Health & Beauty | October 2006  
Sobriety Under the Sun
Bob Cohen - PVNN

| For more information and convention updates, visit the website: aapvconvention.com, send an email to aapvconvention@yahoo.com, or call Barbara H or Jim H in the US at 206-322-8975 or Denny B in Mexico at 011-52-322-222-2505. |
 From January 26th-28th, 2007, the local [English speaking] Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Group will be hosting their 5th annual "Sobriety Under the Sun" AA convention at the Hotel NH Krystal Resort.
 The first convention, held in 2002, was actually called "Soberfest 2002." The following year, the name was changed to "Sobriety Under the Sun," and it has been sponsored by the Serenity Group of Alcoholics Anonymous in Puerto Vallarta ever since.
 This year, the convention will be held at the luxurious and serene Hotel NH Krystal, a beautiful new venue on the shores of the Bay of Banderas where groups can reserve one of the resort's Villa Club Suites - with it's own private pool - or a group of the equally great tropical garden or ocean front rooms.
 Large meetings with guest speakers, as well as discussion groups, workshops, dinners and social events are all planned for the event. On Friday night you'll enjoy a Meet & Greet and guest speakers.
 The Saturday night dinner, featuring main speaker Reggie D. of British Columbia Canada and entertainment will take place on the Seven Columns Terrace at sunset. And on Sunday morning there will be a Spiritual breakfast, complete with speaker and countdown.
 Additionally there will be ongoing meetings, break-out sessions (both AA and Al-anon) sunrise and candlelight meetings on the beach, free time to enjoy the surroundings in fellowship with others and much more...
 Come join the international group of wonderful people that have one common purpose; to get sober, stay sober and enjoy life without the use of alcohol. Puerto Vallarta's weather is generally in the low 80's and sunny in January and dips to a frigid 65 degrees at night, thus the origination of the convention name. Most people extend their visit to a week or more to enjoy the paradise and charm of Puerto Vallarta.
 For more information and convention updates, visit the website: aapvconvention.com, send an email to aapvconvention@yahoo.com, or call Barbara H or Jim H in the US at 206-322-8975 or Denny B in Mexico at 011-52-322-222-2505. | 
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