News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News White House: Fox News is 'Not Really News'
Doug Thompson
 Senior White House aides Sunday continued their war of words with right-wing Fox News Channel, saying the cable service is "not really news." This is news?
Leftist LatAm Bloc Rejects Honduras Election
Paola Flores
 Leaders of a bloc of leftist Latin American governments urged the international community Saturday to reject the presidential election planned by Honduras' interim government next month.
Brazil Pledges Olympic Security After Rio Violence
Flora Charner
 Brazilian officials are insisting security won't be a problem for the 2016 Olympics despite drug-gang violence that plunged Rio de Janeiro into a day of bloody chaos just two weeks after it was picked to host the games.
Latam Leftists Agree on New Currency, Sanction Honduras
Jose Arturo Cardenas
 Leftist Latin American leaders have agreed on the creation of a regional currency to scale back on the use of the US dollar as well as economic sanctions against Honduran coup leaders.
Big Drug Busts in Latin America
 Mexican troops seize a boat smuggling drugs and discover three methamphetamine labs in Michoacan -- while Colombian police seize 2.8 tonnes of cocaine.
Elder Bush: Olbermann, Maddow are 'Sick Puppies'
Doug Thompson
 Former President George H.W. Bush says MSNBC entertainers Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow are "sick puppies" for the way they treat his son - former President George W. Bush - and others who don't agree with him.
Honduran Talks Deadlocked Over Restoring Zelaya
Juan Carlos Llorca
 Ousted President Manuel Zelaya said negotiations over Honduras' coup are in "suspense" after the rival factions rebuffed each other's proposals and his foreign minister called the internationally brokered talks a failure.
Obama's Weekly Address: Taking the Insurance Companies on Down the Stretch
White House Blog
 As the health insurance reform debate enters into its final stages in Congress, the President denounces the desperate and deceptive last-ditch efforts of the health insurance companies to derail it.
The US Dollar: Dive or Survive?
 Leo Panitch on the U.S. dollar's place in the global economy.
Obama Criticized as Too Cautious, Slow on Judicial Posts
Michael A. Fletcher
 President Obama has not made significant progress in his plan to infuse federal courts with a new cadre of judges, and liberal activists are beginning to blame his administration for moving too tentatively on what they consider a key priority.
Guilty Plea Entered by Partner in Drug Gang
Greg Moran
 For 20 years, Jesus “Chuy” Labra Aviles was among a small group that made up the very top tier of the Arellano Felix drug gang. Yesterday, it took less than 20 minutes for Labra to admit to several crimes and all but consign himself to spending the rest of his life in a U.S. prison.
Canadian Mom Claims Slain Son Cleared of Drug Activity
Jason Hewlett
 A Kamloops man who was gunned down in Puerto Vallarta last month has been cleared of any connection to the drug trade, his mother claimed this week.
New US 9/11 Inquiry Squashed
The Real News Network
 More than eight years after the 9/11 attacks some in the U.S are not convinced they've been told the whole truth about that day. Around eighty thousand campaigners have called for a referendum on a new investigation into the tragedy, but America's Supreme Court has ruled it out.
Honduran Police: Drug Smuggling up Since Coup
Juan Carlos Llorca
 Drug trafficking has increased in this Central American nation since the U.S. limited military cooperation to protest a June coup, Honduras' top anti-narcotics officer said Wednesday.
Obama's Bush-Style Tactics Angers Liberals
Larry Margasak
 New cracks are opening in the relationship between President Barack Obama and his liberal allies in Congress over his desire to continue Bush-era tactics against terrorism and his opposition to protecting reporters from revealing their sources in national security cases.
Confusion Over Honduras Agreement
BBc News
 There is more confusion in Honduras over whether an agreement has been reached to solve the political crisis.
Stolen Mexican Oil Broker Pleads Guilty
Juan A. Lozano
 The head of a San Antonio energy business became the third man in two weeks to plead guilty for his role in brokering the sale of stolen petroleum products from Mexico.
Poorer Nations to Get Donated Flu Vaccines
Laura MacInnis
 The World Health Organisation (WHO) plans to start sending H1N1 flu vaccines to poorer countries as early as next month, the United Nations agency's head of vaccine research said Monday.
US Health Care Reform Headed for Vote
Erica Werner
 President Barack Obama's plan to remake the nation's health care system is about to take its biggest step yet toward becoming reality.
Cuba Fugitive in 1968 US Hijacking Surrenders
Agence France-Presse
 A US man who fled to Cuba 41 years ago after allegedly hijacking an airliner has voluntarily returned to New York to face justice, US prosecutors said Monday.
US Lawmakers Scrap Plan for 300 More Miles of Fencing on Mexican Border
Christopher Sherman
 Members of Congress have stripped a provision requiring 300 more miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border from a Department of Homeland Security appropriation bill, saying that the money needed would be better spent on alternative security measures.
Resentencings in U.S. Reignite Passions Over the 'Cuban Five'
William Booth
 Throughout the Cuban countryside are hand-painted murals featuring the famous faces of the revolution, Che and Fidel, of course, but also René, Antonio, Fernando, Gerardo and Ramón - known here as "Los Cinco," the Cuban Five, no last names necessary.
Journalist to Leave Colombia After Murder Attempt
Associated Press
 A Colombian radio journalist famed for broadcasting relatives' messages to kidnap victims says he's leaving the country because of an apparent attempt on his life.
Chavez: Nobel Peace Committee Overlooked US Wars
Associated Press
 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says President Barack Obama does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Chavez believes Obama didn't make any notable accomplishments to merit winning the prize.
Biodiversity: Dwindling Fish Catch Could Leave a Billion Hungry
Stephen Leahy
 Fish catches are expected to decline dramatically in the world's tropical regions because of climate change, but may increase in the north, said a new study published last week.
Gays Aren't Buying Obama's Promises
Christine Simmons
 President Barack Obama restated his campaign pledge to allow homosexual men and women to serve openly in the military, but left many in his audience of gay activists wondering when he would make good on the promise.
US Congress Set to Conceal Prisoner Abuse Photos
Mark Sherman
 Congress is set to allow the Pentagon to keep new pictures of foreign detainees abused by their U.S. captors from the public, a move intended to end a legal fight over the photographs' release that has reached the Supreme Court.
US Ambassador to Mexico Visits the Border
 The new U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual, wrapped up a two day tour of the border area battered by drug violence. The visit included the sister cities El Paso and Juarez.
Talks Yield Signs of Hope on Honduras Stalemate
Ben Fox
 Signs of progress have emerged from two days of talks and Honduras' rival factions plan to resume after a weekend break trying to resolve the bitter divide over the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya.
Obama's Weekly Address: New Momentum for Health Reform
White House Blog
 The President goes through the leading conservative and Republican figures who have come out one after another urging passage of health insurance reform. After a summer of intense debate, cooler heads begin to prevail to make progress for the American people.
US Senate Panel Extends Controversial Patriot Act Provisions
Jason Leopold
 The Senate Judiciary Committee narrowly passed a bill Thursday to extend several controversial provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the counterterrorism law hastily drafted in the aftermath of 9/11.
AP Poll: Third of US Parents Oppose Swine Flu Vaccine
Mike Stobbe
 As the first wave of swine flu vaccine crosses the country, more than a third of parents don't want their kids vaccinated, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.
President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Wojciech Moskwa
 President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for giving the world "hope for a better future" and striving for nuclear disarmament.
US Spending Bill Includes Provision to Block Release of Abuse Photos
Jason Leopold
 Congressional lawmakers moved a step closer Wednesday toward banning the Department of Defense from releasing photographs depicting US Soldiers abusing detainees held in prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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