News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Obama Admits Mistakes
Tahman Bradley & Talal Al-Khatib
 In reflecting on the results of Tuesday's primaries in Ohio and Texas, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., admitted in an exclusive interview with ABC News that his campaign has made some mistakes and that his task now is to answer the charges being leveled at him and to remind voters of why he got into the race.
"NAFTAgate" Began With Remark From Harper's Chief of Staff
Alexander Panetta
 If the Prime Minister is seeking the first link in the chain of events that has rocked the U.S. presidential race, he need look no further than his chief of staff, Ian Brodie, The Canadian Press has learned.
Ecuador and Mexico Probe Deaths of Mexicans in Raid
Alonso Soto
 Ecuador and Mexico are investigating whether up to 10 Mexicans, possibly students and professors, died in a weekend air strike that killed a top Colombian rebel leader and sparked a heated diplomatic dispute in the Andean region.
Image of Virgin of Guadalupe on US Tour Among Families
Associated Press
 She has a rock star's following among Mexicans worldwide, and her tour schedule in Waco is booked solid through 2009. But there's no comparing Our Lady of Guadalupe to Mick Jagger or Madonna.
Regional Bloc Criticizes Colombia Raid in Ecuador
Simon Romero
 The Organization of American States approved a resolution on Wednesday declaring the Colombian military raid into Ecuador a violation of sovereignty, in a move aimed at easing a diplomatic crisis in the Andes involving Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Small Bomb Rocks NYC Times Square in Early Morning Hours
Cleveland Leader
 A bomb exploded in New York City's Times Square early this morning, damaging a military recruiting center. Police are now on the hunt for a man seen on a bike wearing a grey hoodie. While authorities remain on full alert, they insist that there is no imminent threat after the 4 a.m. explosion.
Obama Talks Tough; Clinton Basks
David Espo
 Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday that her primary victories in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island had reordered the Democratic presidential race in her favor. A resilient Barack Obama countered with fresh pledges of support from superdelegates and said his lead remained intact.
Laura Bush to Visit Haiti, Mexico
Agence France-Presse
 US First Lady Laura Bush will visit Haiti and Mexico March 13-14 to highlight US assistance to fight HIV/AIDS and breast cancer, and promote education, a White House spokeswoman said Wednesday.
The V.A. Squeezes Vets by Removing Doctors' Non-Medical Opinions
David Lord
 The Veterans I serve often fear the VA and sometimes with just cause and good reason, despite the VA creed of service that is supposedly non-adversarial. Time and again the VA adjudicators serve the bureau of Veterans Affairs - not the Veteran.
Cuban Spy Network to Ramp Up Its Work in US
Agence France-Presse
 Cuba's vast international spy network, considered among the best in the world, will remain intact under the leadership of the new president Raul Castro, intelligence experts say.
Venezuela Mobilizes Forces to Colombia Border
Brian Ellsworth
 Venezuela deployed tanks and air and sea forces toward the Colombian border in its first major military mobilization of the crisis with its neighbor, the OPEC nation's defense minister said on Wednesday.
Vermont Towns Approve Bush "Indictment"
Associated Press
 Voters in two Vermont towns approved measures Tuesday calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for what they consider violations of the Constitution.
Mexican Ex-Drug Boss Released From US Prison
Cyntia Barrera Diaz
 A former Mexican drug cartel boss is free and back in Mexico after being released from a U.S. prison this week, a source at the Mexican Attorney General's office said on Wednesday.
Highlights of Exit Polls
Associated Press
 Highlights of preliminary results from exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks in Tuesday's presidential primaries in Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island and Vermont.
McCain Clinches GOP Presidential Nomination
Michael D. Shear & Peter Slevin
 Sen. John McCain clinched the Republican presidential nomination last night, and immediately castigated his potential Democratic rivals as liberals who lack the experience and wisdom to lead a country facing economic distress at home and engaged in war abroad.
Latin America Scrambles to Defuse Crisis in Andes
Saul Hudson
 Latin America scrambled to defuse a three-nation crisis that threatens the region's stability after Venezuela and Ecuador cut diplomatic ties with Colombia and ordered troops to their neighbor's border.
After Deadly Assault on Guerrillas, Chávez Orders Troops to Colombian Border
Juan Forero
 Calling a Colombian military strike that killed a guerrilla commander "a cowardly assassination," Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez on Sunday closed his country's embassy in Colombia and ordered tanks, planes and thousands of troops to the 1,300-mile border the two countries share.
US Border Patrol Ranks Swell in Fight Against Terror, Illegal Immigration
Nate Carlisle
 Utah's contribution to the border buildup has been proportional to its population, and the state is seen as a habitat for applicants.
NAFTA is Probably Election-Proof
Dudley Althaus
 With both Democratic presidential candidates ripping into the North American Free Trade Agreement, the 14-year-old pact faces doom if one of them moves into the White House next January, right? Probably not.
Obama, Clinton Battle for Hearts of Hispanics
Sean Gordon
 The sagebrush scrubland and sun-blighted arroyos of Starr County, home to more Hispanics per capita than any other county in Texas, have become the scene of an ardent and unlikely political courtship.
Appeals Court Denies Injunction Against Controversial Arizona Law
Nicholas Riccardi
 A federal appeals court last week refused to block a controversial Arizona law that shuts down businesses for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. The action by the three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco clears the way for the statute to be enforced beginning Saturday.
Obama, Clinton Go to War Over War
Stephen Collinson
 Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama fought Saturday over who would keep America safe and prosperous, in a furious political row as the moment of truth in their White House battle loomed.
Night Riders: Border Patrol Agents Take to the Ocean
Dan Simmons
 In three daily shifts at all hours of day and night, year-round, Marine Interdiction agents patrol U.S. waters off San Diego. Their goal: Enforce the liquid border separating the U.S. from Mexico.
Bush Slams Obama on Cuba Policy
Lesley Clark
 In response to a recent debate remark by Democratic front-runner Barack Obama, President Bush said 'now is not the time' for a U.S. president to sit down and talk with Cuba's Raúl Castro.
"Virtual Fence" Along Border to Be Delayed
Spencer S. Hsu
 The Bush administration has scaled back plans to quickly build a "virtual fence" along the U.S.-Mexico border, delaying completion of the first phase of the project by at least three years and shifting away from a network of tower-mounted sensors and surveillance gear, federal officials said yesterday.
William F Buckley Jr: the Patriarch of the Modern US Right and a Polemicist, TV Presenter and Author
Godfrey Hodgson
 William F Buckley Jr, who has died aged 82 after suffering from diabetes and emphysema, was one of the most important builders of the conservative ascendancy in America.
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Canadians at High Risk of Violence, StatsCan Says
Canwest News Service
 Gay, lesbian and bisexual Canadians are significantly more likely than heterosexual Canadians to fall victim to violent crimes, including sexual assault, robbery and physical assault, according to a new study prepared by Statistics Canada and released Thursday.
Study: Immigrants Jailed Less In California
Isabelle Duerme
 A study recently concluded that the number of immigrant citizens being imprisoned in California is lower compared to the natural-born citizens.
Clinton and Obama Vow to Reopen NAFTA
John Ibbitson
 Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would withdraw the United States from the North American free trade agreement with six months notice after becoming president, unless the deal were completely renegotiated.
High Food Prices May Force Aid Rationing
Javier Blas & Gillian Tett
 The United Nation's agency responsible for relieving hunger is drawing up plans to ration food aid in response to the spiralling cost of agricultural commodities.
Wildfires Flare Up in Texas, New Mexico
Associated Press
 Wind continued whipping across Texas on Tuesday after driving wildfires that charred hundreds of square miles and forced residents of this community of 1,500 people to evacuate.
Obama Nails Clinton Over NAFTA Support
David Espo
 Barack Obama accused Democratic presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday of trying to walk away from a long record of support for NAFTA, the free trade agreement that he said has cost 50,000 jobs in Ohio, site of next week's primary.
Clinton Angry Over Obama's Mailings
Beth Fouhy
 Hillary Rodham Clinton angrily accused her Democratic rival Saturday of deliberately misrepresenting her positions on NAFTA and health care in mass mailings to voters, adding, "Shame on you, Barack Obama."
Inside the World of War Profiteers
David Jackson & Jason Grotto
 From prostitutes to Super bowl tickets, a federal probe reveals how contractors in Iraq cheated the US.
Roosters Fight as Well as Crow
Richard Hyatt
 A video of New York Mets ace Pedro Martinez and Hall of Fame hurler Juan Marichal at a cockfight in their homeland has showed up on the Internet and animal rights activists in the United States cried fowl.
America Votes, and the World is Riveted
Robert McMahon
 The world may or may not be economically “decoupling” from the United States as some have suggested. But it remains heavily invested, emotionally at least, in U.S. presidential politics.
Obama Wins Democrats Abroad Primary
Stephen Ohlemacher
 Barack Obama won the Democrats Abroad global primary in results announced Thursday, giving him 11 straight victories in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
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