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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkHealth & Beauty | February 2007 

How to Get a Hot Night All Day Long
email this pageprint this pageemail usGlamour Magazine - Feb 2007

Forget spontaneity - if it's passion you're after, you need a plan. Here, we tell you what to eat, how to exercise, and the all-day tricks for sex worth waiting for.

7am Morning glory

"If you want great sex at the end of the day, I'd advise that you have a quickie in the morning," says relationship coach Tracey Cox.

"People believe that quick sex works for guys, not girls. But the opposite is true. Female erotic responses need constant stimulation to work better - so the more you have sex, the easier it is to feel turned on. Our sex hormones peak at 7am so sex is the perfect way to start the day."

7.30am Dress to tease

"Having a bath rather than a shower feels much sexier," says Judi James, a relationship and body language expert.

"Use products that leave a seductive scent on your skin. Then wear something secretly-sexy to work, like stockings or silk panties; you'll have an all-day reminder of what's to come. Don heels too, as they'll force you to walk more sexily - and all those admiring glances will be a great warm up for later."

8am Your smoothie

We know that breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day but today it'll give your body the essential mix of nutrients it needs for passion. Firstly, drink a banana smoothie. "Bananas increase energy thanks to their carbs, and they contain bufotenine, which helps to lift spirits and boost self-confidence," explains health and sex expert Aliza Baron Cohen. "Eat eggs, too, because they contain steroid substances that enhance your libido."

8.30am Set the scene

Don't leave the house in a mess. When you both arrive home later tonight, the last thing you want is to trip over discarded shoes or see yesterday's dishes piled up in the sink.

"As you're walking out of the door, slip a 'sex letter' into his pocket," Tracey suggests. "Everyone can write a love letter, but forget hearts and flowers this time and make it a sex-based note. You can keep it as simple as, 'You have no idea what I'm going to do to you later,' or be more imaginative and write down a fantasy." Then give him a long, hard kiss goodbye.

11.30am Feed the libido

"You should snack on nuts and seeds, which are high in essential fatty acids and zinc and great for your sex drive," recommends Aliza. And - oh joy - there's chocolate. "Along with chemicals that make you feel happy, chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), or in simple terms, the love chemical," she explains. But make sure it's a good quality variety that's high in cocoa solids.

1pm Midday boost

"Meet up with your partner for lunch," Tracey advises. "It will give you a thrill to see each other in the middle of a working day, in smarter clothes and surrounded by less familiar people. And flirting in public, holding hands and kissing is going to make the rest of the afternoon, and the build up, much spicier and more delicious."

1.45pm Hit the shops

Before you go back to work, pop to the shops and reconnect with your sexy side. Buy new underwear or try products at a beauty counter - anything that makes you feel feminine and alluring.

Tracey also suggests practicing your "simmering technique" for getting and keeping yourself in the mood for sex: "Men are usually much better than women at thinking about sex throughout the day," she says. "Don't switch off to it - keep your brain stimulated. Studies show that sexual pleasure involves the brain as much as the body, so go into a bookshop and look at some erotic literature. Nancy Friday is good because she writes short fantasies, or flick through Anaοs Nin's Little Birds (Penguin, R123, Exclusive Books)."

If visual stimulus is what you need, seek out the art section. Try erotic photography books, like Chas Krider's Motel Fetish (Taschen, R290, Exclusive Books) or Kinky Couture by Emma Delves-Broughton (Goliath, R263, Exclusive Books).

Or, for more discreet inspiration, buy a pocket book like The Little Book of Sex (Penguin, R103, Exclusive Books) or the Pocket Kama Sutra (Penguin, R87, Exclusive Books), both by Anne Hooper.

3pm Hot desking

Send your partner a titillating SMS from work. "Tell him how you're feeling and what you're looking forward to," says Judi. "Better still, tell him the first line of a fantasy you'd like to re-enact later, or a sexual command you're expecting him to perform."

SMS is more private than email, so it's definitely a better option for work.

4pm Office bliss

Get daydreaming. "If you're stuck in a boring meeting, indulge in some active anticipation," Judi continues. "It's no good thinking that all you have to do tonight is put on sexy underwear and see what happens. You need to rev yourself up by visualising how you'll feel and what you'll do with your partner. Thinking erotic thoughts and visualising sexy scenarios is good active planning."

Simon Vearnals, a psychologist who specialises in sex and relationships, agrees that the right frame of mind is crucial.

"Remember how you felt when you first met your partner, and visualise some of your best moments," he says. "Begin by thinking about sexual experiences you've had with your partner or with someone else. We know from research that people who fantasise don't tend to think about their partners - I personally don't think that matters."

5.30pm Hit the gym

"Doing exercise - of any kind - on the way home is an excellent way of de-stressing and clearing your mind," says Simon.

It's also great for your sex life. One study found that an hour of exercise, three times a week, leads to more frequent sex and better orgasms as it energises you and gets your circulation going for full sexual arousal.

The more blood you pump to various areas, the more sensitive you'll become overall. Push-ups, sit-ups or crunches strengthen the shoulders, chest and abdominals - all of which we use during sex. And pelvic lifts and stretches will keep you flexible.

6pm Get fresh

Even though you're showering at the gym, take your time and enjoy it. Once you're fresh and clean, exfoliate and massage in a body lotion you know he loves on you.

"The aim is to meet your man tingling, relaxed and totally gorgeous," explains Judi.

7pm Date him again

Rather than going straight home, recreate the heady, early days of your romance by going on a date first. Meet in a public place where you can't be too affectionate as that'll build up the sense of anticipation.

"Making time for each other is so important for a healthy sex life and a lot of couples don't do it," says Simon. "Choose somewhere out of the ordinary, ideally a place that you haven't been to before."

Make sure your first words to him are positive - don't moan about your boss or talk about home improvements. Eat light (sex doesn't work well on a full stomach) and don't drink too much, either.

Judi suggests sharing a bottle of sparkling wine: "It's the best for a slow-burn seduction," she says. "It creates the right mood without the usual tiredness you get from alcohol."

8pm Cold shivers

Go and see a scary movie together. "When we're frightened, our bodies become flooded with adrenaline, which makes us more alert," explains Pam Spurr, author of Naughty Tricks And Sexy Tips (Amorata, R117,95,

"A fright can wake you up." And snuggling up close in the dark is a chance to start what you can finish at home.

10pm Enjoy the ride

Take a taxi home and kiss as much as possible en route. The ride offers the perfect opportunity to practice sex therapy: you can get hot and heavy but you can only go so far. Whisper what you want to do to him. All that pulling back will leave you gasping for...

10.30pm The finale

Lead him upstairs, and have one new sex toy ready and waiting (if toys are new to you, you don't have to be too daring). And when the action starts, remember that variety is key.

"There are over 600 possible sexual positions," says Tracey, "but almost all of us tend to choose between two or three. Don't let yourself stick with these tonight. I suggest a rule: 30 thrusts in each position, then move on to another, and another..."

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