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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | January 2007 

The So-Called War on Drugs is All a Diversion
email this pageprint this pageemail usAlison Shunstrom - PVNN

For most of the people they are under the impression that there is a drug war going on in Mexico and that the drug cartels are murdering and kidnapping.

For a couple of years now I have known that there is much more then what is being said and what picture is being painted of Mexico and the borders to the USA.

I am 100 percent sure that the USA is behind all that is going on and all the false propaganda that the USA is spreading around is just so they can cover up what they have been planning, I knew what their purpose was but I was not sure of all the pieces to when and why and now I know and I am sure.

I was not going to move on this so fast as I have to now but things seem to be going forward faster then I expected thanks to the information from Henry Cueller I received in his live broadcast yesterday on the radio talk show, he confirmed that the USA is moving forward and that means I have to also with the truth the real truth to the people of Mexico before it is too late.

I know that I cannot just come out and say what I know and I am sure of or as most of the people may say my view but how ever you want to look at it and take it is up to you I am doing my part to bring forward the truth to the people of Mexico because I care about all of you and the country and the culture so I will try to give you the truth with detailed explanations for you to try to understand and see the big picture the true picture.

Let's start with the Cartels now these men are risking their lives everyday since the beginning of Mexico and most of you are well aware these men are the ones to keep Mexico the way it is in it's culture, principals and history they have helped preserve all of that and they have offered to pay off debts to the USA to prevent the evil USA to steal any more of the Mexicans land and to try to prevent the worst as to what is happening today and that is having the USA invade, takeover and change Mexico, my good people of Mexico this is what is being done today right now this is what has been planned in the past few years your so called "President Felipe Calderon is selling all of the Mexicans and the country out to the USA"

The USA meddled with President Fox to arrange his presidency so that "President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador " did not get elected Let me explain in full detail for the reasons of this and the rest of the truth and reasons for the rest of what I have to say.

The USA has always had a reputation that they want to control the world and it is true they are out to try to do this, and if you look at the USA their background their ways they are doing just as the devil is set out to do they are doing the devils work for him and they are succeeding in many areas but they have not succeeded in full and that will never happen because there are still people of God and as long as there are people of God no one can defeat the good. This is why Bush has been planning to invade Mexico for reasons,

1.) Bush is in Iraq because he is trying to spread his evil in the Islamic countries God's countries, he has invaded to steal their riches of oil and to force the people to think , believe and ac evil as he does, he has created chaos and illusion-ed all the truth that is really taken place there that he and his followers are the only ones that are killing the people and trying to blame it on the Muslims and trying to divide them against each other o the world sees chaos and he has an excuse to stay and oppress the people. if you try to look at this in compare to Mexico after reading all that I have said you will see that is the same low handed tactics that Bush is trying to do the people of Mexico, trying to put fear in them create all the chaos and divide them and put them against each other.

2.) The USA has been trying to take out President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela because Mr. Chavez stands for his people and stands for his country and stands with God and he will not allow the evil USA the followers of Satin to tell him what to do or by force, this brings us to the election of President Felipe Calderon he was elected President because he will sell out the Mexican people and Mexico to the USA he is a traitor to his country and Bush did not want some one strong some one that would stand up and defend the people of Mexico as Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to be President so President Bush and Fox corrupted the election.

3.) The USA is now in fear of Muslims coming for their rightful revenge and they fear they will come through Mexico to get in to the USA, the USA fears that Venezuela will allow the Muslims to pass through their country and start their way up to the USA. That is why the USA has started the false propaganda and staged the drug cartel to blame them for an excuse for the USA to enter, or invade Mexico so they can start to take control of the south by first the land of Mexico, if you look back you will see that the USA has been planning this with Fox since the so called "9-11" happened that is when they first started their plan to start make arrest of the leaders of the drug Cartels and to what we have today, all the chaos.

4.) The USA wants to control Mexico for these reasons and for their riches with their plan that they have they took in account what they have been wanting since the day they invaded and stolen the lands of Mexico, once USA military have entered Mexico with the traitor President Felipe Calderon approve them to then while their plan is in action they get control of Mexico and their riches they USA will now taken over the drugs and gold as they always wanted to. The plan for President Felipe Calderon and President Bush is to use the Cartels for their excuse to invade to cause chaos among the people so the people do not fight the USA military when they come in, the USA wants to paint a picture that they are in Mexico because Mexico cannot control their own people so they are in need of the USA help and the Cartels know this and they will be the only ones fighting for all of Mexico and the people.

5.) Henry Cuellar confirmed that the USA military will not only go into Mexico if invited but even if not in voted he said they will go in and "REFORM" the country.

Henry Cuellar stated that, " he will be receiving a sum of $850.00 Million dollars in federal aid to Reform the Mexican military and to combat the narcotics and to reform the work and abilities of the people, as he went on to say what better place to spend the money then on the country that is next door to us"

As these words speak very clear, the USA wants to change Mexico and control it.

In the year of 2006 Mexico received 69 million dollars and they put up the price of Tortillas wow Bush and Fox and Calderon are really living it up and now the $ 850 million that will be going to Mexico to get sold out will be payments of $170 million each year for 5 years, this 5 year period is because the USA thinks it will take them 5 years to get the people of Mexico reformed to their evil ways by ways of brainwashed and mislead or by force.

Mexico is a peaceful place it is full of Love people that are so close to God that the evil people of the USA would never understand and they never will and the people do not to be reformed they do not wish to be a follower of the devil.

Now for reporters to be afraid to speak and report of any events that the Cartels do that is fine because the people should have respect of these men and not make propaganda out of them, let this be an example off this article now why would they want to kill me for I speak the truth of them in a good respected way that they deserve so that means there should be no problem with who ever broadcasts this in their newspapers or any other business as long as the people do not change what is said and make false propaganda out of the truth, but on the other hand the evil ones, the traitors the Americans would be the only ones that we will receive threats by or be killed by but I have no fear I am doing what God expects of me and for that I have no fear, I am not afraid of Satin and his followers and that is who Bush follows is the devil and who ever follows Bush follows the devil.

Sure the Cartels they kill sometimes but compare to an every day murderer in the USA just to murder for no reason those numbers are way higher and Bush well he has killed more people in 1 year then the history of the Cartels in hundreds of years you need to look at statistics the truth.

I am not saying their job is a good one and maybe they agree with me on that but some one has to do it, some one has to be there to protect their country, drugs are not good they are evil but if God has provided it to them and access then there was a reason for that and we are no one to question that.

What we see is that the USA is so messed up and 90 percent of the population on drugs including most of the Presidents in it including the one today President Bush they are the ones demanding the drugs and if they use them in a non proper way that is between them and God, not the Cartels they did their part to deliver what they are demanded to deliver.

Maybe the Cartels maybe having some issues about their turfs their designated areas because of the leaders have been locked up in jail but that is not the business or concern for any one else only between them to work out and it is in no way any reasons or excuses as to the real truth of what the evil USA is trying to propaganda and mislead and misguide people.

Now the USA wants to have control of the drug money, the USA wants control of everything and in order to get in control of the drugs they will have to get in control of the south and that means by first taking over Mexico.

Never fear the truth, the people in the USA live in fear everyday and they should because they do not fear God they are followers of Satin they live of nothing but lies they are back stabbers in everything they say and do.

The USA wants the people in Mexico at the borders so afraid that they will beg the USA for help and invite them into their country and this is what is happening. The people of Mexico should not be worrying about when tourists will come in or trying to run into the USA to get away from the "so called war on drugs" the people in Mexico should be uniting standing together against the real enemies of their country and fight prepare to fight them together with the Cartels before it is too late and Mexico no longer exists as the land we step and live on in Texas and California if it happens this time Mexico will stand for nothing but evil and chaos just like Iraq.

The people in Mexico are proud and I have faith in them they will stand strong and not be miss lead by the devil by the evil USA anyone who does not show respect for Mexico no matter what nationality or race should not step in Mexico they cannot be trusted if they do not like Mexico and their ways then they should stay out.

The people of Mexico should protest as soon as possible to not allow any USA military in their country and as soon as possible oust President Felipe Calderon.

I know most of the people will say, "what proof do I have in all of this" and all I can respond to that is, all of the people are believing in lies now without any proof only propaganda but now you have a choice and the choice is believe in the devil and his lies or listen to your heart from within your soul and make the connection with God and you will then know and have all the proof you need. Defend and protect Mexico it is a land of God.

Viva Mexico!

Alison Shunstrom is the author of "World Peace" -

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