Editorials | Opinions | November 2006  
Brad Will's Second Murder
Carlos Vigueras - mexiamerica.org

| Brad Will is not able to rest in peace. The Mexican government kill Brad again with a second shot. | It is right in these times to ask for a serious, impartial investigation.
 Why now do the expert and forensic services of the Mexican government show a new version that turns it around 360 degrees and puts in judgment fabric that Brad Will was assassinated by people from the government of Ulises Ruiz and it exonerates them of any responsibility to blame somebody else?
 It is obvious that there are tricks and obscuring in order to justify the murder of Brad Will and to cast the blame onto the APPO so that the weight falls on them and not on the true guilty ones that enjoy all impunity to continue using their arms against the people of Oaxaca.
 Brad Will will have to wait for justice. His assassins will be looked for within the popular movement or Oaxaca, while the true guilty are exhonerated. The government of Mexico presented results of the investigations made into the murder of our companion Brad that try to blame members of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca as those who exonerated assassins of Brad.
 Brad Will will not be able to rest peacefully. The people of Oaxaca have given their lives. Today the government wants to think we are also assassins. The Mexican government wants to attribute his death to members of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) to exonerate the true assassins, by means of a supposed judicial investigation that aims at those who were on the side of the APPO and not on the side of the paramilitary snipers.
 Brad R. Wills would die again if he knew the government of Mexico wants to attribute his death to the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO).
 The orders, to clear of responsibility the assassins who the whole world saw shooting with impunity against the members of a barricade of the APPO in Santa Lucia. This happened 27 of last October, when Brad Rolland Will was riddled with two paramilitary shots at the service of Ulises governor Ruiz, among them: Juan Carlos Soriano Velazco, Orlando Manuel Aguilar Coello, Abel Santiago Zárate, and others who fired against the members of the barricade.
 Today the government of Mexico wants to deny justice to Brad Will and to present an invented version, that he was assassinated by someone who carried him wounded, to murder him point-blank, in view of all, in order to cause a free-for-all within the members of the APPO. They proposed that apparently, it created a martyr for the movement, this is not only very debatable, but it is an unreal version invented by the interests of those who zealously try to repress the movement and to support Ulises Ruiz.
 In the investigations made by the Mexican government, both bullets that became lodged in the body of Brad, were fired by the same weapon, according to the expert studies done over 3 weeks and released at the moment in which a general repression of the APPO and the student movement that supports them in the University Benito Juárez de Oaxaca is planned.
 Nevertheless this investigation tries to show that Brad was hurt with a single shot and that it was observed that was one single one, at the time he was put into the white VW that carried him while wounded, 20 minutes later apparently that he was shot during the trip to the hospital. Everyone knows and everyone saw the men armed with long pistols and rifles, when they fired their weapons and as our companion Brad fell mortally wounded, his camera captured the images of his assassins.
 The expert proof that the Mexican government presented in the investigation of the death of Brad Will gave very opposite and doubtful data, which we knew would be reported, because in the video taken by Brad, it is observed that there was a single firing against him when the APPO members came to him. And that later he possibly had another second shot, point-blank, that was caused by the same people who took him to the hospital in the white VW which they say was changed later, to another vehicle in suspicious form.
 The investigations given yesterday by the Coroner of the Mexican government ( General Attorney Office, Procuraduría de Justicia de Oaxaca ) affirmed that the death was due to loss of blood and that from the moment of the attack, to the moment he was pronounced dead, more than two hours passed, in which they have not explained what happened.
 Here they try to accuse the people who took him wounded of not taking him immediately to the hospital, and that this is the reason why he died from loss of blood, according to the autopsy of Brad and released 18 days later, which also indicates to us that the government presented this report in a way convenient to its interests, to present a surprise version to public opinion that opens more investigations, than indications that contribute elements to punish to the real guilty ones.
 Why did they reveal information today that maliciously and mysteriously implicates members of the APPO being supposedly directly responsible for his death? Why was it offered to Television to disclose these findings that exculpate the people of Ulises Ruiz and drive the knife into the popular movement of Oaxaca? The Television chain showed a video where it questions that there were two firings at the same time when Brad fell wounded, where he appears apparently with a single shot to the chest and blood marks are not observed for the second firing, which puts in doubt that the gunmen were those who hurt Brad, in spite of his own video filmed by him, in which the assassins can bee seen clearly.
 The same ones who enjoy their freedom, without which the government of Oaxaca or the Procuraduría de Justicia (Office of the judge advocate general of the Republic) would have to take responsibility for shooting with impunity against those they found at the barricade of Santa Lucia, a passage to the center of the State Capital. This independently of the murder of Brad.
 There is no doubt, that if the video where it shows the paramilitary of Ulises the Ruizes shooting, is not sufficient to judge them, it is because they did it with impunity, even as they continue doing when they shot at Radio University and those who defend the barricades near the University Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. The campaign of terror imposed by these faithful groups to the PRI government, is documented widely by national and international human rights organizations that have been witnesses of these attacks.
 Multiple videos exist that show the groups armed by the government and there isn't a single arrest or imprisonment because of these bloody facts that they have left 15 dead and many wounded, but only among the APPO and teachers of Oaxaca. It is evident that the federal and state government has protected the faithful groups to Ulises Ruiz and there is no record of these snipers by whose hands the APPO, the college students and the teachers of Section 22 have died.
 For the authorities of the General Office of the Procuraduría de Justicia like for the Office of the judge advocate general of Justice of the state of Oaxaca, the weight of the law must fall on the popular movement and its members, not on the plainclothes agents, police, paramilitary and soldiers in civilian clothes that have acted against the APPO, teachers and students, who apparently do not have rights in this repressive regime who violate human rights.
 Why now do the expert and forensic services of the Mexican government show a new version that turns it around 360 degrees and puts in judgment fabric that Brad Will was assassinated by people from the government of Ulises Ruiz and it exonerates them of any responsibility to blame somebody else? It is obvious that there are tricks and obscuring in order to justify the murder of Brad Will and to cast the blame onto the APPO so that the weight falls on them and not on the true guilty ones that enjoy all impunity to continue using their arms against the multitude.
 Proof of this is that there are no indications that they have tested those who used the arms to the implied ones when they were presented, independently not all those that fired their weapons were cited, nor were charges brought about why evidence in their hands disappeared and the murder weapons disappeared.
 Additionally it is in the public domain that the president of the local PRI, the same government of Ulises Ruiz and their judicial functionaries showed that they would defend these possible assassins, to those whom they considered defenders of the regime, that they acted in self-defense against the rebels who are against the governor of the state. The same Senate of the Republic said that it would defend until the death of Ulises Ruiz and their repressive government, without mattering that they have killed 15 people and our own Brad Will, journalist from Indymedia New York.
 Their National leader, Mariano Alcocer Palaces did the same and the governing PRI members offered all their support him.
 The most outstanding in this case is, that Embassy of the USA in Mexico has not protested vigorously against this murder, like you would think, against an American citizen, protest the new version that changes the reality and puts in danger the veracity of a murder, that now they are trying to attribute, to the popular movement and thus to have excuses to justify the repression.
 It is right in these times, to ask for a serious, impartial investigation, seeking the truth, and not an official version that tries to find and to plant new blame to continue maintaining the granting of twisted justice for benefit of a few. | 
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