Health & Beauty | November 2006  
New Puerto Vallarta HIV/AIDS Clinic
Paul Crist - PVNN

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For more information call (322) 222-4793, Toll Free from the US: 1 (866)3 88-2689, or send an email to paulcrist@hotel-mercurio.com. | Great news! The new HIV/AIDS Clinic for Puerto Vallarta is about to open! Located adjacent to the new Regional Hospital in Pitillal, this has been an amazing project, involving cooperation between:
 1. The Mexican Federal HIV/AIDS organization (with enormous credit due to Dr. Jorge Saavedra, the Director General of CENSIDA);
 2. The State of Jalisco HIV/AIDS agency, COESIDA;
 3. Our local municipal government
 4. AIDS Healthcare Foundation of Los Angeles, California USA (with enormous credit and appreciation due to Jessie Grutadauria for her tireless work to make this clinic possible).
 It is unheard of in Mexico to get so many government agencies and a private (foreign) organization together working toward the same goal... in fact, it's almost unheard of anywhere! But it has happened here, thanks to the tireless efforts of many individuals to put aside political and bureaucratic interests and to bring to life a project that has long been of dire need in Puerto Vallarta.
 On November 24th at 12 pm, there will be a "Soft Opening" of the clinic, with the president of AHF, the governor of Jalisco, the secretary of Health and other elected offiicials in attendance.
 Interested members of the public invited to tour the facilities, and bring along any of their friends or colleagues that may be interested in the clinic's services. For more information call (322) 222-4793, Toll Free from the US: 1 (866)388-2689, or send an email to paulcrist@hotel-mercurio.com. Buenas Noticias:
 La nueva clinica de HIV/SIDA en Puerto Vallarta esta a punto de abrir! Estα ubicado al lado del Hospital Regional en El Pittillal. Este ha sido un grandioso proyecto, que ha requerido la cooperacion de:
 1. La organizacion Federal Mexicana para el HIV/SIDA (con gran credito para el doctor Jorge Saavedra, director general de CENCIDA);
 2. La agencia del Estado de Jalisco para el VIH/SIDA COESIDA
 3. Nuestro govierno municipal
 4. AIDS Healthcare Foundation de los Angeles, California, Estados Unidos (el credito y un enorme agradecimiento para Jessie Gruttadauria por su incansable trabajo para hacer posible esta clinica.)
 Es inedito en Mexico juntar tantas agencias de govierno y organizaciones privadas (extranjeras) para trabajar por el mismo objetivo... de hecho, es casi inedito donde sea! Pero ha pasado aqui, gracias a los incansables esfuerzos de muchos individuos para poner a un lado los intereses politicos y burocraticos y dar vida a un proyecto tan urgentemente necesario en Puerto Vallarta.
 El 24 de Noviembre, a las 12 pm, habra una pre-inauguracion de la clinica, los miembros del publico que esten interesados seran invitados a conocer las instalaciones. Habra una ceremonia inaugural mas formal despues, en aproximadamente un mes.
 Para mas informacion, llame (322) 222-4793, o enviar un email a paulcrist@hotel-mercurio.com. | 
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