News Around the Republic of Mexico | June 2005  
Manual for Mexican Migrants - Guía del Migrante Mexicano
La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

 Do not let other unknown person get in your car.
 If when driving you commit an infringement and are stopped by the police, put your hands over the steering wheel and do not get out of the car until the official asks you to do so.
 Avoid calling attention to yourself, at least while you arrange your stay or documents for living in the United States.
 The best formula is to not alter your routine at work or at home.
 Avoid loud parties; the neighbors might be bothered and call the police and you could be arrested.
 Avoid getting into fights. If you go to a bar or nightclub and a fight breaks out, leave, for in the confusion you could be arrested even though you did nothing.
 Avoid family or domestic violence. In the United States, as in Mexico, it is a crime. Domestic violence is not only blows, but also threats, shouts and mistreatment.
 Translation by Lupita Ramirez | 
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