Health & Beauty | June 2006  
Pediatric Specialty Clinics in Vallarta

| For more information or to make an appointment, please call Dr. Francisco Javier Ortiz Aceves at 224-7543 or contact Pamela Thompson at 224-8122 or pmt15@hotmail.com. | A group of Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara and Mexico City pediatricians are pleased to announce the beginning of their monthly Pediatric Specialty Clinics for local families in need. Right now, as it stands, these patients and their families must bear the expense of travel, food and housing to go to Guadalajara for consults, testing, etc. In many cases, this expense is just not possible for many of the families.
 Several local pediatricians have contacted their colleagues in Guadalajara and Mexico City and asked if they would be willing to come to Puerto Vallarta one weekend a month to hold consult and treatment clinics for these families. As a result of their huge hearts, the clinic will host Pediatric specialists in the following areas:
 Cardiology, Endocrinology, Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Rheumatology, Hematology, Neurology and Nephrology
 Clinics will be held on Saturdays on the second floor of Edificio Semiluna, on the corner of Prisliano Sanchez and Corona (in front of the Vivero as you enter El Pitillal.) Fees will be based on "Ability to Pay" or free, if qualified. Appointments are necessary.
 These physicians will be coming at their own expense and time, so they are asking for donations of meals (restaurants) and hotel accommodations. Please pass the word!
 For more information or to make an appointment, please call Dr. Francisco Javier Ortiz Aceves at 224-7543 or contact Pamela Thompson at 224-8122 or pmt15@hotmail.com. | 
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