Health & Beauty | February 2006  
Lights, Camera - Now Smile - Action!
Len Greenough - PVNN

| blu by Len • 519 Olas Altas • 223-9660 | Cue the music.
 Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman. All the world's waiting for you, and the power you possess. In your satin tights, Fighting for your rights...
 Oh, those were the days, weren't they. The 70s: bright colors, disco and all those horrible TV shows. Sounds a lot like these days, doesn't it? There was one character that made it slightly more bearable. You guessed it. Wonder Woman! She was beautiful, strong, funny and always had the hots for the major. Not a stupid woman, that's for sure. This week, we'll channel our energy into the new Wonder Woman... hiding inside you.
 With the New Year practically one month old, if you haven't already done so, it's time to consider a new you. You've seen the self-help books. They all say the same thing. Truthfully, the answers all lie within you. So you'd better get busy.
 Finding a new look or enhancing an old one is all I'm really talking about. A lot of times, women get caught up in the "I'm too old to change" syndrome. Or, worse yet, the "my husband only likes this look" myth. The more pertinent questions are, "Am I happy with how I look and feel," and, "Am I ready for a change?" I think you'll find if you really ask yourself these questions, you'll discover you are defiantly ready.
 Make a hawk a dove, Stop a war with love, Make a liar tell the truth.
 So, what's on your change agenda this year? Different color? New haircut? Total new makeup job? They're all possible. Just try. Go ask your stylist and what he or she thinks. If they're any good at all, I can guarantee you they already have something in mind. Remember the scene in the movie Moonstruck, when Cher walks into the beauty parlor, and the stylist says, "I've been waiting all my life to do this!" Let us surprise you with something gorgeous and fun and - yes - easy.
 Here are some suggestions. Just suggestions, OK? Start with a nice relaxing manicure and pedicure. If you have never had them, it's high time you start. You do not know what you're missing. This is pampering. Next, try a massage once a week or a salt, mud or sand exfoliating body treatment one time each month. The whole point is to start spoiling yourself, because you are worth it. After all, you are Wonder Woman!
 Stop a bullet cold, Make the Axis fall, Change their minds, and change the world.
 If there's one thing I want all of you to remember this year it's this: there is no such thing as too much conditioning. It doesn't matter if your hair is super fine or way porous or what. To stay healthy and beautiful, it needs conditioning every time you wash it. And use a good shampoo. No, not some "no name brand" because it was cheap. Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner from your salon. Salon products are all concentrated, so they will last a lot longer than you think. In the salon, we can advise you, based on your particular hair needs. If we just gave you a new set of highlights or base color, for instance, then you should leave the salon with a good color-protection shampoo. And some sort of color conditioner to keep your hair - freshly processed and more brittle than it was - healthy and shiny.
 Get us out from under, Wonder Woman. All our hopes are pinned on you. And the magic that you do.
 Magic. What a great way to describe the new you that you can become. You know, magic was the only way Wonder Woman could run around saving the planet in those high-healed boots. Can you imagine her dashing around our beautiful cobble-stoned paradise? You can? Then you are well on your way. It is not hard to change or to achieve something new, as long as you believe in the magic and possess the burning desire to be more than you are now. More beautiful. More clever. More tolerant. And more brave. When you really stop to think about it, aren't all of us a little bit like Wonder Woman? I think so.
 Till next time, Super Heroines, keep using your bullet-reflecting silver bracelets or your magic lassos. Or kill 'em with your smiles. Smiles make anyone beautiful. Make sure you smile at someone - make that, everyone - today. And, above all, My Wonder Women of Vallarta, keep using your heads.

Len is a master cosmetologist who formerly worked at the Ritz Carlton salon in Atlanta as a color expert, senior cutting stylist and bridal/formal up-do specialist. Having worked in Vallarta for several years as a professional educator and consultant, he now operates his own exclusive salon and spa, blu by Len, at 519 Olas Altas, with a professional and bilingual staff. Book appointments by calling 223-9660. Comments about this column should be addressed to len@blubylen.com
 Lyrics to "Wonder Woman" theme song, owned and copyrighted by Norman Gimbel and Charles Fox, pulled from www.lyricsondemand.com. Provided here for educational purposes only. | 
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