Editorials | At Issue | August 2006  
New International Language Gains Popularity
Mtra. Martha Cárdenas - PVNN
 Experts from all over the world agree that many of today's problems between both countries and people is a lack of communication. But there are those who are trying to remedy this situation with a simple language that is easy to learn, logical, phonetic and a neutral instrument of international communication for all - Esperanto.
 Esperanto was created by Dr. Ludwig L. Zamenhof, a Polish physician, who published it in 1887. Since then, out of all of the many projects and proposals for an international language that have come and gone over the centuries, Esperanto is the only one that has stood the test of time.
 Today, it is in daily use by many thousands of people all over the world, and the number is growing constantly, thanks to the Internet resources available that help people learn it, easily and free of charge. Esperanto's impressive success as the language of international communication is due to three basic advantages. It is easy to learn. It is politically neutral. And it has many practical uses.
 The second major reason for Esperanto's success is that it is neutral. It belongs to no one country. Many people in America and England say that English is already spoken so widely and is such an "important" language in the world that it should be officially adopted by all nations as the international language. This view is very unpopular in many countries.
 Esperanto is not the property of any one nation, group of nations, or social class. It belongs to everyone. It has no political or historical implications to hinder its acceptance. Every person who uses Esperanto is on an equal linguistic footing with all other Esperantists.
 During last month's annual national convention of the League of Esperanto for North America (ELNA by its acronyms in Esperanto), the board of directors decided to accept an invitation to share headquarters with the Esperantist Group of San Diego (EGSD by its acronyms in Esperanto) during the upcoming convention scheduled to take place in San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico in July of 2007.
 Excursions to different tourist points in San Diego are planned from July 25th-27th. Then, on the evening of July 27th, there will be a preliminary meeting to "break the ice" in the Premier Lounge of the Hotel Pueblo Amigo in Tijuana.
 On the morning of Saturday, July 28th, the convention will officially begin with a Grand Opening event and continue through until the closing ceremony takes place the following Monday morning. After the convention, excursions by private bus to the cities of Playas de Tijuana, Rosarito y Ensenada are also planned.
 At this time, ELNA is collaborating with their Mexican and American colleagues to finalize all of the details to ensure that the event will be one of the best conventions that Esperanto has had on this continent in recent years. One of the most important reasons that ELNA decided to collaborate with other organizations was their desire to show solidarity with Mexico in particular, and Latin America in general, and to gain support of the Esperantists' movements during this time of political friction.
 Given that the convention is scheduled to take place a year from now, there is still plenty of time for those that have not yet learned to speak this international language the opportunity to join the millions of people in more than 120 countries that already speak Esperanto fluently.
 For more information, visit the following websites: ELNA: www.esperanto-usa.org EGSD: www.esperanto-sandiego.org Federación Mexicana de Esperanto: www.esperanto.org.mx Free online lessons: www.lernu.net
 or contact: UNAM Courses: Prof.: Luis Cordova luisesperanto@gmail.com Mtra. Martha Cárdenas - Garymar2000@aol.com Playas de Tijuana, BCN MEXICO Nuevo Idioma Internacional Aumenta en Popularidad Mtra. Martha Cárdenas - PVNN
 Expertos de todas partes del mundo están de acuerdo que muchos de los problemas de hoy entre los países y entre las personas se deben a la falta de comunicación. Existen quienes tratan de remediar esa situación con un lenguaje planeado, fácil de aprender, lógico, regular, fonético y neutral, el Esperanto.
 Este idioma, creado por el Dr. Zamenhof en Europa, ha estado en existencia desde 1887 y últimamente está ganando aún más popularidad gracias a los recursos disponibles por medio del Internet para aprenderlo.
 Por ello, la mesa directiva de la Liga de Esperanto para Norte America (ELNA por sus siglas en Esperanto), en su última reunión durante su convención nacional anual en Nueva York el pasado mes ha decidido aceptar la invitación del Grupo Esperantista de San Diego (EGSD por sus siglas en Esperanto) y eligir como sedes de su siguiente convención a las ciudades de San Diego, California, en Estados Unidos y Tijuana, Baja California, en México.
 El evento está programado para julio de 2007.
 Se planean excursiones a diferentes puntos turísticos de San Diego, del 25 al 27 de julio.
 Habrá una reunión preliminar de "rompehielo" la noche del 27 de julio en el Lounge Premier del Hotel Pueblo Amigo en la ciudad de Tijuana.
 La parte oficial de la convención comenzará la mañana del sábado 28 de julio con la gran apertura del evento y terminará con la clausura el lunes por la mañana.
 También están programadas excursiones por autobús particular a las ciudades de Playas de Tijuana, Rosarito y Ensenada después de la convención.
 ELNA desea colaborar con sus colegas mexicanos y de otros países del continente americano para finalizar los detalles del evento y así asegur que éste evento sea uno de las mejores convenciones de Esperanto que se hayan tenido en este continente en los últimos años.
 Una de las razones más importantes por las que ésta decisión fué tomada, fue el deso de mostrar solidaridad con México en particular y con América Latina en general y apoyar sus movimientos Esperantistas durante éste periodo de fricciones políticas.
 A pesar de que la convención está a sólo un año de distancia. Eso es tiempo suficiente para que los que aún no han empezado a aprender éste idioma internacional lo hablen con fluidez para entonces y de esa manera se unan a los millones de personas que ya lo hablan en más de 120 países.
 Para mayor información, visite los siguientes vínculos: ELNA: www.esperanto-usa.org EGSD: www.esperanto-sandiego.org Federación Mexicana de Esperanto: www.esperanto.org.mx Lecciones gratuitas en línea: www.lernu.net
 o contactar: Curso de la UNAM: Prof. Luis Cordova - luisesperanto@gmail.com Mtra. Martha Cárdenas - Garymar2000@aol.com Playas de Tijuana, BCN MEXICO | 
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