Health & Beauty 
Health for Men Good men's health is about making smart choices for your health today - and for your future. For many men, surviving today's fast-paced life hardly gives them time to think about their health, much less take care of it. But putting the principles of healthy living into practice is easy for men living in Puerto Vallarta . . .
 Good health is the key to a long and happy life, but unfortunately, lack of time, interest - or just plain laziness - can get in the way. It's so much easier just sitting on the beach, sipping on a margarita and watching all the girls go by . . . but what's the point in dreaming, if they run away screaming?
 Eating right, getting fit, and staying healthy can enhance your love life, not to mention improve your physical and mental abilities. Unfortunately, they require a certain level of commitment on your part. But Puerto Vallarta, with all its gyms and health clubs offering everything from state-of-the-art exercise machines and free weights to personal trainers, diet and exercise programs makes living the healthy life a breeze.
 Seeing the results makes the hard-won effort of healthy living even easier. A youthful appearance and looking fit can be important in business and society, and today, more men than ever are coming to Puerto Vallarta for cosmetic surgery. Yep, that's right - plastic surgery.
 Due to a growth in decision making by men in health care issues, and an increased awareness of the availability of low-cost cosmetic surgery in Mexico, men who wouldn't dream of having a "beauty treatment," are now flocking to the board certified plastic surgeons in Puerto Vallarta, and going home looking young and feeling fit.

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Middle Aged Men Getting Grumpy About Not Getting It On
Bradley Klapper
 Faced with performance problems, menopause blues and an increased mismatch of expectations between the sexes, middle-aged Americans are the unhappiest people of all when it comes to making love, a new Associated Press-LifeGoesStrong.com poll shows.
Drag Queens and Volunteers Promote Safe Sex
Dalia Acosta
 Margot Parapar gets plenty of laughs from the audience with this joke: "Now the human body is divided into five parts: head, trunk, upper and lower limbs, and condom." Using his female stage name, Cuban drag queen, comedian and health promoter Oliver Alarcón includes HIV/AIDS prevention messages in his shows.
Capilli Vanitas
Ron Biggs
 I had not experienced a Mexican summer with long hair before moving down here. My first summer taught me about the drawbacks of having long, very fine hairs. The combination of a breeze and sweat provoked an incessant reaction based in a phobia of walking face-first through spider webs...
Mexico City Proposes Chemical Castration of Rapists
La Opinión
 Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is proposing this week in the capital's legislative assembly for an initiative known as "chemical castration" to address sexual assault in Mexico City.
Pope Benedict Endorses Condom Use — for Male Prostitutes Only
Associated Press
 Pope Benedict XVI says in a new book that condoms can be justified for male prostitutes seeking to stop the spread of HIV, a stunning comment for a church criticized for its opposition to condoms and for a pontiff who has blamed them for making the AIDS crisis worse.
New State-Of-The-Art Men’s Clinic Opens in Puerto Vallarta
Patrick Harrison
 Just because we live in a tropical paradise does not mean that we need to compromise our healthcare services and that our clinics cannot be on the same level as clinics in the US and Canada. With the opening of Anku, the men of Banderas Bay now have another option for state-of-the art healthcare.
Why You Should Grow A Mustache
 November is upon us, the time of the year when growing a mustache will be the coolest thing you do. For 30 days men participating in Movember will be required to grow their mustaches to raise awareness and funds to help find a cure for prostate and testicular cancer.
Testicular Cancer Risk 'Greater' for Tall Men
BBC News
 Taller men may have a higher risk of getting testicular cancer, say experts in the United States. After looking at data on more than 10,000 men, researchers found that for every extra two inches or 5cm in height above average, the risk went up by 13%.
Vitamin E in Front Line of Prostate Cancer Fight
Rachael Wilson
 Survival rates of the world's most common cancer might soon be increased with a new vitamin E treatment which could significantly reduce tumour regrowth.
Check-up Package for Men at Clinica Anku
Pamela Thompson
 HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is pleased to add another specialized clinic to the ever-growing list of our diverse services - a 'Check Up Package for Men' at Clinica Anku, the recently opened and free-standing Men's Clinic owned and operated by Dr. Pedro Lopez-Cueto, urologist.
Guayabera Shirt Now Official Cuban Formal Dress Code
BBC News
 The Cuban government has announced that the guayabera - the roomy cotton or linen shirt - is now the country's official formal dress garment.
Male Menopause Affects More than Five Million Men
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
 While most frequently associated with women’s health, age-related hormone changes, often dubbed menopause, can occur in men as well, causing symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, decreased desire for sex, hair loss, lack of concentration and weight gain.
A Dad's Point-of-View: You Always Get More When You Give - A Story of Giving
Bruce Sallan
 I've learned repeatedly in my life that whenever I give to the world, whether by direct action or donations, I get back so much more than the effort or money involved. This is a life lesson that our kids should learn as so many of them, here in America, are living the 'easy life.'
Most Men in Long-Term Study of HIV Report Low Use of Illicit Drugs
Clare Collins
 Most older gay and bisexual men enrolled in a long-term study of HIV used recreational drugs infrequently over a 10-year period, report University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health researchers at the XVIII International AIDS Conference.
Are Designer Sunglasses Worth the Price?
 Maybe not, writes Brett Arends. For starters, most shades are made by the same company. Here's what you need to know before buying.
APCOM to Tackle HIV Among MSM and Transgender People in Asia Pacific
Bobby Ramakant
 The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) has moved from an interim governance structure to one incorporating a Governing Board and an Executive Director, considerably strengthening its capacity to address a sharp rise in HIV infection in men who have sex with men and transgender populations across the region.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Father's Day, 2010
Bruce Sallan
 Father's Day for me is now a melancholy experience. While I certainly appreciate all the attention that I get from my two boys and my wife, I also get melancholy over the memory of my late father, a wonderful man whom I always want to keep in my mind and the minds of my boys.
Love Ballad Leaves Women More Open to a Date
Jayne Fairley
 If you're having trouble getting a date, French researchers suggest that picking the right soundtrack could improve the odds. Women were more prepared to give their number to an 'average' young man after listening to romantic background music.
Lubricants' Use May Put Individuals at Higher Risk of HIV
Bobby Ramakant
 One of the M2010 themes is the growing realization that there is a significant issue of HIV acquisition through rectal sex not only for men who have sex with men (MSM) who are clearly very visible HIV high risk group but increasingly for women who may be exposed to the virus rectally.
Sexuality-Related Stigma Impedes Access to Existing Services
Shobha Shukla
 Globally, men who have sex with men (MSMs) and transgenders have a higher rate of HIV incidence, due to appalling attention towards their health needs.
Colon Cancer and Polyps: What You Need to Know
Whitney F. Jones
 It would surprise many to learn that colon cancer is the third leading cause of death by cancer in American men. Over the past 10 years, more than 600,000 people have succumbed to this highly preventable and treatable cancer, and over 1.5 million have been diagnosed.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Your Kids Need You, Even When You're On Vacation
Bruce Sallan
 I learned something very simple, very basic, and very important about parenting while on vacation, overseas, these past three weeks. I was being selfish. I have two teenagers who needed their dad, and this three-week trip resulted in my not being there for my older son when he needed me.
Involve Men to Check Violence Against Women
Alka Pande
 The need to involve men to check violence against women has recently emerged as a strong tool for effective handling of the issue.
Friendship and Confiding in Spouse Eases Stress Over Sexual Issues in Older Men
Alexis Walker
 A new study suggests that it may not help older men and women with sexual problems to talk to a doctor, but men who talk to their partner report greater happiness – and those who talked with friends felt less depressed.
Hair Loss Dos & Don'ts
Adam Fox
 When mother nature knocks, she arrives early and means business. The process of male pattern baldness can commence at age 21, and by 35, over two-thirds of men will show some signs of significant hair loss. But life doesn’t have to leave you with a degenerating donut hole on your head.
Hormone Spray Improves Male Sensitivity
Dr. René Hurlemann
 Many women have no doubt been waiting a long time for this: the neuropeptide oytocin enhances male empathy. This substance also increases sensitivity to so-called "social multipliers", such as approving or disapproving looks.
A Dad's Point-of-View: What A Wonderful World - Really
Bruce Sallan
 The more I travel, and the more exotic the places, the more I realize how similar we all are. And the kids strikingly make that point as their faces so often reflect the joys of life - in spite of whatever hardships their countries may be suffering. To me, that is the hope for the future.
Vasectomy 101
 A vasectomy is a form of male contraception that is often overlooked as an option when it comes to methods of birth control. Dr. Jennifer Ashton speaks to New York City urologist Dr. Harry Fisch about this safe, effective procedure.
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