Editorials | Opinions | August 2006  
No Generosity of Spirit
Juan Jacobson - PVNN

| And on a clear day, he could see forever... (Adriana Romero/PVNN) | A few nights ago, my wife and I witnessed the beginning of yet another scene of destruction in what was once the lovely town of Puerto Vallarta. I'm referring to the annihilation of Lazaro Cardenas Park in the midst of Old Town Vallarta.
 It was truly a surreal scene. The government waited until nightfall, then brought in the armed police to surround the area, in order to protect itself against the "bad" ecologists who were intending to commit the "crime" of protesting against barbarism and of trying to preserve the beauty of one of the town's patrimonies.
 Soon the bulldozers will arrive, and the precious Parota trees, which offer their shade to the citizenry - parotas, which in more aware and civilized places, would be protected with the full force of the law - will be felled.
 Observing all these police protecting the interests of a few in the face of the evident disapproval of the many, it is obvious that what was happening was not something the people would applaud as something sensible and beneficial.
 An evil was being done, and they were protecting themselves. Not too long ago, the destruction of another beautiful plaza was accomplished, the Plaza Hidalgo, in favor of a perfectly antiseptic and soulless construction, promoted by the ex-director of none other than the Association of Timeshare Developers.
 There were protests, and even injuries. This time, someone else will benefit financially, with the blessing, needless to say, of a spectacularly corrupt and stupid municipal government.
 Once again, barbarism, an infinitely venal government, and the pathological selfishness of a few moneyed interests will triumph. In our magnificent "democratic" country, one never asks the people if they agree.
 One never consults them to ask whether they think that a given project will benefit them. No. We live in a divided Mexico. Let no one in these parts speak of nobility, of principles, or of generosity of spirit. La Aniquilación del Parque Lazaro Cardenas Juan Jacobson
 Hace unas noches, mi esposa y yo presenciamos los comienzos de otra escena de destruccion en lo que antes era el bello pueblo de Puerto Vallarta. Se trata del parque Lazaro Cardenas, ubicado en el centro de la Zona Romantica de Puerto Vallarta.
 Fue una escena verdaderamente surreal. El gobierno espero hasta que la noche cayera, luego hizo un cordon de policias armadas alrededor del area para protegerse contra unos pocos "malvados" ecologistas, que intentan cometer el "crimen" de protestar en contra de la barbarie y de preservar la belleza de uno de los patrimonios el pueblo.
 Pronto llegaran los bulldozers, y tambien se cortaran las preciosas parotas que brinden su sombra a la ciudadania - parotas que en otros lugares mas conscientes y civilizados se protegerian con toda la fuerza de la ley.
 Viendo a todos estos policias protegiendo los intereses de unos pocos ante la evidente desaprobacion del pueblo, es obvio que no se trataba de algo del que el pueblo aplaudiera como obra sensata y benefica.
 Estaban haciendo un mal, y se estaban protegiendo de antemano. Hace poco se completo la destruccion de otra plaza bella -la Plaza Hidalgo - en favor de una construccion perfectamente antiseptica y sin alma, promovida por la ex-directora de nada menos que la Asociacion de Desarrolladoras de Tiempo Compartido.
 Tambien hubo protestas, y hasta heridos. En esta ocasion, sera otro que lucrara, con la bendicion, por supuesto, de un gobierno municipal espectacularmente corrupto y estupido. De nuevo triunfan la barbarie, la gobernacion infinitamente sobornable, el egoismo patologico de algunos con dinero.
 En nuestro magnifico pais "democratico," nunca se le pregunta al pueblo si esta de acuerdo. Nunca se consulta si les parece que tal iniciativa les beneficiara. No. Vivimos en el Mexico dividio. Y de nobleza, principios, y generosidad no se hable por estos rumbos. | 
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