Exercise Program at Cornerstone Hospital
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| Cornerstone is now offering an exercise program that allows people with arthritis, hip pain, back pain or limited mobility to get the exercise they need. For more information, please contact Hospital Cornerstone's Patient Services Coordinator, Pamela Thompson, at 224-8122 or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com. | Do you want to exercise - but have arthritis, hip pain, back pain or limited mobility? Due to numerous requests, Hospital Cornerstone has put together an economical package that allows you to get the exercise you need in the most comfortable way.
 Led by Cornerstone's physical therapists, this twelve session program [three times a week] includes stretching exercises, muscle toning, and wind-down with relaxing music - all in the comfort of an air conditioned room.
 The package is patterned after a program led by Cornerstone's Physical Therapy Director, Dr. Jose Angel Villaruel Sahagun. His offices are located in Guadalajara, where they have had over 200 very happy participants.
 Sessions begin on August 7, 2006 and cost just $1200 pesos. Pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact Hospital Cornerstone's Patient Services Coordinator, Pamela Thompson, at 224-8122 or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com. |