Editorials | Opinions | August 2005  
Mexico, China, Bush & Betrayal
Doug Wrenn - Magic City Morning Star

| U.S. President George W. Bush (R) speaks to the press as U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao (R) and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns look on. Bush and his top domestic policy advisers painted a rosy picture of the economy on Tuesday even as Americans struggle with high energy prices and growing health care costs. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters) | "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Preamble to the United States Constitution
 "Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: _______ 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.'" Article II, Section 1, United States Constitution
 Made up of our fellow imperfect beings, the United States government, while still the best in the world has its own sordid history of betrayal to its citizens and its Constitution in all three branches from the early days to the present inclusively.
 By the grace of God, we have survived such betrayals, but must be ever mindful of Thomas Jefferson's sage words, "Vigilance is the eternal price of liberty." Due to their limited numbers in history, the actions of our executive leaders, bad as well as good, seem most conspicuous to us. As a conservative, I was among the many who often and loudly chastised then President Bill Clinton for his many betrayals. Among the top of the list was the selling of our top-secret nuclear secrets to the communist Chinese, while also allowing the Chinese to infiltrate our intelligence community, scientific research labs and even our political process.
 Also, we can thank President Clinton for our struggle with the war on terrorism today, as he let so many previous terrorist acts go unanswered. The most critical of all was not taking into custody Osama bin Laden, when Sudan was willing to hand him to us gift-wrapped on a silver platter. It was only because of deceitful Democrats and cowardly Republicans that Clinton was charged and/or impeached (not convicted) of lesser crimes, including lying to the American people and engaging in a tryst with a young intern within the confines of the people's house, more commonly known as "The White House." These crimes were less complex, more expeditious to investigate, and more juicy and titillating on the news.
 Many of our elected so-called leaders, particularly in the Senate publicly proved that they could not be trusted with the sacred duty given to them by their constituents. Instead, they chose partisan power over country and principle. The people, justice and the Constitution be damned. I feel no such egregious and limiting partisan limitation. My allegiance is to my country, before any political party or ideology. If we were to so (correctly) rebuke Bill Clinton for his betrayals, then we cannot and should not ignore the current ones again inflicted upon us, this time, by our current President, George W. Bush.
 As the above passages indicate, both in the very first statements of our Constitution, as well as in the Presidential Oath of Office, it is evident that the protection of the American people and our Constitution is the first priority of our federal government, and particularly by our chief executive. George W. Bush has failed in that regard, for the sake of two other nations other than the one that elected him. I am referring to Mexico and China. There is a very real, and very dangerous common denominator in our country that ties both of these other nations to us, and I am not referring to our favorite types of ethnic cuisine.
 Mexico: The Trespassers From The South
 We have come along way since 1916, when the notorious bandito, Pancho Villa burned and pillaged Columbus, New Mexico, and terrorized American citizens along the border. President Woodrow Wilson, the dovish liberal President, known probably more for his failed but vigorous efforts to keep us out of World War I, and his dream of the League of Nations, wasted no time in dispatching General Pershing to the border to take on or take out Villa. For political reasons, Wilson pulled Pershing off the chase in 1917.
 Fast forward to today, as Mexican drug cartels struggle for smuggling routes into the US via the border city of Nuevo Laredo, opposite Laredo, Texas, several leading police officials have been assassinated, a recent unchecked, wild shoot out with heavy artillery forced the closing of the US consulate, and up to date, 41 American citizens have been kidnapped. Several others have been killed, assaulted and gang raped. President Bush's answer: five weeks vacation at his ranch.
 Millions of illegal immigrants have entered our country from Mexico. The numbers of the estimates seem to change all the time, but everyone seems to agree that the numbers are in the millions. Bush's answer: Amnesty. When so rejected by the Congress, he then came up with a bogus "day worker program" to reward those who illegally made it in. The plan has also now been formally accepted into the RNC platform under Bush's watch, and undoubtedly, under his influence. Meanwhile, crime, and especially violent crime has drastically increased in the border area. Our Border Patrol has been fired upon by rogue Mexican troops, providing cover for invading drug smugglers.
 Even Republican Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe's house was burglarized by illegal immigrants. Health care and law enforcement resources are strained to the breaking point, American jobs are lost by those seeking illegal lower wages and globalist trade treaties against our national interest. Property damage and environmental damage is at crisis level. Once eradicated deadly diseases have returned. Unsafe Mexican trucks transverse our highways with impunity, delivering tainted produce. Republican Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo urged the President to act. His response, "Never again darken the steps of the White House," as per the President's aid, Karl Rove. Political retribution was also sought against Tancredo by the White House.
 A citizen action group called the Minutemen volunteer as non-violent observers along the border. Their presence actually slowed the rate of illegal immigration and greatly assisted the Border Patrol in making more arrests. The President's response: calling the Minutemen "vigilantes." As for the Border Patrol, a promise of appropriations for large numbers of new officers has been since dramatically cut and later failed. Same ol', same ol'.
 None of this should seem new to anyone. When President George W. Bush was still Texas Governor George W. Bush, the Texas border town of El Cenizo (ironically near Laredo and Nuevo Laredo) publicly declared in 1999, that the municipal government was no longer accepting US immigration policy and would actually give aid to illegal Mexican immigrants entering that town. The town also declared Spanish as the official language.
 That situation still continues today. Such action borders on insurrection. Governor Bush's response? Dispatching National Guard Troops? Criminal arrest? Neither. He looked the other way as he himself spoke Spanish while stumping to be President. (An act so ludicrous that it was also soon copied by his opponent, Al, "The Internet Inventor" Gore.) As per a July 13, 2005 column by Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafley, under an agreement called "A North American Community," (akin to the European Union) made this year by the US, Mexico, and Canada, articulated in a 59 page report by the Council of Foreign Relations, the borders between these three countries have become more porous for purposes of trade and economy.
 Included in the agreement is a US taxpayer funded plan to pay for college tuition for 60,000 Mexican students. (Besides all those driver licenses and Social Security benefits we are already giving them!) Exit General Pershing, US Cavalry. Enter Jorge Bush, El Presidente de Los Estados Unitos. I have looked long and hard and can find no article in our Constitution that empowers our chief executive to so flagrantly give away our tax dollars to other nations. We elected a national President. Instead, we received a benevolent globalist on the taxpayers’ dime. That is just more gas on the fire, considering that this is the same President who is so apathetic to the loss and danger of the lives of American citizens on both sides of the Rio Grande.
 We now know that as well as drugs, weapons of mass destruction have also crossed the border into the US with illegal immigrants. What good is fighting a supposed "war on terror" on its front while our flank remains unprotected? Our own policy increases that danger by now allowing and recognizing Matricula Consular cards for illegal Mexican immigrants crossing into the US. (In the game of Monopoly, such cards used to be called "get out of jail free!") The Mexican government, under President Vicente Fox, even prints and distributes pamphlets to Mexican illegal immigrants, helping them with useful information to infiltrate our country, ignore our sovereignty and compromise our security.
 Still, the US under the Bush administration continues to turn a blind eye, while winking with the other. (Quite a different situation ironically exists on Mexico's southern border with Guatemala, reinforced by armed Mexican Army troops.) Whatever the Spanish translation may be, our own leader has willfully betrayed us.
 China: The Potential Invaders From The West
 I fondly remember the many stories my father, a former US Navy Petty Officer in World War II regaled me with when I was a kid about his many travels, including those in China. I remember then he always said that the US has less to fear from the then Soviet Union than we do China, and in fact, he predicted that some day, the USSR would be fighting along our side against China. Ancient Chinese writings also spoke of conquering the west. Even Nostradamus predicted that the end of our world would come by fire in the sky from the "Mongols."
 Despite our treaty that calls for us to defend Taiwan if attacked, President Bush has been among the chief appeasers to China, in terms of trade allowances, which China has used to build up its military substantially. Specifically, the Chinese have ventured into space exploration, improved long range ballistic multiple war head nuclear missiles, now capable of reaching the US, and increased army, well over double the size of ours, as well as modernizing its navy, submarine and air force, and high tech jamming of bandwidths that would shut down all our electronic and cyber communications. When the then Chinese President was in the US a couple years ago, Bush had shocking and mysterious tough talk for our friends in Taiwan.
 Things are now getting hotter, as a Chinese General has once again made a threat toward the US. A July 19 Pentagon report about the Chinese military buildup shows that the size of the build up is substantially larger than needed to just conquer and reunite Taiwan. Supposedly, relations between the US and China have been tense since the April 2001 incident in which a Chinese plane taunted, bumped, and forced the crash of a US EP 3 reconnaissance plane.
 The Chinese pilot was killed in a subsequent crash, and China held our 11 crew members hostage, finally releasing them on the condition that the US remove the EP 3 plane in pieces, in spite (literally) of the fact that our military experts stated the plane could be repaired and flown home. To the recent Pentagon report, no response from President Bush, who is one of many who consider China our "strategic partner." China has broken more promises and committed more trade violations than can be counted, to which we owe a 162 billion dollar trade deficit, which will soon most likely be returned to us via the working end of nuclear missiles, as Taiwan readies for its 2006 elections and possibly the writing of a new Constitution, officially declaring independence from China. In preparation, the Chinese have passed a resolution, allowing military action to be used to force the reunification of Taiwan if "diplomacy" fails. China has also indicated that its possible loss of the coveted 2008 Olympics is no longer a deterrent.
 President Bush has given mixed signals, to the extent that he has said anything relative to this dire situation that is inevitably soon to come to a head. Based on his forked lounge and timid response, one has to wonder if he will turn his back on Taiwan when things get hot. Taiwan is a free democracy and an ally to us that is as much needed in volatile Asia as Israel is to us in the Middle East. Both countries serve as oases of liberty and stability. China is no Afghanistan or Iraq. While Bush continues his tough policies with Cuba (and rightfully so), he is hypocritically appeasing to China. Why?
 Unlike Cuba, China has goods that we want, and threats that we wish to avoid. As the Chinese military buildup continues, nothing changes in our military, and our traditional placating trading policies such as Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR), Most Favored Nation status (MFN), and our participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) make this renowned and evil regime of butchers and human rights abuses all that much more a threat.
 The US also is helping China build nuclear reactors via the Westinghouse Corporation, as recently disclosed by Timothy Carney, and through other agreements, we also invite Chinese officials to view our military installations, science laboratories and universities. In his book, "Treachery," Washington Times reporter and author Bill Gertz cites the increasing danger of Chinese espionage within our country. Gertz also cites how China has for quite some time also been supplying, arming and supporting other rogue nations intent on killing us. Yet, long after Bill Clinton is out of office, in the Bush administration we still open doors and welcome with open arms the very country that has twice come right out and stated that we are in its cross hairs for ultimate destruction. Why? More betrayal.
 So What?
 There are plenty of our fellow citizens among us who are not doing their civic duty by staying informed or active, in contrast to Jefferson's advice. So, I am doing what I consider my duty to call your duty to you. Call me your alarm clock. (I have been called worse!) The problem is, time is still running and you folks seem to keep hitting the snooze alarm. To that extent, I wish I were still asleep. At least then, I could wake up from what seems to be a horrible and incredulous nightmare. But this is no dream. It is happening all around us day after day, and maybe, to our demise, for not too much longer.
 How could we lose a Clinton, gain a Bush, and still have the same types of problems and betrayals? Only the names and some of the places have been changed. There has been a dumbing down in America that began in our schools and continues in our adulthood as indifference. Moral values have declined, the family is fragmented. People are busier and feel powerless, as they continually see so much corruption, incompetence and apathy that they now become callous to it all.
 Meanwhile, snooze alarm or not, time is still running. Our Constitution, of which many are ignorant as to its contents, becomes continually even more ignored, eroded, and trampled upon, and we, the alleged benefactors of this magnificent document are now more direly endangered by our own self imposed ignorance. The politicians rant about trite differences as all other business is obstructed. Teachers now teach a politically correct agenda, the family supper table has been replaced by video games and computers in individual rooms, and exasperated adults, seeking respite find it in moral depravity in their personal lives, and on TV. More now is dog eat dog, "me first, - I want it all, and now, - and "screw the other guy." Too many times we hide behind the abused notion of "minding my own business," when we should be making more our business."
 I recall as a kid in school, learning about a science experiment in which you could put a frog into a pan of cool water atop a stove and gradually turn up the heat. The difference in temperature is so subtle, that the oblivious frog stays there and boils to death. So it is with us, and just like the frog, as we are slowly being killed, we have that exact same dopey, content, almost nebulous grin on our faces. The problems facing us now need to be addressed now. We need to awaken to our oblivious and blissful slumber, or violently succumb to it. Radio personality Dr. Michael Savage correctly states that a country is defined by borders, language and culture.
 Passively, aggressively, internally, and externally, we are losing all three, and thus, our country, Constitution, liberty and very lives as well. This is occurring by our own lethargy and own our ignorance, and yes, also by the incessant betrayals by those whom we erroneously trust and elect, regardless of ideology, party or promises, because we are too "busy," or "content." There are those who mean us real harm, and have both the opportunity and motive to carry out that intention. There are also those who sit and grin like the frog, for reasons of naïveté, laziness, or alternative, self-centered agenda.
 All are equally guilty, as per Sir Edmund Burke, who reminded us "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." Good men sacrificed and died, not just to give us our Constitution, but to the extent that it is still somewhat intact, to keep it for us and future generations of Americans. If you are ignorant to its contents, then please at least remember this: Dead frogs leap no more. | 
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