Health & Beauty | October 2006  
Tropical First Aid Talk at Orchid Society Meeting
TJ Hartung - PVNN
 The first meeting of the season of the Vallarta Orchid Society will feature a special guest speaker. Dr. Luis Suarez Lopez will speak on Tropical First Aid, at the Sunday, October 29th meeting at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens.
 Dr. Suarez is a specialist in internal medicine and has been studying a very specific field of medicine called "Traveler's Medicine." This deals with the kinds of problems that affect people when they are away from home, like here in the tropics.
 Dr. Suarez will acquaint us with the problems of living in the tropics, from snakes, spiders and scorpions, to bacterias, microbes and molds. More importantly, he will tell us about first aid treatment, and what your doctor needs to know to treat the problem correctly.
 While this talk is intended for members of the Vallarta Orchid Society, anyone who is interested in this subject is welcome to attend. There is no charge for Dr. Suarez's talk, which is a continuation of a series of talks that are designed to educate and enlighten, without getting into too much technical and scientific detail.
 Tropical First Aid talk will start at 1 PM at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Sunday, Oct 29th. There is a small fee for entry to the gardens, but this can be used for purchase of lunch, drinks, etc. The restaurant at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens has a delightful and varied menu.
 The Vallarta Botanical Gardens has a large (and growing) collection of plants. In addition to the restaurant, there is a swimming hole in the river, paths through garden areas, and shade houses where young plants get their start.
 The gardens are located 24 Km south of town, just 3 Km past Chico's Paradise. The bus to El Tuito will stop at the entrance to the Gardens, and will return you to town. There is a parking area for those who wish to drive, but parking is somewhat limited.
 For more information, send an email to pvorchids@gmail.com. | 
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