Editorials | Opinions | May 2007  
The Mexican Border is a Despicable Revolving Door!
Gabriel Garnica - Family Security Foundation
 Everyone is painfully aware that the Mexican border is as pathetic a “boundary” as anyone can imagine. From the looks of it, if you installed revolving doors every 10 yards along the entire length of this sad threshold, you might actually have a reduction in illegal immigration streaming across its useless presence. Any fencing or barriers along this worthless border are more an amusing joke or decoration than any real limit or restraint on unlawful passage.
 As if the sheer futility of this border was not enough to depress anyone who cares about this country, we can add ironic hypocrisy and arrogant insolence to the mix. Mexico refuses to allow the extradition of its citizens for many of the crimes committed during their cheerful forays into our nation. Add to this the media’s blatant bias in favor of illegal immigrants and irresponsible refusal to focus on their illegal status when and if they report their crimes and we have an interesting and toxic brew that threatens each and every lawful and responsible resident of this nation.
 The above site also painfully recounts the litany of tragedy, injustice and tears caused by many of these arrogant and heartless ghouls who dare to sneak into this country one week and parade down its main avenues demanding rights the next. The entire tale is absurd and tragic beyond belief and exposes the sheer hypocrisy, insolence, arrogance and vile nature of Mexico’s entire stance regarding illegal immigration into this country.
 Have Your Taco and Eat It Too
 Let me get this straight; Americans are supposed to shed a tear of compassion and warmly embrace arrogant, ungrateful violators of our laws who march down our streets demanding rights as if they were divinely justified, expecting better treatment than our lawful citizens and further accusing Americans merely trying to defend and protest their national rights of being racist, intolerant and hateful monsters?
 To add more salsa to this burrito, we are also supposed to conceal their illegal status whenever it is not practical, helpful or politically correct to reveal it, since we want to perpetuate the myth that all illegal immigrants sneaking across our border are saints, angels or noble paragons of humanity? Heaven forbid the news should mention that some drunken idiot who runs over a little girl or destroys an innocent family is illegal. I invite all readers to the excellent website - ImmigrationHumanCost.org - where they can see for themselves the despicable and shocking litany of brazen arrogance by illegal immigrants who destroy American families and lives through reckless irresponsibility or intentional evil, only to be slapped on the wrist, escape deportation and harm again.
 The despicable Mexican government winks at the practical exodus of its underclass via illegal immigration yet manages enough hypocrisy to then refuse to extradite its returning citizens after they commit crimes in this country. This insolent arrogance and vile audacity defies belief.
 Sadly, I cannot in all conscience give full blame to that government for its impudence and hypocrisy, because much of the blame lies on this side of the border. After all, the Mexican authorities are merely taking advantage of the imbecilic betrayal of our national interest precisely by those who should be most courageous in defending it. Moreover, a media that is nothing but a prostitute selling its influence and attention to its own political and social agenda perpetuates this appalling situation.
 The Greatest Gig on Earth
 Imagine that I told you that you could march into my home; take anything you want; demand control of the television; get free food, drink, medical care and education for your kids; get more privileges and benefits for yourself and your kids than even I have in my own home and that, as a cherry on top of that sundae, I would have to confer respect and consideration upon you that you did not even care to confer upon my family or myself. Now pretend that I could not ever refer to you as somehow being unlawfully in my home, or in any way cause you to be offended or insulted.
 Finally, if you destroyed my property or harmed, injured or even killed my family, you could merely escape to a sanctuary that I could not penetrate.
 If that is not the greatest gig on earth I do not know what is. I challenge anyone to name another nation on earth so foolish as to allow such a ridiculous situation.
 Revolving Door with One-Way Justice
 While we as a nation are supposed to welcome warmly those who would unlawfully and arrogantly disregard our laws or disrespect our country and even allow them to escape to their homeland after they have raped, murdered or otherwise destroyed our families, we are not even allowed to expect so much as an ounce of respect, compassion or consideration on their part.
 Defenders of illegal immigration argue that these people are merely seeking a better life. I find it fascinating that the right to seek a better life is not extended to lawful residents of this nation. After all, one need only look at the sites noted above to see many examples of how many of these illegal immigrants trample on the rights of lawful, innocent residents to have that better life.
 These sites make it all to painfully clear that many illegal immigrants want the benefits of living in this country with few if any of the responsibilities or duties of such residence.
 Ironic Self-Harm
 A rarely discussed detriment of rampant illegal immigration, pathetic legislation and enforcement of measures to prevent, stem or control such immigration is the fact that the situation actually harms illegal immigrants and immigrants in general. Many observers have noted that between resentment and concerns over the carte blanche legal attitude toward illegal immigrants, many people prefer to shy away from dealing with perceived illegal immigrants at all. The nanny, construction worker, day laborer or cook perceived to possibly be an illegal immigrant is increasingly perceived as a threat in many ways.
 Hire the wrong nanny to care for your children and, when she harms them, discover that justice may refuse to fully prosecute the case to its rightful end due to political correctness or other protections that shield illegal immigrants. Hire the wrong contractor, day laborer or construction worker and, when he murders a member of your family, realize that the system may be so twisted to defend illegal immigrant rights that it fails to adequately defend and protest your own.
 As I have often said in other articles, illegal immigration harms legal immigration because it creates, “justifies” and spreads harmful stigmas and stereotypes about all immigrants. To the extent that any legal immigrant aids, abets or supports illegal immigrants, that legal immigrant is actually helping to create, extend and perpetuate latent fears and prejudices against minorities perceived to be illegal.
 As a proud Latino who lawfully immigrated to this country many years ago, I am disgusted and appalled by the arrogance, audacity and shameless hypocrisy of illegal immigrants and those lawful immigrants who would defend their brazen disrespect for the laws of the very nation they pretend to care about.
 These illegal immigrants are no more helpful to the cause of lawful immigrants and minorities than are women who make fraudulent rape and sexual harassment charges to the cause of all women victimized by these crimes. In fact, illegal immigrants are only benefiting their own selfish interests while harming the interests of just about everybody else.
 In November of 2006, Actress Adrienne Shelby was on the verge of success. She had recently starred in one movie and was on the verge of releasing another, which she directed and wrote. Shelby was, in the words of illegal immigration apologists, “seeking a better life” and on the verge of finding that goal. Below the New York City apartment office where Shelby was working, illegal immigrant Diego Pillco was working in a vacant apartment. He too, was seeking that “better life.”
 However, when Shelby made the mistake of complaining to Pillco about the noise he was making, he punched her unconscious and, thinking she was dead, hung her in her own bathroom to make her death look like a suicide. Thanks to some sneaker tracks and the efforts of Shelby’s family, the killer was captured. His boss, Louis Hernandez called Pillco “a good kid” and added, “I don’t know what happened. I don’t think he did it.” Although Pillco does not speak English, he explained through an interpreter that he feared Shelby would call authorities and his illegal status would be revealed. He explained that he did not intend to kill Shelby, and attempted to justify his actions by saying “I was having a bad day.”
 The instances of illegal immigrants like Pillco harming or killing through irresponsibility, evil intent or simply fear of deportation are endless. Sadly, the instances of pathetic, imbecilic and mindless political correctness and weak legislation allowing this carnage to continue are endless as well.
 Pillco did not speak English, but his cowardly actions spoke the language of irresponsibility, evil, desperation and fear that is the dialect of many illegal immigrants who commit crimes in this country. While there are many otherwise decent, hard-working illegal immigrants whose only crime is the illegal entry itself, the fact remains that illegal immigration is far from a victimless crime and is, in fact, a scourge aided and abetted by greed, mindless political correctness and biased media reporting.
 Sadly, there are many illegal immigrants who harm and kill. Sadly, there are many people like Louis Hernandez steeped in denial who refuse to accept the truth. Sadly, thanks to political, social and economic corruption and greed coupled with a traitorous disregard for our national self-interest, those who condone, defend, justify or promote illegal immigration are ensuring that this once great nation is having more than merely “a bad day.” Increasingly, the unjust revolving door that is our border with Mexico is turning out to be merely a door to eventual national ruin and oblivion.
 FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Gabriel Garnica, Esq., is a college professor and licensed attorney whose regular commentary also appears on Chronwatch, NewMediaJournal.us, The Daley Times-Post and Michnews. | 
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