News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Appeals Court Upholds Border Agent Convictions
Fred Lucas
 A federal appeals court in New Orleans on Monday upheld most of the convictions that gave two former Border Patrol agents lengthy prison sentences.
US Elections: Democrats Dedicate $20m to Mobilising Hispanic Vote
Daniel Nasaw
 The Democratic party and Barack Obama's campaign today announced a plan to spend $20m to organise and mobilise Hispanic voters.
Horse Tripping Ban a Tough Sell in Some States
Pat Raia
 Nebraska's ban on horse tripping for sport went into effect July 18, but even as that state's authorities gear up to enforce the measure, similar legislation died on Arizona's Senate floor.
Catholic Agencies Focus on Food, Water in Hurricane's Wake
Dennis Sadowski
 Food and water were among the primary needs Catholic aid agencies were trying to meet as thousands of households remained without power and some remained under water July 25 in the wake of Hurricane Dolly.
Moore-Alexander Seeks PFP Presidential, V.P. Nomination
Peace and Freedom Party
 It was October 19, 2007 that Brian P. Moore and Stewart A. Alexander met for the first time at the National Convention of Socialist Party USA. Less than three days later, the two men were joined together as presidential running mates representing the Socialist Party USA, and joint partners to lead in the socialist movement nationwide.
Iowans to Congressmen: Stop Immigration Raids
Henry C. Jackson
 An immigration raid that arrested nearly 400 people in northeastern Iowa scarred a small town and tore families apart, residents said Saturday. Dozens begged a visiting congressional delegation to do everything in its power to stop federal immigration raids.
Richardson Hits McCain's "Sour Grapes"
Karen E. Crummy
 New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson slammed GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, calling his criticism of Barack Obama's trip to Europe and the Middle East as nothing more than "sour grapes."
Sanctuary Church Movement Could Come to Tucson
Associated Press
 There's a new movement becoming increasingly visible around the country: Churches sheltering illegal immigrants facing deportation. A lead organizer who recently visited Tucson talked about how "the new sanctuary movement" is changing attitudes toward illegal immigrants.
Angry Cindy Sheehan Exits Judiciary Hearing
Nick Juliano
 At several points in Friday’s Judiciary Committee sort-of-almost-not-really impeachment hearing, members of the audience erupted in applause after one of the dozen-plus witnesses delivered a particularly incendiary indictment of President Bush.
Big Crowd Gathers For House Judiciary Hearing On Bush Impeachment
John Bresnahan
 A boisterous crowd gathered for today's hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on the case for impeaching Presidnent Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Obama Mania Grips 200,000 in Berli
Allan Hall
 Speaking last night before a crowd of more than 200,000 in Berlin's Tiergarten, not far from where the Berlin Wall once stood, the man who would hold the most powerful political office on Earth delivered an impassioned call for the world's people to unite in their common humanity.
Impeachment Backers Gear Up for Congressional Hearing
Sabrina Eaton
 Impeachment backers including anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan and Republican constitutional law scholar Bruce Fein held a press conference Thursday in anticipation of today's House Judiciary Committee hearing on the "imperial presidency" of George W. Bush and possible legal responses to it.
Hispanic Voters Prefer Obama 3-to-1, Pew Survey Says
Patrick McGee
 Hispanic voters prefer Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama over his Republican opponent John McCain by nearly three to one, according to a survey released Thursday.
Dolly's Rains Dwindle, Leaving Floods in Texas, Mexico
Agence France-Presse
 Tropical Storm Dolly dumped rain over Texas and Mexico Thursday after pummeling the coast as a category two hurricane a day earlier, leaving widespread floods in its wake.
House Judiciary Committee to Hear Kucinich Impeachment Resolution on Friday
Kurt Nimmo
 On Friday, Dennis Kucinich will take his impeachment resolution against Bush to the House Judiciary Committee. Kucinich argues that Bush has violated his oath of office, violated U.S. and international law, has trashed the Constitution, and poses a serious threat to the nation.
Obama Leads McCain by 6 Points: Poll
 Democrat Barack Obama has a 6-point lead over Republican John McCain in the presidential race as a growing percentage of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.
Deluge Rakes Coasts of Texas and Mexico
James C. McKinley Jr.
 Hurricane Dolly rolled into South Texas and northern Mexico on Wednesday, deluging the Rio Grande Valley with rain, knocking out power to tens of thousands of people and ripping roofs off resorts on South Padre Island.
Bullring Collapses During Fight
 Bull fighting at the Planadas Bull Fair in Colombia was interrupted when a section of the stands collapsed causing nearly 100 people to crash down.
Debate Heats Up Over New Home for Dallas Zoo's Lone Elephant
Joanna Cattanach
 Fifteen minutes after KeKe the African elephant died in May, the Dallas Zoo received its first fax imploring that Jenny, her lone companion, be moved to an elephant sanctuary. When zoo officials announced a month later she was headed to a Mexican zoo instead, Dallas joined a growing national debate about where elephants belong.
First Guantanamo War Crimes Trial Under Way
Jim Loney
 The first U.S. war crimes trial since World War Two began on Monday at the U.S. navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, nearly seven years after the September 11 attacks prompted President George W. Bush to declare war on terrorism.
US Protesters, Police Educate, Gear Up for Convention
Sara Burnett
 Dozens of protest groups are planning a full schedule of classes, concerts, marches and other actions during the Democratic National Convention, hoping to capture the world's attention and recruit new activists.
US Latin America Policy: McCain vs Obama
Nathaniel Foote
 Depending on who wins the presidency in November, Barack Obama or John McCain, each represents a different future for the United States' Latin American policy.
Texas to World Court: Execution Still On!
 Texas is refusing to bow to this week's World Court order to stay the Aug. 5 lethal injection of convicted rapist-killer and illegal alien Jose Medellin.
Kucinich Says Unidentified Foreign Official Wants to Speak at Impeachment Talks
Molly K. Hooper
 An unidentified government official of a U.S. ally wants to participate if and when Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich makes his case to impeach President Bush before the House Judiciary Committee, according to the Ohio Democrat.
Pelosi Labels Bush's Presidency as 'a Total Failure'
Laurie Kellman
 President Bush has been a "total failure" in everything from the economy to the war to energy policy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
Mexican Citizens' U.S. Execution Halted
Fox News
 HEATHER NAUERT, HOST: United Nations highest court is now putting pressure onto United States, ordering the stay of five death row inmates in Texas until it can review the cases.
US Senate Triples Funding for Global AIDS Fight
Agence France-Presse
 The US Senate has given a major boost to a program to combat AIDS and malaria around the world, voting to triple funding for a cause championed by President George W. Bush.
EU Proposes Closer ’Strategic Partnership’ With Mexico
Kimberly Chow
 The European Union’s executive commission on Tuesday proposed to upgrade ties with Mexico, recommending the North American nation be made a “strategic partner” for the 27-nation EU.
Obama's Brave New World
The Real Network
 In a major foreign policy speech in Washington, Senator Obama detailed his "five goals essential to making America safer" in case he's elected President - from ending the war on Iraq and confronting al Qaeda in Afghanistan to rebuilding US alliances around the world
Rights Abuses Fueling Global HIV Epidemic
Human Rights Watch
 Unless governments act to end the human rights abuses fuelling the spread of HIV, little progress will be made towards addressing the global epidemic, 400 AIDS and human rights organizations said today.
World Court: U.S. Must Delay Mexican Death Sentence
Alexandra Hudson
 The World Court on Wednesday ordered the United States to do everything necessary to ensure five Mexicans on death row are not executed before the court makes a judgment in a dispute between the two countries.
Canada Deports US Soldier
Associated Press
 A U.S. Army deserter who fled to Canada three years ago was deported Tuesday to America, marking the first time a resister to the U.S war effort in Iraq has been removed by Canadian authorities.
Entrepreneur Fights to Bring Old Warship Home
Marc Lacey
 In its glory days, the United States Navy destroyer John Rodgers was one of the most decorated warships of World War II. Now, its hull rusting and its big guns whitened by bird droppings, the abandoned destroyer finds itself in the midst of a final battle, one that could turn the historic ship into a museum or, alternatively, into a heap of scrap.
Obama Sticks to Timeline for Iraq Withdrawal
Brian Knowlton & John M. Broder
 Senator Barack Obama said Tuesday that he remained determined to end the war in Iraq on a 16-month schedule, shrugging off sharp criticism of any timetable from his rival, Senator John McCain.
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