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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | March 2007 

Amnistia por Ilegal Emigrantes - Que, No?
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After Babel: Store signs in English, Spanish, and Korean in the Wilshire district of Los Angeles
Recently I walked through a Lowe’s building supply store and observed new signs at the aisles and sections in bold English - subordinated with Spanish. That’s it, I thought, we have now become a bilingual society; unofficial, but actual. Virtually all products in American stores have labels and instructions in Spanish. You would think they’d be in Chinese. Most of our goods come from China. Well, what the heck, we’re in a global economy, they say.

But trade: fair exchange of goods and services is one thing. Creating a “global welfare system” with our taxes is quite another. Later in the day I received urgent letters from the United States Justice Foundation and the Senior Citizens League, concerned that our government officials plan to allow illegal migrants to collect Social Security benefits. Step one will be to grant amnesty to millions of illegals so they can legally be called “guest workers.” Step two includes a “Social Security Totalization Agreement” with Mexico - a scheme to siphon off billions from America to Mexican welfare.

Earlier this month, President Bush was in Mexico talking to his amigos South of the Border. A couple of thousand well-wishers threw gasoline bombs at our embassy in Mexico City; burned American flags and an effigy of Bush with a noose around his neck; and shouted, “Get out, Bush the assassin.” Mr. Bush wasn’t fazed. He’s frequently treated this way by Democrats in Washington.

Articles in the New York Times on March 14, 2007 from Merida, Mexico described Bush’s five-country trip to Latin America this week. Our president promised “to deliver ‘social justice’ to poor and struggling Latin Americans,” according to Times reporters. They thought it odd that he used “revolutionary language,” but attributed it to an attempt to counter leftist movements in the region; especially as promoted by Venezuela’s anti-American Hugo Chavez.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon rebuked Bush for failing on his earlier pledge to give Mexico priority foreign aid. Our president countered with a promise to push hard for amnesty and citizenship (“comprehensive immigration reform”) for illegal Mexican migrants. He reportedly said that the best way to assure that they will be “treated well” in America was to pass this legislation. (Otherwise, they will be mistreated?)

President Calderon warned Bush that if Americans don’t help raise the standard of living in Mexico, their citizens will continue to pour across our border. Calderon also objected to a fence along the border. He said that building roads into Mexico would be the way to go. Bush stopped short of promising an extension of our Interstate highway system there, but he sees Mexico as a vital foreign policy “partnership.”

Police “security cordons” and “large metal fences” barred roads near the president’s hotels. Everywhere he received Third-World messages. Anger over “neglect of the region,” (send more money?) and “tougher border-security policies” (huh?) was flung at Bush everywhere he went. A leftist newspaper editor reminded our reporters that the U. S. government gives the entire region only a measly $1.6 billion (why anything?).

The opinion page editor of El Universal called Mr. Bush a “polarizing figure” and criticized him for not showing that “he’s willing to do poverty alleviation.” Guatemalan President Oscar Berger whined that we deport his citizens who enter our country illegally (we provide medical treatment “to those who cannot afford it,” in his country).

Less charitable Latinos held signs and sprayed graffiti declaring Bush a “fascist” and a “murderer.” Still, the U. S. entourage gamely went on with their “outreach,” hoping to up an unnamed financial ante on Chavez’s “investments” - he plans to build a $2.5 billion oil refinery in Nicaragua - and promoting free trade to lift all boats. But many disgruntled Latinos complain that they sit in less buoyant crafts.

Of course, our government officials can’t pull them up - as promised, but never delivered, by communists such as Chavez, Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega, Bolivia’s Evo Morales and totalitarian Cuba’s Castro - nor should they try. At least, not with our taxes. John Edwards says we have “two Americas” right here in the Disunited States. He would like to give more of our money to American presumed third-world residents.

Unfortunately for us, our political Heroes will continue to waste our resources on a never-ending parade of anti-Americans who will have one hand out and, then, slap us in the face with the other. Bush has not learned that kindness and charity toward our leftist enemies only returns further insults and more demands.

Mr. Bush may suffer from masochistic tendencies, but he’s using public funds and risking our financial national security to provide his gratification through abuse and humiliation; domestically and by foreigners. I hope that our representatives in Congress will resist immigration “reform,” and throwing more money down Third-World rat holes. But I don’t count on it.

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