Health & Beauty | October 2006  
Hospital Cornerstone November Newsletter
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| As always, Pam is happy to assist you in any way possible. It's best via email pmt15@hotmail.com, but if it is an emergency, her phone number at the office is 224-8122 and her cell is 044 322 107-7007. | Just where did the summer go? What ever happened to "low season"? Both have flashed by, and here we are at the threshold of the infamous "high season" once again. To those that are returning for the winter - Welcome Home! To those that never left - Saludos! Wherever you were, I hope you had a healthy summertime!
 We at Cornerstone have stayed busy the past few months taking special care of our patients, planning for the future and preparing for the influx of tourists that will be with us soon. We have also prepared some very interesting topics and clinics which are ready to begin! So, here we go!
 It's Yoga Time! Mikki has returned from her summer vacation and yoga classes will begin on Tuesday, November 7th and continue every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am. For further information, please contact Mikki at pvencore@yahoo.com
 Exercise! For those with limited mobility, our exercise class for arthritis and other exercise-hindering conditions will begin on Monday, November 6th at 1 pm. This is a great way to get those muscles moving. Each person is worked with on an individual basis by our physical therapist.
 Skin Clinic Do you have some funny spots that you might be worried about? Attend our Skin Clinic on Tuesday, November 14th, and Oncologist Dr. Velasco will check you from the top of your scalp to the bottom of your feet. By Appointment Only. $200 pesos
 Tropical Critters Dr. Ramon Vasquez, local expert on snakes, scorpions, bats, spiders and other yucky creatures will be giving a very interesting talk on these pesky critters on Wednesday, November 15th at 7:30 pm. No charge.
 Breast Health Clinic I know - we all hate it. But a yearly mammogram is so very important for women over 40 years old. This year, our Clinic will be a bit different. It includes a mammogram AND a manual exam (remember that a mammogram cannot always detect a lump-tumor.) You will also receive detailed instructions on how to do a self-breast exam. Scheduled for November 21st, this could be one of the MOST important exams of your life, and it costs just $700 pesos for both the mammogram and manual exam, so make your appointment today!
 Are you a breast cancer survivor? Would you be interested in chatting with newly-diagnosed women? If so, please let me know.
 Flu Shots Did you miss the last Flu Shot Clinic? We still have a few left, which will be available on Wednesday, November 22nd from 9 am-12 noon. Appointment necessary. $350 pesos
 Hospital Cornerstone Volunteer Program Do you have a few hours a month to spare? If so, please consider donating a bit of your time to our new Volunteer Program at Hospital Cornerstone. It is underway with a core group of wonderful people - but we need more! Please contact the volunteer coordinator, Linda Horowitz at lindahorowitz2@yahoo.com for further information. Thank you!
 Informational Talks Now is the time that so many are returning to their condos and own private groups, rather than coming to see me at the hospital. I am available to come to your group meeting and give a presentation on Cornerstone services, insurance information - whatever you are looking for. Please contact me for information. And if not... I have gathered an abundant amount of information on insurance for those living outside of their home countries, whether it be for a few months or permanently. I am happy to meet with you on an individual basis. Just call me and we can make an appointment. (For those of you that don't know, I have "inherited" the Insurance Department as well!)
 Fundraiser for Biblioteca de Higuera If you attended last year, you know what a marvelous time was had by all. Great food, drink and items for purchase to raise money for Sally Conley's precious library in El Pitillal. Mark you calendars for Monday, November 27th from 6:30-10 pm. Please contact me for information.
 Welcome to Puerto Vallarta! Dr. Antonio Rodriguez - Opthamologist-Eye Surgeon is now fully equipped in his new office next door to Hospital Cornerstone. And soon Dr. Rodriguez will be doing cataract surgeries here. This is a huge plus for Puerto Vallarta. He is a wonderful man and is available for all of your eye needs.
 Breakfast Club! Banana Cantina is turning into "the" place to be to meet new people, network, exchange information and make new friends! We hope to see you there on November 3rd at 9 am, and the first Friday of each month. Bring a friend!
 As always, I am more than happy to assist you in any way possible. It's best via email pmt15@hotmail.com, but if it is an emergency, my phone number at the office is 224-8122 and my cell is 044 322 107-7007.
 I look forward to seeing all of you that are returning (not as patients of course!) during this exciting time of the year here in Puerto Vallarta. Remember that at Hospital Cornerstone, we want to see you smile! - Pamela Thompson | 
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