Health & Beauty | December 2006  
Happy Holidays from Hospital Cornerstone!
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For further information on any of Cornerstone Hospital's health-related programs, please contact Patient Services Coordinator Pamela Thompson at 224-8122, 224-9400 or send her an email at pmt15@hotmail.com. | Because everyone is hustling and bustling during the month of December, I have decided not to have any special programs (except the Skin Clinic) this month. But I do have all the recent Hospital news and some information about local events... and just WAIT until you see what we have in store for you in 2007!
 Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
 We are pleased to welcome Dr. Santiago Torres as the new Medical Director at Hospital Cornerstone. Dr. Torres is a well known and well respected anesthesiologist who shares the vision of Hospital Cornerstone.
 As well, we are proud to announce our new Director of Nursing, Maria de Jesus Jara. Chuyita, as we call her, has many years of experience in nursing in the Puerto Vallarta area and brings a strong leadership to the Nursing Staff of Cornerstone.
 • Skin Clinic Due to the popularity (and full!) Skin Clinic in November, we will be offering it again on December 12th. Dr. Daniel Velasco, oncologist, will check you from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet. Too much sun? Let him check those spots for just $200 pesos. Appointment only.
 • Cafeteria Coming Soon Hospital Cornerstone's new and improved cafeteria is nearly up and running! Large and spacious kitchen with some yummy treats planned. Thanks to our Kitchen Brigade (Part of our Hospital Cornerstone Volunteers) for working with our staff!
 There are some wonderful events going on in Puerto Vallarta during the month of December, and many benefit those in need. Here are a few:
 • Wednesday, December 6th - 7:30 pm Banana Cantina presents their Celebrity Program/Dinner featuring Zac from Eventful Moments. 10% of the proceeds will go to New Life Mexico! Reservations 222-2114
 • December 7th, 8th and 9th - 8 pm Don't miss Four Guys Named Jose, playing at the American School Amphitheater. Four Latino buddies, residing in snowy Omaha, decide to put on a show at the Local VFW to express their homesickness, enhanced by their friend Maria. As they all vie for Maria's attention, prepare to hear roaring renditions of some Latin hits. For further information, contact Frank Meyer at casapacifica99@yahoo.com
 • Saturday, December 9th Join the first pet picnic at Daiquiri Dick's! Bring your dog and enjoy a boxed picnic lunch for you and your best friend. $150 pesos in advance and $200 pesos at the door. Training demo, Doggie gift bags, Fashion show. Proceeds from this event will be used to build a cat facility at the Animal Shelter of Puerto Vallarta. For further information, contact Nina Goodhope at nbgoodhope@yahoo.com.
 • December 20th-21st What is a QuesaDiva? You will have to come and find out for yourselves! Santa Barbara Theater presents "Celebrate! A Holiday Review" This will be THE holiday presentation of the season, produced and performed by some extremely talented ladies, and featuring some special guests as well! Get into the holiday spirit by attending one of the two performances. For more information, call the Santa Barbara Theater at 223-2048.
 This holiday season, now more than ever, is the time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Toys are great and very much appreciated. But the day to day needs such as food, clothing, medical supplies are in huge demand. Please consider donating time, money and/or supplies to the many worthy charities in the Puerto Vallarta area.
 • Wise Women of Vallarta This bi-weekly speakers program focuses on caring, sharing, learning and growing! The calendar will be sent out towards the end of December - I promise, there has NEVER been anything like this in Puerto Vallarta before! No charge.
 • Dr. Lopez-Cueto on Understanding Your Prostate (or How To Keep Your Testicles Healthy) Dr. Jorge Chavez, Cardiologist, speaking on his summer in a huge New York City Teaching Hospital.
 • Plastic Surgery...Is It For Me?
 • What Should I Do to Prepare for a Medical Emergency?
 Also, don't forget to drop by Banana Cantina for the monthly Breakfast Club. These meetings are always held on the first Friday of each month at 9:00 am and are a great way to network, visit with old friends and make new ones! Be there or be square - December's was excellent!
 • End of Life Decisions in Puerto Vallarta
 • What's My Type? (Find out your Blood Type)
 • Valentine's Day Blood Drive
 It's gonna be a FANTASTIC year!
 For further information on any of Cornerstone Hospital's health-related programs, please contact Patient Services Coordinator Pamela Thompson at 224-8122, 224-9400 or send her an email at pmt15@hotmail.com. | 
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