Editorials | Opinions | March 2007  
Hatred Versus Hope
Alan Burkhart - PVNN
 The fact that I often write about the dangers posed by radical Islam has over time brought me some interesting correspondence from Muslims who disagreed with my views. Some represent at least rudimentary thought, while others are barely coherent. The common thread to all of the correspondence I've received from radical Muslims is an utterly mindless hostility.
 I should hasten to add that I am referring only to elements of radical Islam, not mainstream Muslims. The majority of the Muslims with whom I am acquainted are decent, honest people. They tend to be well-educated and knowledgeable both in history and current events. Mainstream Muslims do, however, have their own issues to deal with, not the least of which is their overall failure to combat the hijacking of their faith by a cadre of murderous ideologues.
 Consider the testimony of Professor J. Michael Waller (Institute of World Politics) before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security in October 2003:
 "Curiously, there is no shortage of normal Muslims in this country who agree with the critics. However, they are not organized and often have felt too intimidated to speak out."
 In many cases (and this is just one man's opinion), ignorance seems to be the difference between a Muslim teenager who blows himself up in a pizza parlor and the kindly old Iraqi doctor who treated me for an allergic reaction a couple years back.
 People who have hope - a belief that their future can be better than their present circumstances - will rarely commit acts of senseless violence. The fact that Muslim youth can be deluded into believing that seventy-two virgins await each of them after committing an act of utter savagery makes it obvious that hope is a rare commodity in the Muslim world. It is equally obvious that ignorance is in plentiful supply. A handful of radical Muslim clerics hold the lives of their brethren in their bloodstained hands.
 It should come as no surprise that Muslim chaplains are having considerable success recruiting new converts in U.S. prisons. Woefully uneducated and feeling disenfranchised, convicts are easy prey for those who fill their heads with false promises of an eternity of fleshly pleasure. Violent felons and radical Islam are unfortunately a match made in Heaven. Or Hell.
 Just how much hatred exists in the mind of a radical Muslim? Consider these messages I've received from Muslims who took issue with past articles on this subject. The only editing I've done is the removal of expletives. They are otherwise displayed exactly as I received them:
 March 17, 2007 haha sometimes i read things against Islam and i get mad because people try to give it a bad name....lol you however have produced such a false image of Islam that it makes me laugh....anyways here is something that you might like to know...IN the nine months following sept 11, 35 000 people in the United States alone converted to Islam and 2/3rd's of them were women....does that make you mad? doesnt matter your hateful message is fortunately not the majority of peoples views, so i guess you can keep wasting your breath. Oh one more thing, ask yourself, if Islam downgrades women why do so many women convert to it? If your not busy please get back to me, ill pray for you in the meantime. Farewell. - "Sideedali Chaudhry"
 December 18, 2005 Hey racist ignorant child molesting white trash I really love the way you ignorant racist bigots create a stereotype of 1.5 billion Muslims by repeating the acts of 1 Muslim over and over again. I am a Muslim. I am Turkish. I am a women. I grew up in America. I work on Wall Street in America. I visit Turkey every year. I have seen both Muslim culture and American culture. While the Muslim world does a problem with oppression of women, America is no haven for women's rights. America has a very serious wide spread child molestation problem. There are also large numbers of incest and abuse suffered by the ""white trash of America"". Finally, The biggest dirty little secret that is so widespread it affects almost 100 percent of all working women in America is sexual harassment at work. As a women, when I go to Turkey, I am treated like a human. In America I was fired because I refused allow a disgusting 60 year old Christian man to molest me. I was told either put up with the attempted molestation or be fired. As a Muslim women, I am glad that oppression of Muslim women is exposed but as a women working and living in America, I wish the American media would expose the blatant and rampant sexual harassment forced on almost 100 percent of all American working women. - "Angela"
 July 29, 2005 Hi a**hole, My name is Mohammed Jawabreh. I just read some of the thing published on your fu**in website. You are a fu**in idiot, none of the things I have read about Islam and the prophet Mohammed that are on the website are true. Before you publish anything, get your facts straight. You are just a just a fu**in idiot. - "Mohammed Jawabreh"
 So, Sideedali evidently believes I'm ignorant of history. Perhaps Sideedali needs to be reminded that his so-called "prophet" led a series of bloody raids across the ancient world, all without provocation. Maybe the USS Cole slipped his mind. Maybe he was sleeping when the WTC was bombed in 1993. Perhaps he's never seen Muslims dancing in the streets when innocent Israelis are murdered. Who needs a history lesson?
 Also worth noting is the fact that Sideedali sees a sexual aspect to his faith. He obviously expects me to be jealous over the fact that his religion might be "getting the girls." I'll leave it to the psychologists to figure that one out. History states that Mohammad had numerous wives, the youngest being nine years old when he married her.
 As to "Angela" I find it amazing that she can feel human when she visits a Muslim country. Under the fist of hard line fundamentalist Islamic governments, women are sometimes banned from even having an education. They can't own cars. They cannot vote or hold public office. Fathers kill their daughters if they suspect they've been "tainted" by a local boy. Pardon me for thinking women have it marginally better in Western Civilization. Silly me.
 One other item regarding Angela - given her mangling of the English language, you might find cause to doubt her assertion that she works on Wall Street. I on the other hand find it quite plausible that she works on Wall Street. As a janitor.
 Regarding Mr. Jawabreh, what can I say? He is a shining example of the ignorance and hopelessness I've described. I can't help but wonder if he's even still alive.
 In spite of the constant media coverage of missile attacks, road side bombings, abductions and decapitations, many Americans still don't get it. We are facing the most dangerous enemy in our history, and that enemy will not rest until Western Civilization has been eliminated in favor of Islamic law.
 They don't hate us because of our foreign policy or our comfortable lifestyle. They hate us because we do not share their beliefs. In the mind of the Muslim extremist, any who reject the teachings of Mohammad must be either enslaved or killed. That's not idle rhetoric. It is an integral part of what they believe.
 Having said all the above, I'll close with this: The War on Terror cannot be won solely by shedding our precious blood. We must address the ignorance and the hatred that leads millions of young men and women to destroy themselves in the name of a false god. Western "infidels" cannot accomplish this daunting task. The ultimate solution to Islamic terror must come from within. Until moderate, mainstream Muslims stand up and force change upon their faith and their culture, the carnage will continue. Related Reading: • Pentagon: Suspected Mastermind of USS Cole Bombing Confesses
 • Clerics offer reward for writer's head
 • Terrorist Recruitment and Infiltration in the United States (J. Michael Waller)
 • Turning to Islam - African-American Conversion Stories
 • Blair did secret deal with Saudis | 
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