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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | May 2007 

A Mexican Citizen May Be America’s Next President
email this pageprint this pageemail usMark Lowry - American Chronicle

America has become a world government that really doesn't need its elected officials to be citizens of America. America is just an idea now, and it doesn’t belong to any single group. It belongs to the world now. That is what your President thinks.

American Elected leaders, Anchor babies and dual citizenship have created a constitutional crisis. The United States appears to be the only country that has poison pill of dual citizenship and anchor babies. Dual loyalties are destroying our country. Now William (Bill) Richardson, if elected, might be the first Mexican Citizen President if he has not denounced his Mexican Citizenship and declared his loyalty to the United States.

Amazingly, America's liberal immigration policies and anchor baby citizenship has now created opportunity for a person with a dual citizenship, and stated dual loyalties, Presidential candidate William Richardson, an anchor baby to become president.

Legality of having a citizen of a foreign nation become president of the United States appears to conflict with the constitutional provision that requires United States Citizenship for elective office of the President. It doesn’t report dual citizenship with American citizenship or any other combination. It requires American citizenship alone.

The United States constitution in Article 2 Section 1 states:

"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

At the time the constitution was written there was no provision or intent for a provision that would permit persons with dual citizenship's to become president. The constitution has not been changed by amendment to accept persons of dual citizenship. The section also provides for the president to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: - I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

It appears reasonable to expect dual loyalties out of a citizen of a foreign country, especially one who spent most of their developing years in foreign lands.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

“William Richardson Jr. worked for Citibank as an executive in Mexico City, where he eventually met and married María Luisa López-Collada Márquez, who was his secretary. Before the births of the couple's children, Bill and Vesta Luisa, María Luisa Richardson was sent to deliver them in Pasadena, where her husband's sister Rosa Natalie lived. As Richardson explained in an article in the Washington Post, "My father had a complex about not having been born in the United States." After the death of Richardson's father in 1972, his mother was remarried, to Mexican nutritionist Salvador Zubiran Anchondo in 1986. …Bill Richardson was raised in Mexico City, but his parents sent him to Massachusetts at age 13 to attend a Boston-area preparatory school.”

The constitution doesn’t permit foreign citizens born and raised in a foreign country for their first 13 years of life to become president. How can anyone interpret the constitution in such a manner to permit an anchor baby who was not raised in the United States to become president? It is outrageous to permit the ruse of bringing pregnant women into the country for the expressed purpose of creating dual citizenship for United States benefits. Does it constitute 14 years of residency if they live in a territory of the United States and not the United States?

Dual citizenship in the United States is a critical problem for sovereignty of the nation. Our highest elected officials must be citizens of the United States with loyalty to only the United States. Our current President George W Bush has demonstrated dual loyalties. Many of the elected congressional representatives share the president’s views about open borders and one world order. The consequences have been grave. We have been over run with illegal aliens, our jobs have been exported, our benefits have been reduced to give foreigners, and our wages remain stagnant while profits of international corporations and banks skyrocket.

America needs a judicial opinion clarifying interpretation of the “natural born citizen” clause is. It is an obvious attempt to bypass the constitution when foreign citizens come to the United States to have their baby and immediately return to their country after the birth. We must have a constitutional amendment approved by the citizens of this country before anchor babies are permitted citizenship. Results of the current policy violate the basic constitutional provisions to assure continuation of a republican form of government and to protect the states from invasion.

Coronation of anchor babies with dual United States and other nation citizenships is happening all around the world where foreign nationals fly into American territories, have their American- dual Citizen babies and leave.

That is obviously not a “natural born citizen” under the intent of the constitution. If it is, then we could have potential presidential candidates who have never lived in the United States.

Citizens of any other country can create future presidents by merely flying into the United States or its Territories, giving birth and flying out again. They may never be able to speak English and still be eligible to be president if they can lie and say they lived in the United States for 14 years.

What a great deal for international global elites who think of America as an “idea” not a place. It is like open borders one world order proponent Senator Lindsey Graham said, “An American is an idea. No group owns being an American. Nobody owns this.”

Is America the only country in the world that has accepted the poison pill of dual citizenship and anchor babies? Our corrupt elected officials and judiciary may have created the death of America without any effort other than to permit illegal aliens and foreigners to have children born on American soil declared citizens.

Relentless propaganda by open borders and one world order elite have convinced citizens this is good for our nation, and good for us. American citizens are not that stupid. We can not accept illegal changes in our constitution.

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