Health & Beauty | April 2006  
Mickey Angelo Returns to Vallarta
Sue Fornoff

| Professional Life Coach, Mickey Angelo, will be presenting a 3 hour "Coaching For Rapid Results" workshop at Gringo's Books & Coffee at Casa Tranquila in Bucerias on May 2nd at 10:30 am. Reserve today by calling [329] 298-1767. | You are living in Paradise, everything is perfect. Right? Or maybe you have these little doubts about where you are going with your life, or why things don't turn out quite as you planned.
 Could you use help setting goals and seeing results? Could you use more clarity, focus, and direction in your life? Feeling stuck and need a firm, yet gentle nudge?
 Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be."
 Mickey Angelo could be that "someone."
 Professional Life Coach, Mickey Angelo, will be presenting a 3 hour "Coaching For Rapid Results" workshop at Gringo's Books & Coffee at Casa Tranquila in Bucerias on May 2nd at 10:30 am. The workshop will be limited to 10 people. An additional workshop will be offered on May 4th.
 A Life Coach, as a tennis or football coach, accepts nothing but your best... guides with advice and encouragement. She can point out blocks that you don't see helping you to explore the present and design your future. With a gentle kick in the "butt," she encourages you as no one else can.
 Angelo described the workshops as a combination of lecture and participation. Group activities and discussion are integral parts of the workshops. Each session varies to some degree based on the participants and their needs. Angelo says the workshops are fun for all and they do get you thinking.
 Who can benefit from the workshop? Anyone, young or old, students, working people and retirees, men and women. The only people she says wouldn't gain anything from the workshop are those who are 100% satisfied with their lives.
 Angelo has been a professional life coach for twelve years and is a former resident or Puerto Vallarta. She holds a Master's Degree in Social Psychology and has Post Graduate training in counseling, coaching and teaching. Angelo has taught workshops to more than 10,000 participants in four different countries.
 Cost for the 3 hour workshop is just $350 pesos. The price includes the workshop and all materials. Reserve your space today by calling [329] 298-1767. | 
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