Editorials | Opinions | October 2006  
The 72 Virgins War
Marc Kramis - PVNN
 President George W. Bush Osama bin Laden C/O The World Press
 Dear George & Osama, Re: The 72 Virgins War
 It is time to end the war on terror. Neither religion nor government can win. Religion and government were created to serve people, when they kill people they fail their sole function.
 We reached this global dilemma because we were afraid to learn new truths. This war is over preconceived ideas about Jehovah/Allah/God and what each persuasion thinks their God is and wants. Everyone is convinced only they can be right. No one wants to know any other truth.
 In the last decade scientists made two critical observations that reveal more about time and life than we previously guessed. 1. Earth is suspended at the exact center of an observational sphere over 27 billion light years in diameter. 2. The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate that drives receding objects from a standing start to the speed of light in about 13.7 billion years.
 A mathematical formula emerged from these observations that describes the nature of the universe by defining light and gravity as reciprocal functions of time. At the foundation of this model lie the electron, proton and neutron, the smallest stable particles found in any physical structure of this universe.
 These observations & formula produced a theory of time, life and physical existence responsible for US Patent Application No. 11/323,897, a process for human resurrection/reincarnation. Copies of that document are available at http://homepage.mac.com/coldbeer/FileSharing13.html
 As any testable theory of life after death preempts the authority of any existing religion to administer heaven, hell, 72 virgins or any other promise of after life (as well as the assorted moral codes they produced upon which our governments are founded), a cessation of hostility is proposed to begin on November 1, 2006 and endure for the time required to evaluate the theory through real world application. This will also give our global communication systems the opportunity to develop mechanisms that preclude war. If tests reveal a flaw in the theory, we may resume hostilities any time thereafter.
 Fear and ignorance cause war. Only courage and wisdom can end it.
 Sincerely, Marc Kramis P.O. Box 7661 Boise ID 83707 USA | 
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