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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | October 2006 

Best Congress That Money Can Buy
email this pageprint this pageemail usEd Gant - PVNN

I can remember when “conservative” meant wisely spending what you have and paying as you go. But this good habit is of little interest to the Neo-cons who now encourage their political lackeys in Congress to make election-time promises that throw money at this and more at that, and never once should these pork-barrel boys say where the money will be coming from. This bad-habit has become the common way of doing business for too many congressional Republicans.

A while back someone said that we have the best Congress that money can buy. That is for sure, and they have bought their jobs with money that we do not have and sold out to folks that have been feeding grandly at the public trough. Anyone ever hear of Dick Cheney’s old company, Halliburton?

Oh well, it is really not like it is real money, it is just a mortgage on the lives and future of our children and their children, and it also makes it a bit hard if your income is not going up as fast Congress’s income has. How much of a pay increase did these politicians vote themselves, and how big is the national debt?

It is not only time to throw the rascals out, but we also need to be careful who we let into the chicken coop on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Neo-cons and can go and cluck somewhere else, I’m voting to throw their lackeys out of office.

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