Editorials | Opinions | March 2007  
Mexico's New Envoy to U.S. Takes New Tack
Marcela Sanchez - Washington Post

| Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico's Ambassador to the United States | Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico's new ambassador to the United States, is working hard to manage expectations about U.S.-Mexican relations for a very good reason: Promising too much and demanding too much has served neither country well in the last six years.
 Sarukhan is careful to keep hopes focused on what is mutually beneficial and palatable to both Washington and Mexico City. Fighting drugs and organized crime, enhancing border security while easing bureaucratic red tape for legal crossings, and helping Latin America successfully confront the challenges of globalization — these are, according to the diplomat, the areas where both nations can progress together during President Bush's final two years and the first two of Mexican President Felipe Calderón's six-year term.
 What's missing here, of course, is immigration reform. Sarukhan doesn't avoid the topic, but in a conversation recently with Washington Post editors and reporters, it was not a do-or-die issue. He maintained only that he is "guardedly optimistic" that some form of immigration reform would be passed by the U.S. Congress this year.
 Unlike the case during then-President Vicente Fox's first months in office in 2001, keeping expectations low appears to be an early theme of Calderón's administration. Fox's personal connections with Bush led many to expect a substantial U.S. immigration overhaul. The high hopes turned into overconfidence typified by an ultimatum issued by Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda in 2001 — "It's the whole enchilada or nothing," Castañeda proclaimed, implying that Mexico would not sign any immigration accord with the United States that did not give those Mexicans here illegally a chance to become legal.
 At the time, many U.S. analysts welcomed the Castañeda-esque diplomacy — after all, good neighbors ought to be able to speak frankly with each other — and expected that Mexico's emergence as a multiparty democracy marked a new era for bilateral relations. That, of course, never came to be. Instead of seeking a common future, leaders in both countries succumbed to internal political pressures that drove the nations apart.
 Over the last few years, Bush and Congress allowed the most virulent anti-immigration forces to hijack the immigration debate. The terrorist attacks on 9/11 and subsequent security concerns became the perfect excuse to drive a wedge between the two nations and scare U.S. politicians away from supporting a more comprehensive and reasonable solution, supporting instead the construction of a 700-mile fence along the border.
 Meanwhile, Bush's good friend Fox also let political calculations get the best of him. He was slow to express solidarity with Washington in the wake of 9/11. Then the subsequent invasion of Iraq and the U.S. clampdown on immigration made it even more difficult for Fox and other Mexican politicians to build bridges to the United States.
 To Sarukhan, both countries must undermine these divisive forces through public diplomacy. "We have failed to explain to our people the importance of our relationship," he said. For his part, the ambassador plans to use the extended network of 49 Mexican consulates throughout the United States to attempt to show the benefits of deeper U.S.-Mexican integration.
 The harder work will be internal. By improving security, Calderón is hoping to attract significant sums of foreign investment to create jobs and spur economic growth. Through this process he is massaging Washington's interests, in recognition that there is a cost to good relations. "Before the hugs, before the fireworks, (Calderón) actually needs to be able to prove to the Americans and to Mexicans that he has the ability to put the goods on the table," said Sarukhan.
 That's how it should be. Two neighboring nations facing the immigration challenges of the United States and Mexico will need to "give something of value in order to gain something that is a higher value" — a meaningful immigration agreement, said immigration expert Demetrios Papademetriou of the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute. The problem, he added, is that instead of engaging Mexico in an active partnership, the United States has chosen to pursue the issue in an "aggressively unilateral way."
 Mexico has been treading gingerly, lest someone here think that the border fence needs to be a few inches higher.
 Email Marcela Sanchez of The Washington Post at desdewash@washpost.com. | 
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