Health & Beauty | February 2007  
March Events at Cornerstone Hospital
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information on these activities and seminars, please contact Pamela Thompson at 224-9400 ext 136, or send her an email at: pmt15@hotmail.com. | SKIN CLINIC Too much sun? Have a few funny looking spots? Attend our very popular Skin Clinic offered by Oncologist Dr. Daniel Velasco on March 6th. He will check you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. $200 pesos by appointment only.
 HERNIAS 101 Do you think you have a hernia, or have you been diagnosed with one? Does it hurt to lift, cough, sneeze? On March 14th at 7 pm in the Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room
 Dr. Velasquez, local surgeon and hernia specialist, will teach you all about hernias and the current treatment. No Charge. RSVP preferred.
 HOSPITAL CORNERSTONE GENERAL INFORMATION SESSION Day after day, I have appointments with folks to give general information about Cornerstone, from Insurance questions to physician referrals. Someone suggested to me, "Why Don't You Do It In A Group?" What a great idea! So, let's give it a try.
 This session will include a folder full of useful information, physician referral program, discount cards, Emergency Medical Registration Program, Question and Answer period, Hospital tour plus lots more! March 16th in the Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room. No Charge. RSVP preferred.
 END OF LIFE DECISIONS IN PUERTO VALLARTA Is my Living Will a legal document here? Can my remains be sent home? Does a Power of Attorney work here? Will my physician honor my wishes? This will be a panel forum with representatives from throughout the community. No charge, but Reservations Are Required. March 19th at 10 am in the Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room. Please send any specific questions to me ahead of time so that we can be prepared.
 And last, but certainly not least...
 SPRING BLOOD DONATION EVENT Puerto Vallarta has a continuing CRITICAL need for ALL TYPES of blood. Please consider giving THE GIFT OF LIFE by donating blood on March 23rd from 8:30 am to 5 pm in the Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room. Gifts/Prizes for donors! Further details to follow.
 Other Events in Puerto Vallarta This Month
 BREAKFAST CLUB Be sure to stop by Banana Cantina on Friday, March 2nd at 9 am for the Breakfast Club! Come and meet new friends, chat with old ones, find out what is going on in the community. This is THE place to be to network, visit with old friends and make new ones! Don't be shy - bring your business cards or flyers and mingle! Be there or be square!
 WISE WOMEN OF VALLARTA After only two very successful gatherings, this new group has turned out to be extremely popular! Stop by the Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room on Wednesday, March 7th at 10 am for "Breast Cancer - Survive and Thrive!" No charge. RSVP to Darla Fowler at fowlers2000@hotmail.com.
 BECAS BALL Ball location: The Westin Resort and Spa Hotel Date and time: Friday March 9th. Cocktail hour from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Dinner at 8:30 pm, Dancing from 8:30 pm to 12:30 am. Ticket cost: $700 pesos ($65 USD) Reserved tables are available if six or more tickets are purchased. Tickets can be obtained from: Buri Gray, 221-5285 (Conchas Chinas and south); Mary Ellis, 222-1478 (Centro and Los Muertos); Margarita Mora, 221-3760 and Mariel Fregoso 221-0789 (Marina); The Book Store, Venustiano Carranza #334, 223-9437 (Centro) and Plaza Caracol inside Gigante 224-1872.
 IFC MONTE CARLO NIGHT AT HOTEL CANTO DEL SOL March 24th from 8 pm to Midnight $350 pesos which gives you $250 pesos in chips to start playing with and includes hors de'oeuvres served continually from 8 to 10 pm. No host bar. For further information contact the IFC Clubhouse at 226-5466.
 Before you head north at the end of the season, consider an overnight trip to the Hacienda Jalisco in charming San Sebastian del Oeste. An easy drive from Puerto Vallarta, enjoy the cool weather in this 280 year old bed and breakfast. Far from the crowds and traffic, a truly relaxing getaway. Contact me for more information.
 I would like to take this opportunity for all of your support, suggestions, assistance over the past few months. We are truly blessed to be living in this very special community. Please contact me via email for further information on any of the above events. Remember, here at Hospital Cornerstone, we want to see you smile!
 Pamela Thompson 224-9400 Ext 136 Cell 044-322-107-7007 pmt15@hotmail.com HospitalCornerstone.com | 
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