Health & Beauty | July 2006  
Hospital Cornerstone Summer Newsletter
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| Here’s wishing you all a very happy and healthy summertime! For more information, contact Pamela Thompson, Hospital Cornerstone Patient Services Coordinator at 224-8122 or 044 [322] 306-3151. | Puerto Vallarta - I hope that this finds you all staying cool, staying healthy and enjoying your summer vacations, wherever you might be. Here in Puerto Vallarta, we are sweating it out and blessed with the occasional tropical downpour to cool things off before we spontaneously combust!
 What happened to “low season”? My intentions have been good thinking “Just as soon as things quiet down, I will get to work on high season projects.” The days just whiz by as we serve the medical needs of both the national and foreign communities here.
 Occupancy remains high & thank goodness our Phase II was built one year early as we would have had to send patients to other facilities due to lack of beds. With 15 new (private) rooms, a dialysis unit, a meeting room, chapel and nursing station, our second floor expansion is meeting the needs of our patients and their families.
 NEW MEDICAL DIRECTOR AT CORNERSTONE We welcome Dr. Eduardo Salazar as the new medical director of Hospital Cornerstone. Dr. Salazar hails from Tepic where he was the Director of the Seguro Social for many years. He is an internist and intensivist and has accepted this huge responsibility with great enthusiasm. Dr. Max Greig chose to step down to pursue what he loves most, spending more time with his patients and doing more surgeries. Dr. Greig’s office is in the same place (first floor of the Medical Tower).
 HOSPITAL CAFETERIA After months of planning, the very tiny kitchen that handles so many meals for patients, families and staff is finally being expanded. This will be a wonderful addition to our hospital. Our friendly cafeteria workers are continually coming up with new dishes to the delight of us all.
 CHECK-UPS! We have put together a very complete medical check up package –one for men and one for women. If you have been putting off having a physical – it is time! The check ups include complete lab work, abdominal ultrasound, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray as well as a thorough exam by a general practioner. The women’s check up includes a mammogram and gyn exam. Please contact me for further information.
 PHYSICAL THERAPY Please know that our Physical Therapy department is the perfect place to do some exercise. Air conditioned very friendly therapists – work out those aches and pains. Call 224-8122 for information.
 NEW! NEW! NEW! We are proud to add to our specialties an ophthalmologist, allergist and at long last, an audiologist. If you need hearing aids, or need to have yours tuned up, it can be done at Cornerstone! Contact me for details. I will be doing a detailed profile on each of these physicians in the near future.
 Upcoming Programs for high season: • Six-week series on Menopause. • Mammogram that will now include a complete manual exam by an oncologist. • Support Group for parents of children with ADD. • Men’s Health Talks • Seminar on Tropical Bites (scorpions, spiders, snakes – ugh!) • Ongoing Self-Breast Exam instruction classes. • First aid for babies and young children. • Monthly presentation of Plastic Surgery Options. • Yoga Classes (ongoing) • Eating Disorder Support Group • Cooking Healthy Classes • Weekly Cafeteria Specials • Bi-monthly visits by a representative of the United States State Department to answer your Medicare, Veteran and other types of questions.
 One of the seminars that I am the most excited about is “End of Life Decisions in Puerto Vallarta.” It’s not exactly something that we want to discuss, but it is a very, very important topic to discuss.
 These are only a few of the upcoming events. Please send ideas on speakers, support groups that you might be interested in.
 HEALTH CARE AND LOCAL INFORMATION My office has turned into the Welcome Wagon Office of Puerto Vallarta. I am happy to set up a time to meet with you, go over health care options including insurance suggestions, physician referrals and answer any questions that you might have. Beginning in October, I will have Cornerstone folders available that will contain loads of useful information from Emergency Numbers to Insurance contacts. By appointment only.
 PHYSICIANS I am more than happy to refer you to and make your appointment for, a physician should you be in need. Feel free to contact me.
 STAY COOL! Drink a lot of water! We receive numerous patients each week suffering from dehydration. This can turn into a very dangerous situation, very quickly!
 ENJOY! Wherever you are – enjoy yourselves! For those that are away from Puerto Vallarta for the summer months, we look forward to seeing you again in the fall. Here’s wishing you all a very happy and healthy summertime!
 For more information, contact Pamela Thompson, Hospital Cornerstone Patient Services Coordinator at 224-8122 or 044 [322] 306-3151. | 
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