Health & Beauty | June 2005  
Plastic Surgery in Puerto Vallarta - One Woman's Story
Marilyn Grande

| We'd all like to believe that quaint saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but is that really enough when you're picking out a new swimsuit? | I have lived in Puerto Vallarta for over three years now, and I'm loving every minute of it! The only problem was, my figure left something to be desired, so I couldn't wear the cute little swimsuits and beach clothes that all the other women were wearing!
 I got pretty tired of running around with a shirt over whatever I was wearing that day, so I went out on a venture to find the best plastic surgeon in Puerto Vallarta. After interviewing many doctors and getting many price quotes, I finally settled on Dr. Miguel Saldaña because he spoke English, was very caring and understanding, and he seemed like a perfectionist.
 After we talked for a while, I settled on a liposuction, tummy tuck and breast lift. The price was surprisingly reasonable, and his office was right in Medasist Hospital. Dr Saldaña recommended I hire a "caretaker," a lady named Barbara from San Francisco, to take charge of everything for me.
 That was fine with me, as I do not speak Spanish yet, and I certainly didn't want to deal with any issues while recuperating. In preparation for the operation, Barbara gave me a "healing," and had me listen to a hypnosis tape and read a special book to put me at ease before the surgery.
 When the big day arrived on May 29, we took a taxi to the hospital early in the morning. I was given a pink pill and an IV, before being wheeled into the operating room. They say the surgery lasted 10 hours, and that I even "came to" now and then, but I don't know about all that; I just know I woke up in a nice hospital room with Barbara at my side!
 They offered me pills for pain, but I just refused them, they were not needed! I had a lot of stitches and a drain coming out of me from somewhere - but no pain! Dr. Saldaña came to see me after the operation to give me follow up care and instructions. After I left the hospital he continued with post-op care like dressing, draining, and suture removal.
 Barbara was with me all the way; I even stayed in her home for two weeks after the plastic surgery. She took me to all of my doctor visits, on little walks around the neighborhood, and she even picked up all of the prescriptions; leaving me with no responsibility except to heal.
 I am now in my 3rd week of healing, and even though I'm back in my own home and taking care of myself and enjoying nice walks, I still haven't had to take any pain killers . . . I don't need them! Barbara is still helping me out occasionally, setting up my doctor visits and going with me to see Dr. Saldaña.
 In my opinion, I chose the best doctor in town! Dr. Saldaña is very attentive, he even came to my home to see me twice! His hands are small and precise, like an artist's. In a way, he IS an artist, making sure every little thing is perfect. I am looking forward to buying a whole new wardrobe in August, as all the bloating should be gone by then!
 You can reach Marilyn with your questions or comments at s7111@prodigy.net.mx | 
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