site, DVDs and CDs provided for free by the Mexican government to teach math, science and even U.S. history to Spanish speakers in Oregon.
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