Health & Beauty | May 2007  
Walk for Women’s Health

| To register for the Walk for Women’s Health or to make a donation, call Curves at [322] 222-8621 or the Instituto Municipal de la Mujer Puerto Vallarta at [322] 293-5348. | Puerto Vallarta - Curves, the gym for the 30 minute workout for women, together with the Instituto Municipal de la Mujer Puerto Vallarta are sponsoring a Walk for Women’s Health to call attention to the importance of women’s health, while raising money to build a shelter for abused women.
 This event will take place on Sunday, June 24th at 8:30 am, starting and finishing at the entrance of the Puerto Vallarta Sports Stadium. Inscriptions cost $50 pesos per person, with all proceeds going toward building the women's shelter. Other donations will be accepted if you are unable to walk.
 All Walk for Women’s Health participants will receive free shirts and caps, water and fruit. Medals will be awarded to the first 50 individuals to complete the 2.5 km walk, and many kind sponsors have donated door prizes to be won.
 Don't miss this fun and functional event. Everyone is welcome. For more information, to register for the walk or to make a donation, call Curves at [322] 222-8621 or the Instituto Municipal de la Mujer Puerto Vallarta at [322] 293-5348. | 
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