Editorials | Opinions | February 2007  
Bush Allows The Mexican Military To Smuggle Drugs Across Our Border
Dave Gibson - newsbyus.com

 Last year, the Department of Homeland Security admitted that since 1996, there had been 231 known incursions by the Mexican military into the United States. They are usually seen providing armed escort to drug smugglers. The corrupt Mexican military regularly invades our nation with the intent of putting more poison on our streets, apparently with the blessing of President Bush.
 In early 2006, a typical example of these disturbing incidents took place along the Texas-Mexico border. On January 23, Hudspeth County deputy sheriffs came upon a gang of drug smugglers operating with along with a Mexican military unit. When confronted by the deputies, the Mexican soldiers retreated to their Humvee and “took up a defensive position,” said Sheriff Arvin West.
 The smugglers headed back across the river into Mexico. As one of their trucks became stuck in the water, the group unloaded the drugs and placed them into another vehicle. While this took place, the Mexican soldiers kept their rifles trained on the deputies. The truck still partially submerged, was then set ablaze.
 Of course the Mexican government denied that any members of the military were involved in the affair. The U.S. State Department promised to conduct an investigation into the matter, the results of which have never been reported.
 Shortly after that incident, a Border Patrol agent speaking on the condition of anonymity told the Inland Valley Bulletin: “We’ve had armed showdowns with the Mexican Army. These aren’t just ex-military guys. These are Mexican army officials assisting drug smugglers.”
 Last year, Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol David Aguilar testified before a Congressional Subcommittee that a run-in with the Mexican military “isn’t a new phenomenon.” He went on to say that U.S. Border Patrol agents often pursue and detain Mexican soldiers.
 Also last year, the Department of Homeland Security released a document on the matter of Mexican military incursions into the U.S. which listed the following number of incidents within several Border Patrol sectors: -San Diego County...17 -El Centro...58 -Tucson, AZ...39 -Yuma, AZ...24 -Del Rio, TX...3 -Marfa, TX...8 El Paso, TX...33 -Rio Grande Valley, TX...28
 Upon reviewing those disturbing statistics, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) said: It’s a military problem. “We should commit the military to the border tomorrow. I mean with armor and weapons.”
 It is more than disturbing to know that we have a president who is willing to sit by and watch as a foreign military regularly enters this country, in the assistance of drug smugglers. The lives of our children mean nothing to President Bush.
 I hope that the liberal Democrats now controlling Congress make good on their promises to impeach Bush. I no longer care about their motivations. The man is aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise. | 
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