Health & Beauty 
Health for Women Have you ever thought about changing something about yourself? Losing weight, finding inner peace or tightening up that tummy? 'Remedial measures' and cosmetic surgery in Puerto Vallarta cost less than half what they do up North, yet they're staffed by highly trained and board certified medical professionals . . .
 We'd all like to believe that quaint saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But how true and meaningful is that phrase when we've all been brainwashed, so to speak, into subscribing to the belief that beauty is the artificially perfect look we see in glamour magazines and TV commercials?
 All of us can't be super models - but every single one of us can be healthy. And, since developing a positive self-image is the first factor in living a healthy and happy life, why not treat yourself to a "beauty" of a vacation in Puerto Vallarta? In Mexico, health and beauty treatments are easily accessible and cost up to half of what they do up North.
 Take an inside look at Puerto Vallarta's health and beauty scene, from world-class gyms and fitness centers that promote safe and effective eating and exercise programs to renowned health spas, beauty salons and holistic healing centers. We'll even introduce you to some of the Banderas Bay area's board certified plastic surgeons and medical specialists that offer professional services, the hottest trends in vacation surgery and the the newest technologies and techniques in cosmetic dentistry.

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Three Days and Nights of Fun for Females
 From February 18th-21st, the beaches, nightclubs, jungles and rivers of Puerto Vallarta will be filled with female party-goers for three days and nights of fun in the sun and dancing under the stars at one of the largest gatherings of lesbians in Mexico, Vallarta Girl.
Anorexic Model Dies at 28
Agence France-Presse
 A former French model who caused a stir with a 2007 ad campaign in which she was photographed nude with anorexia, died last month at the age of 28, the 20 Minutes.ch website reported Wednesday.
Cabo Corrientes Women To Receive Free Medical Massage
Dr. Rudolph C. Ryser
 Leading a team of massage therapists, Dr. Leslie E. Korn, has invited rural women residents in Cabo Corrientes to participate in the Cabo Corrientes Medical Massage Project (CCMMP) beginning in January 2011.
2011 Women to Women Fashion Show
Tara Spears
 This year's proceeds will again be used to sponsor the Cancer de Mama event on February 8, 2011. More than a hundred women journey to La Penita from as far as Guadalajara to receive breast protheses that have been specifically donated for this cause.
Fat Women are Often Poor Women
 Women who are poor are much more likely to be obese but men are not, U.S. government researchers said on Tuesday in a report that contradicts some common perceptions.
A US Supreme Court Case of Tit Fo Tat
Ria Patel
 The tagline: “I (heart) boobies!”, used in context to breast cancer awareness has been reportedly termed as sexually charged double entendre.
La Penita Cancer de Mama Clinic Slated for February 5-7, 2011
Tara A. Spears
 The non-profit Cancer de Mama organization is gearing up for their annual breast prosthesis clinic to be held the first weekend in February, 2011. Anyone wishing to volunteer is welcome to attend the first planning meeting at the La Penita RV Park on Tuesday, January 10, 2011 at 10 am.
International Human Rights Day: Celebrating Defenders of Women's Rights
Maria de Bruyn
 This year, International Human Rights Day (10 December) has as its theme: “human rights defenders who act to end discrimination.”
Hypnosis for a Better Birthing Experience
 Expecting parents look to hypnosis as they prepare for childbirth. WSJ's Christina Tsuei visits a Brooklyn "hypnobirthing" class, where parents learn everything from proper nutrition to self-hypnosis.
Mexico City Passes Law to Allow Surrogate Mothers
Associated Press
 Mexico City lawmakers have approved legislation to allow women in the capital district to be surrogate mothers. The measure is the first of its type to be passed in Mexico.
Violence Against Women Linked to HIV Risk
Marcela Valente
 Testimonies from women living with HIV/AIDS were published in a report released this week in Buenos Aires, revealing the different forms of violence that most of these women face of the course of their lives.
Cervical Cancer Can Be Prevented Yet 13,000 Women a Year Still Get It
Sherwood Ross
 Compared to other forms of cancer, the cervical form is still a relatively rare tumor. Ovarian cancer afflicts 25,000 American women annually; breast cancer, 180,000 women; and lung cancer about 200,000 women.
Girls Now Reaching Puberty at Age Nine, Thanks to Chemicals in the Food Supply (Milk and Plastics)
David Gutierrez
 The average age of puberty in girls is now nine, in a phenomenon increasingly being blamed on rising obesity and exposure to hormone-disrupting pollutants in the food supply.
Women Drinking as Much as Men
Maricela Bastida Murrieta
 The Secretary of Health of Mexico City, Armando Ahued, recognized that the problem of alcoholism in Mexico City has increased to the point that women are drinking as much as men.
Could Legalizing Marijuana in California Help Cure Breast Cancer?
Mary Jane Borden
 For 70 years, we've been taught that marijuana has no accepted medical use and that its high potential for abuse demands absolute prohibition. Medical research has been nearly impossible since obtaining the substance for legitimate studies is restricted by the federal government.
Finalist From Mexico Wins at WOW Competition
 Wendy Moyer from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico took the Commended Award for her creation “Prickly Heat” in the Bizarre Bra Section of the international 2010 World of WearableArt competition in Wellington, New Zealand.
Fighting Femicide in Mexico and Throughout the Americas
Kent Paterson
 "Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas" is a book that examines women's murders in Mexico, Central America and South America. Its chapters tell the personal stories of victims and their relatives, delve into femicide theories, portray the cross-border anti-violence movement, and explore the notion of transnational justice.
Activists File Writ of Habeas Corpus – for Legal Abortion
Marcela Valente
 Heartened by the passage of a same-sex marriage law in Argentina, women's organisations in this South American country stepped up their demands for the legalisation of abortion, on the Day for the Decriminalisation of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mexico Abortion Sentences Reveal Social Collision
Caroline Stauffer
 Authorities in almost all of Mexico's conservative states have fought back against Mexico City's abortion policies, among the most permissive in largely Catholic Latin America, by making examples of specific women and tightening laws.
Women With Diabetes Having More C-Sections and Fetal Complications: Study
Julie Saccone
 Nearly half of women with diabetes prior to pregnancy have a potentially-avoidable C-section and their babies are twice as likely to die as those born to women without diabetes, according to the POWER study.
Placebo Successful in Treating Women with Sexual Dysfunction
Amy Molnar
 A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals that women with low sexual arousal experienced clinically significant symptom changes after taking a placebo.
Brunch and Fashion Show at La Hacienda
Laurie Pedelaborde
 On Wednesday, September 22nd at 1 pm, Oooh La La Boutique and Colección La Bohemia will present a brunch and fashion show at La Hacienda Restaurant, Lázaro Cárdenas #388, on the south side of Puerto Vallarta. Tickets cost just $150 pesos and includes a wonderful meal, beverage and a raffle.
7 Women in 'Miscarriage' Cases Freed in Mexico
Mark Stevenson
 Seven women in Mexico serving prison terms of up to 29 years for the death of their newborns were freed Tuesday after a legal reform enacted in the state of Guanajuato lowered their sentences.
Recession May Have Pushed US Birth Rate to New Low
Associated Press
 The U.S. birth rate has dropped for the second year in a row, and experts think the wrenching recession led many people to put off having children. The 2009 birth rate also set a record: lowest in a century.
Pregnant Women Should Avoid 'Diet' Soft Drinks: Researchers
Rebecca Smith
 Research carried out on almost 60,000 pregnant women in Denmark found that those who drank artificially sweetened soft drinks, whether fizzy or still, were more likely to give birth early.
Why TB Matters to Women's Health?
Masimba Biriwasha
 Tuberculosis (TB) has a major impact on women's sexual reproductive health and that of their children. For pregnant women living in areas with high TB infection rates, there are increased chances of transmission of TB to a child before, during delivery or after birth.
Controversial Cosmetics Inspired by Violent Mexican City
Nicholas Casey
 It’s a rare thing for a cosmetic company to apologize for its own bad makeup, but then again, it’s a rare thing for a makeup line to be named after the murder capital of Mexico.
Women Vital in Global Fight Against AIDS
Mehru Jaffer
 Empowering women could more effectively help in curbing the spread of HIV, Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman and philanthropist said at the Vienna AIDS conference Monday.
Kids, Condoms, Controversy
Danielle Zielinski
 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of American teens have had sex at least once. America boasts the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world, and there are about 435,000 births to teen moms every year.
To Fight AIDS, Fight Gender Inequality
Marcela Valente
 Under the banner that gender inequality is one of the main drivers of the spread of AIDS, women from around the world are uniting to demand a stop to the epidemic among all females - whether adults or girls.
HIV+ Woman Commits Suicide: Will XVIII IAC Address Stigma?
Bobby Ramakant
 Just a week before the world's largest AIDS Conference opens in Vienna, Austria, yet another woman has committed suicide on being told of her HIV positive status.
Mexico First to Implement National HPV Testing Program
 Mexican pilot study in Cancer Causes & Control shows effectiveness of HPV testing and feasibility of implementation in national population-based cancer control programs.
Exclusive Breastfeeding Can Save 22.3% Infant Deaths
Kulsum Mustafa
 Statistics state that 270,000 infants born in Uttar Pradesh (UP) die in the first month of their birth and every sixth malnutrition child lives in UP.
Doctor Testing Dangerous Drug to 'Prevent' Lesbianism?
John Byrne
 Afraid your daughter may be queer, or not be interested in becoming a mom? Medical researchers think they have a cure for her - a dangerous steroid you take while pregnant.
LatAm Majority Favours Legalising Abortion - But Not for All Cases
Daniela Estrada
 The majority of people surveyed in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Nicaragua are in favour of legalising therapeutic abortion, but not all forms of elective abortion, according to a study by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences.
Let the Pill Go Free
Kelly Blanchard
 Last month, the 50th anniversary of the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the birth control pill was marked by a lot of discussion about the ways in which the pill has failed to deliver on its promises.
Extending the Reach of Safe Abortion in Mexico
Daniela Pastrana
 In the last three years, some 65,000 women have visited public health facilities to find out about abortions, and 40,000 have undergone the procedure, the Mexico City health secretariat reported this month.
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