Health & Beauty | December 2005  
Mammogram Day at Cornerstone Hospital

| Give a very loving Christmas gift to yourself or a friend. Contact Pamela Thompson at 224-8122 or pmt15@hotmail.com to schedule your appointment. | On Wednesday, December 14th, Cornerstone Hospital will be hosting Mammogram Day from 9 am until 9 pm. The National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiologists now recommend annual mammograms for women over 40 years of age.
 Finding breast cancer early with a mammogram has also meant that many more women being treated for breast cancer are able to keep their breasts. When detected early, localized cancers can be removed without resorting to breast removal. Mammograms are not perfect. Normal breast tissue can hide a breast cancer so that it doesn't show up on a mammogram. This is called a "false-negative."
 Mammograms can identify an abnormality that looks like a cancer but turns out to be normal. This is called a "false-positive." To make up for these limitations, it is important that women practice self-breast examinations and have a regular breast exam by an experienced health professional.
 On December 14, 2005 from 9 am until 9 pm, we invite you to participate in Mammogram Day at Hospital Cornerstone. A VERY important test for all women to have, the cost is just $500 pesos for a complete mammogram and interpretation. Instruction on how to do a complete self-breast exam will also be available.
 Give a very loving Christmas gift to yourself or a friend. Contact Pamela Thompson at 224-8122 or pmt15@hotmail.com to schedule your appointment. | 
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