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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | July 2006 

Mexican Elections: 3 Million "Missing" Votes
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Lopez Obrador has said he will honor the results of a fair election, even if he loses by one vote. But if history is any lesson, Lopez Obrador is no Al Gore. He won't walk away from a stolen election without a protest. His political rise has been characterized by having to respond to dirty tricks. And if anyone is justified in being a "firebrand" about stolen elections, it is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. (Cadeva)
While it was everyone's sincere wish that this year's Mexican presidential elections come off without a hitch, it was not to be. While the IFE waits until Wednesday for a vote-by-vote count, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the liberal PRD party's candidate for president (and current second place candidate, according to this opponent) says that this year's election is anything but "regular." If fact, it seems it's looking a bit chueca. As in 3 million missing votes:

Andrés Manuel López Obrador says he doesn't know what the PREP (Programa de Resultados Electorales Preliminares, Preliminary Electoral Results Program) are since, he charged, that the program has been manipulated since the beginning and that it contains and infinite number of inconsistencies that are working against him, among them less records of votes than those which he actually obtained, the existence of 3 million "lost" votes, and the fact that records for the presidential election and the delegates/senators election don't match up.

Mexican daily La Jornada reports that hundred of Mexican citizens have gathered outside of AMLO's campaign headquarters in protest of what seems to be manipulation of the much talked about election. As for the candidate himself, he points to a concrete example of "missing" votes and electoral inconsistencies:

He showed a photo sent to him by one of his supporters: it's of polling place 1019, contigua 3, in District 33 of Mexico state, where "Por el Bien de Todos" coalition [AMLO's party and two more allied parties] obtained 188 votes, but the PREP only counted 88.

"That means that they took 100 votes from us, and like this case there are others in which numbers are being recorded falsely to work against us", he added. He also took the opportunity to ask that citizens continue sending him examples of irregularities, but also said that coalition representatives working with IFE will do their job as well.

Just when some of us were beginning to believe that this would be a "clean" election. Who knows where this will end, but as Mala wrote, it doesn't seem that AMLO will be conceding anytime soon.

Via / La Jornada

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