News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Pelosi Wants Bush's Actions Investigated
Associated Press
 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation into whether the Bush administration broke the law when it fired a group of federal prosecutors.
President-Elect Obama’s Weekly Address
 In his final weekly address before assuming office, President-elect Barack Obama speaks about the upcoming Inauguration activities, a tradition at the heart of our democracy.
US Poll Finds Faith in Obama, Mixed With Patience
Adam Nagourney & Marjorie Connelly
 President-elect Barack Obama is riding a powerful wave of optimism into the White House, with Americans confident he can turn the economy around but prepared to give him years to deal with the crush of problems he faces starting Tuesday, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.
Canada Orders US War Resister (and New Mother) Deported
Ann Wright
 he Canadian government has ordered the deportation of Kimberly Rivera, the first US woman Iraq war veteran resister to go to Canada, and four other US war resisters. Rivera, her husband and three children, including a newborn daughter, must depart Canada by January 27 or be deported.
Canadian Killed in Mexican Dune Buggy Accident
Scott Taylor
 Family and friends of a 27-year-old Canadian woman are devastated after she died in a dune buggy crash in Mexico's Sierra de Vallejo mountains near Puerto Vallarta on Monday.
Prop 8 - Did Mormons Go Too Far?
The Real News Network
 ANP: Mormon church provided money to lobby against Proposition 8.
US-Cuba: Obama Urged to Take Bold Steps Toward Normalisation
Jim Lobe
 A broad spectrum of groups and individuals is urging President-elect Barack Obama to go beyond his campaign pledge to lift curbs on travel and remittances to their homeland by Cuban Americans and launch a much broader process of normalisation with Havana.
Castro's Halt in Essays Raises Health Concerns
Associated Press
 A monthlong halt in Fidel Castro's regular essays and recent comments by his friend and ally, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, are raising new concerns about the 82-year-old former president's health.
Holder: Waterboarding Is Torture
Larry Margasak
 Attorney General-nominee Eric Holder Jr. declared Thursday that waterboarding is torture, forcefully breaking from years in which the Justice Department deftly avoided the sensitive question about U.S. interrogation methods.
US Pledges Cooperation on Drugs
 President George W. Bush on Tuesday pledged continued U.S. cooperation on narcotrafficking in Mexico, saying the United States has a responsibility to help prevent guns from moving south across the border.
Bingaman Bill Looks to Stem Gun Flow to Mexico
 In an effort to crack down on illegal weapons smuggling and reduce drug-related violence near the U.S.-Mexico border, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M, Monday introduced the Southwest Border Violence Reduction Act of 2009.
Obama Preparing Order to Close Guantanamo
Lara Jakes
 President-elect Barack Obama is preparing to issue an executive order his first week in office - and perhaps his first day - to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, according to two presidential transition team advisers.
In Final Press Conference, Bush Defends Actions
Jennifer Loven
 In a nostalgic final news conference, President George W. Bush defended his record vigorously and at times sentimentally Monday.
Obama Praises Calderon, Urges Cooperation With Mexico
Julianna Goldman & Mark Drajem
 President-elect Barack Obama said President Felipe Calderon of Mexico is “moving his country in a direction that is unprecedented” on energy policy and said the U.S. relationship with its southern neighbor is “critical” to the economy.
Obama, Bush Ready to Ask for Remaining $350b
Steven R. Hurst
 President-elect Barack Obama and the Bush administration could ask Congress as early as Monday to release $350 billion more to prop up the troubled U.S. financial system, the remaining money left in the huge bailout fund put in place last fall.
Millions Set to Cheer Obama's Inauguration
Virginie Montet
 In a little over a week's time history will be made in the heart of the capital when Barack Obama is sworn in as the nation's first black president witnessed by millions of jubilant supporters.
Death Toll in Gaza Onslaught Approaches 900
Agence France-Presse
 Israel indicated for the first time on Sunday that an end was in sight to its war on the Gaza Strip, amid some of the heaviest clashes of an offensive that has killed nearly 900 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians.
Some Facts About US-Mexico Ties
Robin Emmott
 U.S. President-elect Barack Obama meets Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Washington on Monday to discuss immigration, security, trade and the economy. Here are some facts about the issues likely to be discussed.
Canada Expels US Woman Deserter
BBC News
 Canada has ordered the deportation of the first woman US soldier to have sought asylum in the country to avoid being deployed to Iraq.
US GOP Returns to Familiar Territory
Tom Raum
 GOP lawmakers didn't seem to mind enjoying the fruits of government largesse for the past eight years while one of their own was in the White House. Now they're struggling to regain footing at a time of economic rout, a record $1.2 trillion budget deficit and an incoming Democratic president claiming a mandate for change.
President-Elect Obama’s Weekly Address
 The high unemployment numbers released this week rattled the country, as anxiety about the deepening recession hit home to more and more American families. President-elect Obama’s Weekly Address responds with an urgent call for immediate and dramatic action to get our economy working again.
Cheney Plans to Retire from Public Life
Agence France-Presse
 Vice President Dick Cheney has said he expects to retire completely from public life after January 20 and return to Wyoming following nearly 40 years serving four presidents in Washington.
Village Community Radio Will Give Voice to People's Issues
Citizen News Service
 "Community radio is the real voice of the people, it is a communication service that caters to the interests and needs of a certain area, its culture, craft, cuisine and above all social and development issues," said Mridul Srivastava, the station director of 'Lalit Lokvani'.
Popular US Border Park Won't be Accessible
Leslie Berestein
 Frequent visitors to Border Field State Park, along with park officials, are expressing surprise and dismay over a sudden reversal of plans by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that will result in the permanent closing of a popular cross-border meeting spot.
Border Patrol Uses Songs To Get Messages Out to Illegal Aliens
Patricia Giovine
 Using guitar and accordion music, the Border Patrol is disseminating in Mexican territory via so-called "migration songs" information on the dangers of illegally crossing the international border into the United States.
US Releases $99 Million of Mexico Anti-Drug Money
Associated Press
 The United States has released another $99 million as part of an aid package to support Mexico's police and soldiers in their fight against drug cartels.
Police Seize 40,000 Doses Of Drug Used By South American Shamans
Associated Press
 Spanish police have raided a house in a Madrid suburb, arrested two people and seized 40,000 doses of a psychoactive substance traditionally used by South American shamans.
Police Execute Unarmed Man in Public; Shot in Back
Mercury News
 A BART police officer struggling to handcuff a 22-year-old man, stood up over the facedown Hayward resident and fired a single shot into his back while a handful of officers watched, a video taken by a train passenger apparently shows.
Bush's Personality Will Shape His Legacy
Associated Press
 Love him or hate him, President George W. Bush's distinct personality will shape his legacy once he's out of office.
ICE: Suspects had AK-47 Assault Rifles, Ammo for Mexico
Darren Meritz
 Two men were arrested on charges of conspiring to smuggle 11 AK-47 assault rifles, thousands of rounds of ammunition, bayonets and other items into Mexico in a scheme officials believe would have contributed to cartel violence.
Family of Miamian Abducted in Mexico to Issue Appeal
Casey Woods
 The relatives of an American anti-kidnapping expert who was abducted last month in Mexico will make their first public appeal on his behalf Wednesday at a Miami press conference.
Party Time: Hasta la Vista Chertoff!
Brenda Norrell
 On January 10th communities along the Texas border will be throwing Retirement Parties to celebrate the end of Michael Chertoff’s tenure as Secretary of Homeland Security.
Hispanic, Gay Advocates Vie for Abandoned US Commerce Post
Karen Branch-Brioso
 No sooner had Gov. Bill Richardson, D-N.M., and President-elect Barack Obama made their announcements that the New Mexico governor would be stepping aside because of a pay-to-play controversy swirling around him, than advocacy groups sprang to action to get their respective candidates considered.
Inside the Rebellion in Greece
Dionisis Granas
 A look at the roots of Greece's ongoing uprising, and the youth at the center.
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