Health & Beauty | September 2006  
Vallarta Rape and Sexual Assault Group Starts Sept 20th
Sueanne Hagemann - PVNN

| The first bi-monthly meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Rape and Sexual Assault Survivor Group is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 20th from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. There is no charge to join this group. For more information or to join the group, please call Sueanne at 223-8001 or send an email to sueannehagemann@gmail.com. | Rape survivors often suffer a significant degree of physical and emotional trauma, both during and following the rape, and often for a considerable time thereafter. As a survivor, you may be experiencing flashbacks, insomnia, anxiety, depression and many other ongoing problems. It may be difficult to discuss these with family or friends who do not understand. You may be thinking, "I should be over this by now," or "when is it going to end?"
 The terror of rape stems from the uncertainty about survival, the nature of the sexual, physical, and psychological intrusion, the loss of control over one's life, the intense feeling of vulnerability, and the violation of trust and of one's perceptions and judgment (especially in cases of acquaintance rape.)
 As a result, many women who have been raped not only experience changes in their overall health and mental well-being, but also face an enormous uphill emotional battle to regain self-respect, self-esteem, self-assurance, and self-control. But this is a battle that can be won with the help of caring and supportive group of other survivors.
 If you have been raped or sexually assaulted recently, or if it happened a long time ago and it has changed your life, joining a support group can help you resolve some of your pain, and give you the opportunity to help other women who think they are alone.
 In September, local therapist Sueanne Hagemann will be starting a Free Rape and Sexual Assault Survivor Group for women in Puerto Vallarta who could use a little understanding and support. Ms. Hagemann not only has years of experience working with rape and sexual assault survivors, but is a rape survivor herself.
 The first bi-monthly meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Rape and Sexual Assault Survivor Group is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, September 20th from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. There is no charge to join this group. For more information or to join the group, please call Sueanne at 223-8001 or send an email to sueannehagemann@gmail.com. | 
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