Health & Beauty | May 2006  
Is There a Dolphin in the House?
Laura Gelezunas - PVNN
 A dolphin may be just what the doctor ordered in the form of therapy. For about two decades, physical therapists and psychologists have praised the effects of dolphin therapy and how swimming with dolphins can help the sick and handicapped.
 There are now 150 dolphin-assisted therapy researchers worldwide, and there seems little doubt that dolphin swims can help humans with disabilities such as Down's syndrome, autism, depression, attention deficit disorder, muscular dystrophy, and spinal cord injuries.
 Studies show that mentally retarded children who swam with dolphins learned their lessons two to ten times faster than in a normal classroom setting. Also, the therapy seems to accelerate the vocal and physical development of autistic and mentally retarded children.
 Other researchers report that swimming with dolphins boosts the production of infection-fighting T cells. The generally accepted theory is the dolphin interaction increases relaxation, which helps stimulate the immune system. Most supporters say that dolphin therapy helps patients' psychological well-being by distracting them from their suffering.
 Dolphin Therapy exists in many different forms. The basic idea is interaction with dolphins in either a well-structured or a more open format. Styles vary according to the patient's needs, but most dolphin assisted therapy programs are a combination of sessions with a therapist and time spent in the water with the dolphins.
 As whirs, clicks, and buzzes fill the water, the patient has contact with the dolphin in the form of touching and swimming. The dolphin's sonar sounds are meant to inspire the patient as a reward to stimulate their motivation in relation to different therapy exercises, such as verbal, motor and social skill work.
 It has been reported that patients often have a feeling of joy, unconditional acceptance and an openness is communicated, which psychologically and physiologically is of enormous value.
 In some cases, dolphin therapy assists in improving the quality of life for patients with brain damage, mental and physical retardation. Studies show a pain inhibiting effect that lasts anywhere from 3 hours to 4 days.
 Dolphins and humans have always been curious about each other, and since ancient times the relationship between our species has been celebrated across cultures and continents in myth, art, literature, and science.
 Today, people all over the world are benefiting from this unique bond. Here in Mexico, Vallarta Adventures is taking the lead in dolphin swimming and dolphin therapy programs at the Dolphin Adventure Center in Nuevo Vallarta.
 Since 1996, a colony of Pacific Bottlenose dolphins and the people that care for them have been working together to create dolphin research and training programs. Today, they are offering people who are seeking an alternative to medical treatments the opportunity to interact with dolphins in a relaxed and therapeutic manner.
 Providing people suffering from serious illnesses ranging from depression to AIDS a fun-filled time away from the stress of medical treatments, their two new dolphin therapy programs are based on respect, patience and affection for these dynamic and beautiful people, as well as these highly intelligent and gentle marine mammals.
 For more information about Vallarta Adventures Dolphin Therapy programs, click HERE - and stay tuned for their new dolphin therapy website, which is scheduled to be unveiled this summer. | 
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